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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

Microsoft Researcher Stores Digital Life

Microsoft researcher Gordon Bell has been recording virtually all aspects of his life digitally for 10 years through his Microsoft-funded MyLifeBits project. He...

From ACM TechNews

Project U­ses Cell Phones as Computers in the Classroom

University of Michigan professor Elliot Soloway and University of North Texas professor Cathleen Norris have developed the Mobile Learning Environment, a suite...

From ACM TechNews

Stealthier Mac Attacks

A security expert at the recent Black Hat DC computer security conference demonstrated a technique for attacking the Mac operating system OS X without leaving any...

From ACM TechNews

Google and Amazon to Put More Books on Cellphones

Google has made 1.5 million books accessible on mobile devices such as the iPhone and the T-Mobile G1. The titles are the public domain books Google previously...

SIGGRAPH Debuts in Asia
From Communications of the ACM

SIGGRAPH Debuts in Asia

ACM's premier computer graphics conference hosts its first-ever graphics event in Asia, with a more global focus.

The First Internet President
From Communications of the ACM

The First Internet President

Barack Obama's presidential campaign utilized the Internet and information technology unlike any previous political campaign. How politicians and the public interact...

USACM's Policy Role
From Communications of the ACM

USACM's Policy Role

ACM members have a professional duty to ensure that the public comprehends and benefits from advances in computing.

From ACM TechNews

Revealed: The Environmental Impact of Google Searches

Harvard University physicist Alex Wissner-Gross has been researching the environmental impact of Google searching and claims that one search generates about 7 grams...

From ACM TechNews

P2P Traffic Control

Researchers at the University of California, Irvine believe that peer-to-peer style information sharing could be used to improve road conditions for drivers. Using...

From ACM TechNews

­W Med Students Prepare With Cutting Edge Technology

The University of Washington (UW) is increasingly requiring all medical, nursing, and pharmacology students, and those in similar fields, to perfect their skills...

The Long Road to 64 Bits
From Communications of the ACM

The Long Road to 64 Bits

The sometimes contentious development of 64-bit systems shows how technology decisions can have unexpected, enduring consequences.

ACM's Annual Report
From Communications of the ACM

ACM's Annual Report

I would be hard-pressed to recall in my four decades as an ACM member a time as eventful and exceptional as recorded by ACM in FY08.

A Pioneer Woman
From Communications of the ACM

A Pioneer Woman

Programmer Jean Bartik is inducted into the Computer History Museum's Hall of Fellows.

Context-Aware Smartphones
From Communications of the ACM

Context-Aware Smartphones

Future generations of smartphones will be context aware, tracking your behavior, providing information about the immediate environment, and anticipating your intentions...

The Universe in Your Computer
From Communications of the ACM

The Universe in Your Computer

Two virtual astronomical telescopes promise to transform the way people view and study the cosmos.

Calculating the Future
From Communications of the ACM

Calculating the Future

Climate researchers have no shortage of scientific issues on which to expend computer power. The biggest problem is choosing which one to tackle first.

From ACM TechNews

More and More, Schools Got Game

Teachers are increasingly incorporating video games, virtual reality, and simulations to improve education. Business and science classes are starting to use sophisticated...

From ACM TechNews

Google Brings Cross-Language Translation to Search Appliance

Google wants to create greater international interest in a new experimental feature that enables Google Search Appliance (GSA) to translate documents between 34...

From ACM TechNews

Sun, Consortium to Drive Tech Accessibility Project

Sun Microsystems is working with the European Commission-funded open Accessibility Everywhere: Groundwork, Infrastructure, Standards (AEGIS) Project to improve...

From ACM TechNews

Making Sense of the 'semantic Web'

The semantic Web could enable more interactive and accurate searches and is considered a crucial component of emerging Web 3.0 technology. Researchers are exploring...
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