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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Robots Can Learn How to Support Teachers in Class Sessions
From ACM TechNews

Robots Can Learn How to Support Teachers in Class Sessions

Robots can learn techniques supportive of teachers in classrooms in only three hours, according to researchers at the universities of Plymouth, Lincoln, and the...

Coding Classes Help Inmates Prepare for Productive Life Outside Prison
From ACM TechNews

Coding Classes Help Inmates Prepare for Productive Life Outside Prison

About 20 inmates at Michigan's Parnall Correctional Facility have been learning the basics of front-end Web design for the last two months through a program provided...

Real-World Applications for Drones
From Communications of the ACM

Real-World Applications for Drones

Unmanned vehicles have a number of compelling real-world use cases.

When Drones Fly
From Communications of the ACM

When Drones Fly

Drone technology is poised to enter the mainstream of business and society, but engineering robust controls remains a challenge.

Geoffrey Charles Fox Recognized with 2019 ACM/IEEE Computer Society Ken Kennedy Award
From ACM News

Geoffrey Charles Fox Recognized with 2019 ACM/IEEE Computer Society Ken Kennedy Award

Fox was recognized for "foundational contributions to parallel computing methodology, algorithms and software, data analysis, and their interface with broad classes...

This Guy Just Found a Faster Way to Multiply
From ACM News

This Guy Just Found a Faster Way to Multiply

Because the method you learned in middle school is ridiculously slow.

California Launches Earthquake Early Warning System
From ACM TechNews

California Launches Earthquake Early Warning System

California has launched the first statewide earthquake warning system in the U.S.

Does Your Toothbrush Have an App Yet?
From ACM TechNews

Does Your Toothbrush Have an App Yet?

New technologies are being introduced to the world of dental care.

Europe's Old Universities Spin Out New Tech Companies
From ACM TechNews

Europe's Old Universities Spin Out New Tech Companies

Across Europe, some of the world's oldest universities are intensifying efforts to get promising technologies out of their labs and into commercial use.

La Trobe University Swaps Textbooks for VR, AR
From ACM TechNews

La Trobe University Swaps Textbooks for VR, AR

La Trobe University will swap out textbooks for augmented reality and virtual reality to teach anatomy as part of a 12-week pilot program.

Teen Hackers Try to Convince Parents They Are Up to Good
From ACM TechNews

Teen Hackers Try to Convince Parents They Are Up to Good

U.S. teenagers are forming hacking clubs and attempting to persuade their parents and teachers that hacking is not necessarily a malign vocation.

Women in STEM: No Simple Answers
From ACM News

Women in STEM: No Simple Answers

National averages of women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) professions vary greatly, for many reasons.

Ready, Set, Algorithms! Teams Learn AI by Racing Cars
From ACM TechNews

Ready, Set, Algorithms! Teams Learn AI by Racing Cars

Amazon Web Services developed the DeepRacer League, a competition designed to teach a branch of artificial intelligence known as reinforcement learning.

The CS Teacher Shortage
From Communications of the ACM

The CS Teacher Shortage

How can we fill more computer science classrooms when there just aren't enough teachers to go around?

Aristotle Award Presentation TECHCON 2019
From ACM News

Aristotle Award Presentation TECHCON 2019

The Aristotle Award was initiated in 1995 to recognize professors who best contribute to the development of the industry's most valuable resource, its human resource...

Theoretical Computer Scientist Receives Waterman Award
From ACM News

Theoretical Computer Scientist Receives Waterman Award

Mark Braverman is the third theoretical scientist in a decade to be honored with the Waterman Award.

Computing 'Boot Camp' is Showing that 'Anyone Can Be a Coder'
From ACM TechNews

Computing 'Boot Camp' is Showing that 'Anyone Can Be a Coder'

School of Code is a U.K.-based startup that offers 15 weeks of free training at a "boot camp" for computer programming.

States Boost Computer Science Education Efforts
From ACM TechNews

States Boost Computer Science Education Efforts

A new study found that only 45% of U.S. high schools offer classes in computer science, and that girls and minorities are underrepresented in those classes.

One in Five U.K. Schools Says Students Have Broken Into Computer Systems
From ACM TechNews

One in Five U.K. Schools Says Students Have Broken Into Computer Systems

A cybersecurity audit found 21% of 430 U.K. schools had their computers, networks, or servers hacked by students.

Schools Pushed for Tech in Every Classroom. Now Parents Are Pushing Back.
From ACM TechNews

Schools Pushed for Tech in Every Classroom. Now Parents Are Pushing Back.

U.S. schools have made huge technology investments in the last 10 years, but now parents and educators question whether the effect of technology on education has...
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