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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Outdated Password Practices are Widespread
From ACM TechNews

Outdated Password Practices are Widespread

Researchers say a majority of the world’s most popular websites put users and their data at risk by failing to meet minimum password requirement standards.

Apple to Make It Easier to Text Between iPhones, Androids
From ACM TechNews

Apple to Make It Easier to Text Between iPhones, Androids

Apple will adopt a technological standard next year that will allow text messaging to operate more smoothly between its iOS devices and Android devices.

Revamping Python for an AI World
From Communications of the ACM

Revamping Python for an AI World

Mojo has the same syntax as Python, but runs up to 35,000 times faster.

How Meta Is Monetizing the Decline of Facebook
From ACM News

How Meta Is Monetizing the Decline of Facebook

Meta's goal is to get more people to use more of its apps and to monetize those people to the greatest extent possible.

Engineers Are on a Failure-Finding Mission
From ACM TechNews

Engineers Are on a Failure-Finding Mission

An algorithm developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers aims to identify potential failures in simulated autonomous systems prior to their real...

Kids with Disabilities Are Gamers, Too
From ACM TechNews

Kids with Disabilities Are Gamers, Too

Students developed prototype assistive technologies that could enable children with cerebral palsy to play video games.

Vision via Sound for the Blind
From ACM TechNews

Vision via Sound for the Blind

Scientists have created "acoustic touch" technology that uses sound to help blind people "see."

Smart Scalpel Helps Doctors Hone Surgical Skills
From ACM TechNews

Smart Scalpel Helps Doctors Hone Surgical Skills

A smart scalpel developed by researchers at the U.K.'s University of Edinburgh measures the amount of force applied during surgical procedures and could facilitate...

The App Store–But for Cars–May Not be Far Off
From ACM TechNews

The App Store–But for Cars–May Not be Far Off

Automaker General Motors has released a suite of open source application programming interfaces so software developers can build apps that integrate with connected...

Researchers Say Guardrails Built Around A.I. Systems Are Not So Sturdy
From ACM News

Researchers Say Guardrails Built Around A.I. Systems Are Not So Sturdy

OpenAI now lets outsiders tweak what its chatbot does. A new paper says that can lead to trouble.

Medical Imaging Fails Dark Skin. Researchers Fixed It
From ACM TechNews

Medical Imaging Fails Dark Skin. Researchers Fixed It

A team led by researchers at Johns Hopkins University developed a way to produce clear images of anyone's internal anatomy, no matter their skin tone.

Glasses Transcribe Speech in Real Time
From ACM TechNews

Glasses Transcribe Speech in Real Time

Several companies have started marketing "live-captioning glasses" to help hearing-impaired users communicate by overlaying real-time transcribed speech on the...

Disney Packs Big Emotion into Little Robot
From ACM TechNews

Disney Packs Big Emotion into Little Robot

A team of Disney Research scientists last week unveiled a bipedal robotic character combining a child-size frame with stubby legs, wiggling antennae, and an expressive...

AI Beats Human Sleuth at Finding Problematic Images in Research Papers
From ACM TechNews

AI Beats Human Sleuth at Finding Problematic Images in Research Papers

A study by independent U.K. biologist Sholto David found that artificial intelligence can identify image manipulation in research papers faster and more accurately...

Bilingual Game App Aims to Stave Off Dementia
From ACM TechNews

Bilingual Game App Aims to Stave Off Dementia

A multilingual app developed by researchers at the Singapore University of Technology and Design aims to use gamification to help ward off dementia in older adults...

Microscopy Image Segmentation via Point and Shape Regularized Data Synthesis
From ACM TechNews

Microscopy Image Segmentation via Point and Shape Regularized Data Synthesis

Researchers applied a new segmentation network trained by point annotations and synthetically produced image-segmentation pairs to microscopy images.

Keshav Pingali Recognized with ACM-IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award
From ACM News

Keshav Pingali Recognized with ACM-IEEE CS Ken Kennedy Award

The award will be formally presented to Pingali in November at The International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (SC23)...

CRISPR Tool Could Help Shred Viruses
From ACM TechNews

CRISPR Tool Could Help Shred Viruses

Rice University scientists have characterized the three-dimensional structure of one of the smallest known CRISPR-Cas13 systems for shredding or altering RNA.

Scientists Simulate Ant Warfare Using Age of Empires Computer Game
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Simulate Ant Warfare Using Age of Empires Computer Game

Scientists used the computer game "Age of Empires" to simulate ant ‘warfare’, in efforts to eradicate an invasive ant species.

Four-Hundred-Pound NYPD Robot Gets Tryout in Times Square Subway Station
From ACM TechNews

Four-Hundred-Pound NYPD Robot Gets Tryout in Times Square Subway Station

The New York Police Department has deployed a nearly 400-pound "fully autonomous outdoor security robot" in Times Square's subway station as a test run.
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