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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Digital Twin for Intense Weather Gives Scientists 'Control Loop'
From ACM TechNews

Digital Twin for Intense Weather Gives Scientists 'Control Loop'

Scientists at Cerebras and the U.S. Department of Energy's National Energy Technology Laboratory said they can model extreme weather by accelerating field equations...

Harvard Shutting Down Project Studying Social Media Misinformation
From ACM TechNews

Harvard Shutting Down Project Studying Social Media Misinformation

Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government announced that next year it will close a research facility that studied online misinformation.

U.S., EU to Launch First-of-Its-Kind AI Agreement
From ACM TechNews

U.S., EU to Launch First-of-Its-Kind AI Agreement

An artificial intelligence agreement between the U.S. and EU aims to improve a variety of fields by speeding and enhancing use of the technology.

Forensic Imaging Technology Helps Virtual Autopsies Outnumber Invasive Post-Mortem Procedures
From ACM TechNews

Forensic Imaging Technology Helps Virtual Autopsies Outnumber Invasive Post-Mortem Procedures

Scientists in Australia say forensic imaging, augmented reality headsets, and artificial intelligence could reduce the necessity for invasive autopsies.

Space Robots Prepare to Grapple and Repair Satellites in Orbit
From ACM News

Space Robots Prepare to Grapple and Repair Satellites in Orbit

An interview with William Vincent, Robotic Servicing of Geosynchronous Satellites (RSGS) program manager at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory.

Israeli Computer Scientist Helps Crack Secrets of Mary Queen of Scots' Lost Letters
From ACM TechNews

Israeli Computer Scientist Helps Crack Secrets of Mary Queen of Scots' Lost Letters

Israeli computer scientist George Lasry led an international research team to decipher secret coded letters written by Mary, Queen of Scots, over four centuries...

Meta, Long an A.I. Leader, Tries Not to Be Left Out of the Boom
From ACM News

Meta, Long an A.I. Leader, Tries Not to Be Left Out of the Boom

It has long had technology to rival chatbots like ChatGPT, but can't afford to back artificial intelligence that can spread misinformation and toxic content.

Is AI Enough to Smooth Traffic in Famously Congested Areas?
From ACM News

Is AI Enough to Smooth Traffic in Famously Congested Areas?

The Port Authority of New York and New Jersey has begun deploying smarter technology at the Lincoln and Holland tunnels and the George Washington Bridge to help...

Apps Aim to Douse Social Media Dumpster Fire
From ACM TechNews

Apps Aim to Douse Social Media Dumpster Fire

New social apps are being introduced that promote a more positive online environment.

The Race to Build a ChatGPT-Powered Search Engine
From ACM News

The Race to Build a ChatGPT-Powered Search Engine

A search bot you converse with could make finding answers easier — if it doesn't tell fibs. Microsoft, Google, Baidu, and others are working on it.

A Watermark for Chatbots can Expose Text Written by an AI
From ACM News

A Watermark for Chatbots can Expose Text Written by an AI

The tool could let teachers spot plagiarism or help social media platforms fight disinformation bots.

Applying Scientific Method to Bail Reform
From ACM TechNews

Applying Scientific Method to Bail Reform

More than 50 state, city, and county jurisdictions in the U.S. have implemented the Public Safety Assessment (PSA) tool to shift from cash-based bail systems to...

Flying Robot Echolocates Like a Bat to Avoid Hitting Walls
From ACM TechNews

Flying Robot Echolocates Like a Bat to Avoid Hitting Walls

Frederike Dümbgen and colleagues have equipped a flying robot to use bat-like echolocation to map its surroundings using a simple microphone and speaker.

Wearable Sensor Provides Cardiac Imaging on the Go
From ACM TechNews

Wearable Sensor Provides Cardiac Imaging on the Go

A new portable ultrasound device uses custom algorithms to measure how much blood is being pumped by the heart.

Smart Contact Lens Diagnoses, Treats Glaucoma
From ACM TechNews

Smart Contact Lens Diagnoses, Treats Glaucoma

A smart contact lens can monitor intraocular pressure (IOP) in glaucoma patients and deliver medications in response to IOP levels.

AI Bot ChatGPT Needs Some Help With Math Assignments
From ACM News

AI Bot ChatGPT Needs Some Help With Math Assignments

Large language models supply grammatically correct answers but struggle with calculations.

Fact-Checkers Are Scrambling to Fight Disinformation With AI
From ACM News

Fact-Checkers Are Scrambling to Fight Disinformation With AI

Bad actors use artificial intelligence to propagate falsehoods and upset elections, but the same tools can be repurposed to defend the truth.

ML Approach May Aid Water Conservation Push
From ACM TechNews

ML Approach May Aid Water Conservation Push

Researchers used survey data from 3,000 residents of Phoenix, Las Vegas, and Denver to determine which are likely to alter their behaviors to conserve water in...

Ecologists Deploy Drones to Monitor Deer Population
From ACM TechNews

Ecologists Deploy Drones to Monitor Deer Population

Ecologists are using aerial drones to monitor fallow deer populations in the U.K.'s Ashdown Forest.

AI Goes to K Street: ChatGPT Turns Lobbyist
From ACM News

AI Goes to K Street: ChatGPT Turns Lobbyist

Automated influence campaigns could spell trouble for society.
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