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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Little-Known Surveillance Tool Raises Concerns By Judges, Privacy Activists
From ACM News

Little-Known Surveillance Tool Raises Concerns By Judges, Privacy Activists

Federal investigators in Northern California routinely used a sophisticated surveillance system to scoop up data from cellphones and other wireless devices in an...

The Mayor's Geek Squad
From ACM News

The Mayor's Geek Squad

It was a case for a digital Sherlock Holmes.

The Future of the Internet Is Still Ads—and You're the Inventory
From ACM News

The Future of the Internet Is Still Ads—and You're the Inventory

Ads pay for the Internet, or at least for what most of us do online.

Web Money Gets Laundering Rule
From ACM News

Web Money Gets Laundering Rule

The U.S. is applying money-laundering rules to "virtual currencies," amid growing concern that new forms of cash bought on the Internet are being used to fund illicit...

Microsoft Gives ­ser Data to the ­.s. Government Less Often Than Google, But to Foreign Governments Far More
From ACM News

Microsoft Gives ­ser Data to the ­.s. Government Less Often Than Google, But to Foreign Governments Far More

Microsoft has finally joined Google and a small group of Internet firms that voluntarily reveal how often governments demand they hand over their users’ private...

Employers Struggle to Fill Computer Security Jobs
From ACM News

Employers Struggle to Fill Computer Security Jobs

Corporations and government agencies are scrambling to find new ways to attract people to jobs in information security, thanks to a growing gap between the demand...

Ap Wins Big: Why a Court Said Clipping Content Is Not Fair ­se
From ACM News

Ap Wins Big: Why a Court Said Clipping Content Is Not Fair ­se

A federal court has sided with the Associated Press and the New York Times in a closely watched case involving a company that scraped news content from the Internet...

At 17, App Builder Rockets to Riches From Yahoo Deal
From ACM Careers

At 17, App Builder Rockets to Riches From Yahoo Deal

Seventeen-year-old Nick D'Aloisio is taking some time off from school in London, where he lives with his parents. He will let mom and dad help manage his money.

Carnegie Mellon, Nsa Seek High School Hackers
From ACM Careers

Carnegie Mellon, Nsa Seek High School Hackers

Bored with classes? Carnegie Mellon University and one of the government's top spy agencies want to interest high school students in a game of computer hacking.

Hong Kong Looks to Build ­nderground Datacentre Caves
From ACM News

Hong Kong Looks to Build ­nderground Datacentre Caves

With more than seven million people squeezed in to around 1,100sq km of land space, and property prices regularly ranking among the highest in the world, Hong Kong...

U.s. Cybersecurity Policy Draws Interest from Companies, Lobbyists
From ACM News

U.s. Cybersecurity Policy Draws Interest from Companies, Lobbyists

The determination by Congress and President Obama to protect networks of critical U.S. industries from hackers and cyberspies is creating an explosive growth opportunity—for...

Artificial Connections
From Communications of the ACM

Artificial Connections

Scientists at the Blue Brain Project are using supercomputers to simulate neural connections in a 3-D model of a slice of mammalian brain.

A Strange Computer Promises Great Speed
From ACM News

A Strange Computer Promises Great Speed

Bitcoin: Fastest Growing Currency in the World
From ACM News

Bitcoin: Fastest Growing Currency in the World

Bitcoin is an unregulated, uncontrolled online currency—worth more than £500m, it's the world's fastest growing.

Radio Frequency Chip Makers Tune In to Smartphone Race
From ACM News

Radio Frequency Chip Makers Tune In to Smartphone Race

Radio frequency chip makers are set to gain as Samsung Electronics Co Ltd and Apple Inc unveil ever more sophisticated smartphones and tablets to battle for the...

Youtube Reaches a Billion Monthly Viewers, Boosted By 'generation C'
From ACM Careers

Youtube Reaches a Billion Monthly Viewers, Boosted By 'generation C'

YouTube has a billion unique users visiting the video-sharing website every month, equivalent to one out of every two people on the Internet—and the generationsmartphones...

How Nasa's Giant New Space Telescope Will Make Life on Earth Better
From ACM News

How Nasa's Giant New Space Telescope Will Make Life on Earth Better

NASA is responsible for more Earth-bound technologies than just space ice cream; the organization's research has led to everything from new kinds of artificial ...

Cyberwar Manual Lays Down Rules For Online Attacks
From ACM News

Cyberwar Manual Lays Down Rules For Online Attacks

Even cyberwar has rules, and one group of experts is putting out a manual to prove it.

When 'likes' Can Shed Light
From ACM News

When 'likes' Can Shed Light

Patterns of "Likes" posted by people on Facebook can unintentionally expose their political and religious views, drug use, divorce, and sexual orientation, researchers...

10 Companies Chasing Innovations That Really Matter
From ACM Careers

10 Companies Chasing Innovations That Really Matter

PayPal co-founder Max Levchin faced some flak recently when he announced he was starting a new company in the already crowded field of digital payments.
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