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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

VW Vehicles to Converse with Drivers via ChatGPT by Mid-Year
From ACM TechNews

VW Vehicles to Converse with Drivers via ChatGPT by Mid-Year

Volkswagen (VW) drivers soon will be able to engage in back-and-forth dialogue with their vehicle's voice assistant via ChatGPT integration.

Algorithm Identifies Plastic Particles in Bottled Water
From ACM TechNews

Algorithm Identifies Plastic Particles in Bottled Water

Columbia University researchers developed a new microscopy technique and algorithm to analyze the amount of nanoplastics in one-liter bottles of water.

Biorobotic Heart Helps Scientists Study Cardiac Function
From ACM TechNews

Biorobotic Heart Helps Scientists Study Cardiac Function

Researchers developed a biorobotic replica of the human heart to help scientists better understand cardiac function.  

Technology Bolsters the Battle Against Wildfires
From ACM TechNews

Technology Bolsters the Battle Against Wildfires

Technology increasingly is being used to predict and fight wildfires.

Google Search Technique Used by Police Draws Legal Challenge
From ACM TechNews

Google Search Technique Used by Police Draws Legal Challenge

Activists are challenging law enforcement's use of Google search data in solving criminal cases.

Robot with Sense of Touch Grabs Ocean Trash
From ACM TechNews

Robot with Sense of Touch Grabs Ocean Trash

University of California, Los Angeles researchers developed an artificial skin that allows a robot to distinguish between inanimate objects and living sea creatures...

How Tech Automated the January 6 Investigations
From ACM TechNews

How Tech Automated the January 6 Investigations

Law enforcement increasingly is relying on technology to identify suspects.

The FTC Wants Your Help Fighting AI Vocal Cloning Scams
From ACM News

The FTC Wants Your Help Fighting AI Vocal Cloning Scams

Judges will award $25,000 to the best idea on how to combat malicious audio deepfakes.

AI Deepnets Throw Light on Ancient History
From ACM News

AI Deepnets Throw Light on Ancient History

Artificial Intelligence helps us read the previously unreadable.

Dark Corners of the Web Offer a Glimpse at A.I.'s Nefarious Future
From ACM News

Dark Corners of the Web Offer a Glimpse at A.I.'s Nefarious Future

In the hands of anonymous Internet users, A.I. tools can create waves of harassing and racist material. It's already happening on the anonymous message board 4chan...

Eye-Tracking Window Tech Tells Sightseers What They're Seeing
From ACM TechNews

Eye-Tracking Window Tech Tells Sightseers What They're Seeing

The AR Interactive Vehicle Display combines a transparent microLED panel with eye-tracking and GPS data to inform tour passengers of the sights they are seeing....

Brain Stimulation Could Help Doctors Learn to Use Surgery Robots
From ACM TechNews

Brain Stimulation Could Help Doctors Learn to Use Surgery Robots

Johns Hopkins University researchers found stimulating people's brains with gentle electric currents could boost their ability to learn in virtual environments....

Mercedes Adds Blue Car Light for Self-Driving
From ACM TechNews

Mercedes Adds Blue Car Light for Self-Driving

Mercedes-Benz has received approval to add external turquoise blue lights to its vehicles that indicate when they are in self-driving mode.

Epigenomics Now
From Communications of the ACM

Epigenomics Now

Computer power helps biologists track the regulation of genetic information.

Why Are Lawyers Afraid of AI?
From Communications of the ACM

Why Are Lawyers Afraid of AI?

Generative artificial intelligence and the law: there is no turning back.

ACM Publications Finances for 2022
From Communications of the ACM

ACM Publications Finances for 2022

Achieving a balance between mission, sustainability, and growth is without question ACM's greatest challenge as we transition to a fully Open Access model over...

Pangolin-Poaching Hot Spots Revealed by DNA Tests
From ACM TechNews

Pangolin-Poaching Hot Spots Revealed by DNA Tests

University of California, Los Angeles researchers developed a method for tracing the smuggling routes of pangolins using DNA tests.

Tech Gives Sound Directionality to Hearing Aids
From ACM TechNews

Tech Gives Sound Directionality to Hearing Aids

Researchers at Taiwan's National Cheng Kung University have developed a hearing aid system with sound directionality.

Hidden Pattern in Children's Eyes Can Reveal Autism
From ACM TechNews

Hidden Pattern in Children's Eyes Can Reveal Autism

Researchers have demonstrated the use of AI to screen for and determine the severity of autism in children and teens based on images of their retinas.

Google Allows More App Payment Options in Antitrust Deal With States
From ACM News

Google Allows More App Payment Options in Antitrust Deal With States

The tech giant will pay $700 million and allow app makers to collect payments directly in a settlement it hopes will help resolve other legal challenges.
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