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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

An Amazon Engineer Had a Little Idea That Turned Into a Billion-Dollar Business
From ACM News

An Amazon Engineer Had a Little Idea That Turned Into a Billion-Dollar Business

Once upon a time, Amazon was a dot-com-era technology company best known for selling books.

Blue Waters Opts Out of Top500
From ACM News

Blue Waters Opts Out of Top500

The NCSA Blue Waters system is one of the fastest supercomputers in the world, but it won't appear on the TOP500 list—nor will it be taking part in the HPC Challenge...

Otellini's Legacy of Intel Profit Marred By Arm Competition
From ACM Opinion

Otellini's Legacy of Intel Profit Marred By Arm Competition

When Intel Chief Executive Paul Otellini retires in May, he'll leave a mixed record.

As Boom Lures App Creators, Tough Part Is Making a Living
From ACM Careers

As Boom Lures App Creators, Tough Part Is Making a Living

Shawn and Stephanie Grimes spent much of the last two years pursuing their dream of doing research and development for Apple, the world’s most successful corporation...

How to Steal Data from Your Neighbor in the Cloud
From ACM News

How to Steal Data from Your Neighbor in the Cloud

Cloud computing teaches people not to worry about physical equipment for hosting data and running software.

5 Big Tech Issues Await Obama in Second Term
From ACM News

5 Big Tech Issues Await Obama in Second Term

Technology policy didn't get much air time in the 2012 presidential election, but the Obama administration will face serious issues over the next four years.

Moore's Law Is Becoming Irrelevant
From ACM Opinion

Moore's Law Is Becoming Irrelevant

Companies like Apple and Samsung are the public face of the smartphone and tablet boom, but they all rely on ARM, the British company that licenses the energy-efficient...

Apple Said to Be Exploring Switch From Intel For Mac
From ACM News

Apple Said to Be Exploring Switch From Intel For Mac

Apple Inc. is exploring ways to replace Intel Corp. processors in its Mac personal computers with a version of the chip technology it uses in the iPhone and iPad...

Wrath of the Math: Obama Wins Nerdiest Election Ever
From ACM Opinion

Wrath of the Math: Obama Wins Nerdiest Election Ever

Congratulations, Barack Obama: You have prevailed in the nerdiest election in the history of the American Republic.

Future Mars Missions: Can Humans Actually Trump Robots?
From ACM Opinion

Future Mars Missions: Can Humans Actually Trump Robots?

For decades scientists have backed the idea of sending robots to collect Martian rocks and return them to Earth, a project that should be possible well before humans...

Why You Can't Vote Online Tuesday
From ACM News

Why You Can't Vote Online Tuesday

A decade and a half into the Web revolution, we do much of our banking and shopping online. So why can't we vote over the Internet? The answer is that voting presents...

From ACM News

When Is a Cyberattack an Act of War?

On the night of Oct. 11, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta stood inside the Intrepid Sea, Air and Space Museum, housed in a former aircraft carrier moored at a New...

The Consequences of Machine Intelligence
From ACM Opinion

The Consequences of Machine Intelligence

The question of what happens when machines get to be as intelligent as and even more intelligent than people seems to occupy many science-fiction writers.

Google's Street View Goes Into the Wild
From ACM News

Google's Street View Goes Into the Wild

Google's Street View maps are headed into the backcountry. Earlier this week, two teams from Google strapped on sophisticated backpacks jammed with cameras, gyroscopes...

Federal Budget Limits Affect Scientific Conferences
From ACM TechNews

Federal Budget Limits Affect Scientific Conferences

The Obama administration recently imposed new guidelines that limit the amount of money federal agencies can spend on regional conferences. However, several science...

In Mobile World, Tech Giants Scramble to Get ­p to Speed
From ACM News

In Mobile World, Tech Giants Scramble to Get ­p to Speed

Intel made its fortune on the chips that power personal computers, and Microsoft on the software that goes inside. Google’s secret sauce is that it finds what you...

Software on Mars
From Communications of the ACM

Software on Mars

With the AEGIS system, the Mars Exploration Rovers can autonomously select, capture, and analyze images using onboard logic.

Control Without Controllers
From Communications of the ACM

Control Without Controllers

Disney's Touché project could transform every conductive surface into a touch-control surface.

On the Digital Trail
From Communications of the ACM

On the Digital Trail

Forensics experts increasingly use data from digital devices to solve crimes, fight lawsuits, and unravel accidents.

Google and Microsoft ­nder Threat from the March of the Mobiles
From ACM News

Google and Microsoft ­nder Threat from the March of the Mobiles

We're used to the idea of "peak oil"—that there's only a finite amount of that stuff in the ground. What's the equivalent in the computing field?
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