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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Toward Speech Recognition for Uncommon Spoken Languages
From ACM TechNews

Toward Speech Recognition for Uncommon Spoken Languages

The new Prune, Adjust, and Re-Prune (PARP) technique allows an advanced speech-learning model learn uncommon spoken languages more easily.

Crowdsourced Cybersecurity: Hunting for Bugs
From ACM News

Crowdsourced Cybersecurity: Hunting for Bugs

Companies offer big money to 'white-hat hackers' to find flaws in software products before the black hats do.

Smart Scheduling for Big Computing Tasks Cuts Emissions Up to a Third
From ACM TechNews

Smart Scheduling for Big Computing Tasks Cuts Emissions Up to a Third

Researchers found that shifting large computing jobs to nights or weekends can lower carbon emissions from datacenters by as much as a third.

Academy Student's Math Project Wins National STEM Competition
From ACM TechNews

Academy Student's Math Project Wins National STEM Competition

A ninth grader at Albuquerque Academy in New Mexico won the $25,000 Samueli Foundation Prize at the Broadcom MASTERS science and engineering contest.

Robot Teams Win DARPA Subterranean Challenge
From ACM News

Robot Teams Win DARPA Subterranean Challenge

The teams behind the real and virtual robots named as winners shared a total of  $5 million in prize money.

Some Artists Found a Lifeline Selling NFTs. Others Worry It's a Trap
From ACM News

Some Artists Found a Lifeline Selling NFTs. Others Worry It's a Trap

Artists are jumping into a market that will pay thousands for their work. But they're running into scams, environmental concerns, and crypto hype.

Qubit Devices Inch Toward Reality
From Communications of the ACM

Qubit Devices Inch Toward Reality

Key questions and challenges remain, including how to scale qubit devices while reducing noise and errors to the point where the devices become useful.

Filtering for Beauty
From Communications of the ACM

Filtering for Beauty

Social media "influencers" use augmented reality filtering apps to appear more beautiful, together, and cool. Results may vary.

One Giant Leap for the Mini Cheetah
From ACM TechNews

One Giant Leap for the Mini Cheetah

A new control system enhances the speed and agility of legged robots as they leap across gaps.

Walgreens Testing Drone Deliveries in Texas
From ACM TechNews

Walgreens Testing Drone Deliveries in Texas

Retail pharmacy chain Walgreens and Google affiliate Wing will test drone deliveries in Texas next week in the city of Frisco and the town of Little Elm.

Popular Student Monitoring Software Could Have Exposed Thousands to Hacks
From ACM TechNews

Popular Student Monitoring Software Could Have Exposed Thousands to Hacks

The McAfee Enterprise Advanced Threat Research team found a bug in the Netop Vision Pro Education software used by about 3 million teachers and students worldwide...

In Space, No One Can Fix Your Sign Errors
From ACM News

In Space, No One Can Fix Your Sign Errors

Once you've left the Earth, the simple inversion of a critical parameter can cause a mission to fail.

Search Engine Could Help Researchers Scour Internet for Privacy Documents
From ACM TechNews

Search Engine Could Help Researchers Scour Internet for Privacy Documents

Pennsylvania State University scientists have designed a search engine that uses artificial intelligence to sift through millions of online documents.  

ML Helps Reveal Cells' Inner Structures in Detail
From ACM TechNews

ML Helps Reveal Cells' Inner Structures in Detail

Researchers combined electron microscopy with machine learning to identify structures within cells.

Google's AI Upscaling Technology Outperforms Previous Models
From ACM News

Google's AI Upscaling Technology Outperforms Previous Models

New models developed by the search giant upgrade the resolution of photos.

Los Alamos Scientists Take Top Prizes in National Competition to Help Improve Electrical Grid
From ACM TechNews

Los Alamos Scientists Take Top Prizes in National Competition to Help Improve Electrical Grid

Hassan Hijazi and Carleton Coffrin of Los Alamos National Laboratory earned top prizes in a national contest to develop algorithms to enhance the electrical grid...

Google to Pay Developers to Make Open Source Projects More Secure
From ACM TechNews

Google to Pay Developers to Make Open Source Projects More Secure

Google is investing $1 million in the Linux Foundation's Secure Open Source pilot program to make open source projects more secure.

Active Defenders
From ACM News

Active Defenders

How the new self-healing cybersecurity software works.

FAA Technology Aims to Speed Takeoffs of Planes Idling on Runways
From ACM TechNews

FAA Technology Aims to Speed Takeoffs of Planes Idling on Runways

U.S. Federal Aviation Administration officials said the agency will deploy new software to more easily estimate when planes can taxi onto a runway and take off....

Risk Assessment Algorithms Can Unfairly Impact Court Decisions
From ACM TechNews

Risk Assessment Algorithms Can Unfairly Impact Court Decisions

A study suggests pretrial risk assessment algorithms increase the likelihood that judges will change their priorities in making pretrial decisions.
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