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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Disabled Patients Mind-Meld With Robots
From ACM News

Disabled Patients Mind-Meld With Robots

They're not quite psychic yet, but machines are getting better at reading your mind. Researchers have invented a new, noninvasive method for recording patterns...

The Next Wave of Botnets Could Descend from the Skies
From ACM News

The Next Wave of Botnets Could Descend from the Skies

The buzz starts low and quickly gets louder as a toy quadricopter flies in low over the buildings. It might look like flight enthusiasts having fun, but it could...

From ACM News

Captcha Talks Back

What if CAPTCHA messed with you even more than it already does?

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Matching Images of Brain Activity with Complex Thought

Can you get a text output of your thoughts? Princeton scientists show that it is possible to generate text about the mental content reflected in brain images.

From ACM News

Household Robots Move from Science Fiction to Reality

Rosie the Robot could finally be coming to your home. Willow Garage, a startup in Menlo Park, has designed a robot called the PR2 that calls to mind the Jetsons'...

Robots Learn to Handle Objects, Understand New Places
From ACM TechNews

Robots Learn to Handle Objects, Understand New Places

A team from Cornell University's Personal Robotics Laboratory is teaching a robot to find its way around new environments and manipulate objects, and machine learning...

An Open Secret: Drone Warfare In Pakistan
From ACM News

An Open Secret: Drone Warfare In Pakistan

Drone warfare is now one of the most fundamental features of the U.S. battle against its enemies. Just don't ask anyone in the government to talk about it.

How 9/11 Inspired a New Era of Robotics
From ACM News

How 9/11 Inspired a New Era of Robotics

When Robin Murphy saw the World Trade Center towers fall on September 11, she knew of an unexpected group that could help respond: robots.

Seeing the Future of the Office Internet
From ACM News

Seeing the Future of the Office Internet

Inside the headquarters of networking giant Cisco in San Jose, California, lies a technology showcase where executives can test out advanced technologies like...

'smart' Cctv Could Track Rioters
From ACM News

'smart' Cctv Could Track Rioters

Researchers at Kingston University have created a system that uses artificial intelligence to recognise specific types of behaviour, such as someone holding a...

Robonaut Wakes Up In Space
From ACM News

Robonaut Wakes Up In Space

After months of patiently snoring away in its storage bag, Robonaut 2—the first dexterous humanoid robot in space—finally got its wakeup call on Monday.

Air Force Eyes Micromachine Bugs That Can Spy
From ACM News

Air Force Eyes Micromachine Bugs That Can Spy

At the Wright–Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio, some Ph.D. candidates are working on micro air vehicles, or tiny flying machines that are remotely piloted...

A Breakthrough in Algorithm Design
From Communications of the ACM

A Breakthrough in Algorithm Design

Computer scientists at Carnegie Mellon University have devised an algorithm that might be able to solve a certain class of linear systems much more quickly than...

From ACM News

Ibm's New Chips Compute More Like We Do

A microchip with about as much brain power as a garden worm might not seem very impressive, compared with the blindingly fast chips in modern personal computers...

Virtual and Artificial, but 58,000 Want Course
From ACM News

Virtual and Artificial, but 58,000 Want Course

A free online course at Stanford University on artificial intelligence, to be taught this fall by two leading experts from Silicon Valley, has attracted more...

Face Recognition Ids Chimps from Photos
From ACM News

Face Recognition Ids Chimps from Photos

Facial recognition isn't just for humans anymore; similar programs run on apes could help park rangers help identify chimps and gorillas, scientists have found...

From ACM News

Robot 'mission Impossible' Wins Video Prize

You could call it Mission Impossible: Robot Library Heist. An army of flying, rolling, and climbing robots have been taught to work together to find and snatch...

Researcher Teaches Computers to Detect Spam More Accurately
From ACM TechNews

Researcher Teaches Computers to Detect Spam More Accurately

Georgia Tech researcher Nina Balcan recently received a Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship for her work in developing machine learning methods that can be...

From ACM News

Self-Assembling Minirobots Swim and Manipulate Objects

Tiny, self-assembling robots can swim and clamp onto particles and then release them when subjected to the right magnetic fields.

Futurist Ray Kurzweil Says He Can Bring His Dead Father Back to Life Through a Computer Avatar
From ACM News

Futurist Ray Kurzweil Says He Can Bring His Dead Father Back to Life Through a Computer Avatar

Ray Kurzweil, a prominent inventor and "futurist" who has long predicted that mind and machine will one day merge, has been making arrangements to talk to his...
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