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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Creating 3D Objects with Sound
From ACM TechNews

Creating 3D Objects with Sound

Scientists have created a technique for assembling three-dimensional (3D) objects using ultrasound.

Major Quantum Computing Breakthrough Could Mean the Revolution Is Here
From ACM News

Major Quantum Computing Breakthrough Could Mean the Revolution Is Here

Preventing data degradation means the technology might be viable after all as world records are set.

Japan Rolls Out 'Humble, Lovable' Delivery Robots
From ACM TechNews

Japan Rolls Out 'Humble, Lovable' Delivery Robots

Japanese robotics companies are testing autonomous delivery robots to address a shortage of delivery workers.

You Know What's Cool? A 3D-Printing Factory
From ACM TechNews

You Know What's Cool? A 3D-Printing Factory

The Freeform Future startup aims to establish automated three-dimensional (3D) printing plants that mass-produce products from metal powders using laser arrays....

Forensic Imaging Technology Helps Virtual Autopsies Outnumber Invasive Post-Mortem Procedures
From ACM TechNews

Forensic Imaging Technology Helps Virtual Autopsies Outnumber Invasive Post-Mortem Procedures

Scientists in Australia say forensic imaging, augmented reality headsets, and artificial intelligence could reduce the necessity for invasive autopsies.

Space Robots Prepare to Grapple and Repair Satellites in Orbit
From ACM News

Space Robots Prepare to Grapple and Repair Satellites in Orbit

An interview with William Vincent, Robotic Servicing of Geosynchronous Satellites (RSGS) program manager at the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory.

How Big Tech Rewrote the Nation's First Cellphone Repair Law
From ACM News

How Big Tech Rewrote the Nation's First Cellphone Repair Law

Documents reveal tech lobbyists revised a right-to-repair bill before New York's governor signed it.

Researchers Propose Fourth Light on Traffic Signals - for Self-Driving Cars
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Propose Fourth Light on Traffic Signals - for Self-Driving Cars

North Carolina State University researchers proposed the addition of a "white light" to traffic signals to allow autonomous vehicles to help control the flow of...

Helper Robots Being Deployed to Ease Burden on Hospital Staff
From ACM TechNews

Helper Robots Being Deployed to Ease Burden on Hospital Staff

The U.K.'s National Health Service is exploring the deployment of helper robots to alleviate the burden on hospital personnel amid a nurse shortage.

Underdog Technologies Gain Ground in Quantum-Computing Race
From ACM News

Underdog Technologies Gain Ground in Quantum-Computing Race

Individual atoms trapped by optical 'tweezers' are emerging as a promising computational platform.

The Holy Grail of Electric Vehicles: Solid-State Batteries
From ACM News

The Holy Grail of Electric Vehicles: Solid-State Batteries

Manufacturers look to make batteries safer and help them last longer by replacing liquid cores with solid ones.

Inside the Project Trying to Save Datasets from Extinction
From ACM News

Inside the Project Trying to Save Datasets from Extinction

Researchers race to find ecological data kept on outdated media or in dusty backroom boxes—before they're lost forever.

Flying Robot Echolocates Like a Bat to Avoid Hitting Walls
From ACM TechNews

Flying Robot Echolocates Like a Bat to Avoid Hitting Walls

Frederike Dümbgen and colleagues have equipped a flying robot to use bat-like echolocation to map its surroundings using a simple microphone and speaker.

Wearable Sensor Provides Cardiac Imaging on the Go
From ACM TechNews

Wearable Sensor Provides Cardiac Imaging on the Go

A new portable ultrasound device uses custom algorithms to measure how much blood is being pumped by the heart.

Smart Contact Lens Diagnoses, Treats Glaucoma
From ACM TechNews

Smart Contact Lens Diagnoses, Treats Glaucoma

A smart contact lens can monitor intraocular pressure (IOP) in glaucoma patients and deliver medications in response to IOP levels.

DARPA's Quantum Computing is Powered by ... FOMO
From ACM News

DARPA's Quantum Computing is Powered by ... FOMO

Microsoft and friends happy to assuage Uncle Sam's anxiety — for a price.

Has the World's First Unhackable Chip Arrived?
From ACM News

Has the World's First Unhackable Chip Arrived?

Sinanoglu's backers include the National Science Foundation and the U.S. Department of Defense, which is supporting his research through its Defense Advanced Research...

Ecologists Deploy Drones to Monitor Deer Population
From ACM TechNews

Ecologists Deploy Drones to Monitor Deer Population

Ecologists are using aerial drones to monitor fallow deer populations in the U.K.'s Ashdown Forest.

Judge Denies U.S. Bid To Block Meta Virtual Reality Deal: Reports
From ACM News

Judge Denies U.S. Bid To Block Meta Virtual Reality Deal: Reports

"The court's ruling in the Meta/Within case is consistent with decades of legal precedent," said Matt Schruers, president of the Computer and Communications Industry...

Self-Driving Car Services Want to Expand in San Francisco Despite Recent Hiccups
From ACM News

Self-Driving Car Services Want to Expand in San Francisco Despite Recent Hiccups

Waymo and Cruise hope to widen their projects to more of the city. But local officials are increasingly concerned about breakdowns causing congestion.
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