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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Touchy Subject of Haptics
From Communications of the ACM

The Touchy Subject of Haptics

After more than 20 years of research and development, are haptic interfaces finally getting ready to enter the computing mainstream?

Nonlinear Systems Made Easy
From Communications of the ACM

Nonlinear Systems Made Easy

Pablo Parrilo has discovered a new approach to convex optimization that creates order out of chaos in complex nonlinear systems.

Cognitive Robotics Lab Tests Theories of Human Thought
From ACM News

Cognitive Robotics Lab Tests Theories of Human Thought

In a new Cognitive Robotics Lab at Rensselaer, students are exploring how human thought outwits brute force computing in the real world. The lab's 20 robots allow...

WikiLeaks Reveals Everybody's Christmas List: The World Wants Drones
From ACM News

WikiLeaks Reveals Everybody's Christmas List: The World Wants Drones

Black Friday has passed, but the holidays are upon us and shopping days are increasingly few. Having a hard time finding the perfect gift for that tiny emirate...

From ACM News

I.b.m. Supercomputer 'watson' to Challenge 'jeopardy' Stars

An I.B.M. supercomputer system named after the company’s founder, Thomas J. Watson Sr., is almost ready for a televised test: a bout of questioning on the quiz...

From ACM News

Robot Arm Improves Performance of Brain-Controlled Device

The performance of a brain-machine interface designed to help paralyzed subjects move objects with their thoughts is improved with the addition of a robotic arm...

Next Generation of Algorithms Inspired By Problem-Solving Ants
From ACM News

Next Generation of Algorithms Inspired By Problem-Solving Ants

An ant colony is the last place you'd expect to find a maths whiz, but University of Sydney researchers have shown that the humble ant is capable of solving difficult...

Avant-Garde Music Offers A Gateway to Artificial Intelligence
From ACM News

Avant-Garde Music Offers A Gateway to Artificial Intelligence

Stretching their boundaries, artificial intelligence researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have teamed up with musicians on an unlikely project: a digital...

Developing Robots For the Hospital Emergency Room
From ACM TechNews

Developing Robots For the Hospital Emergency Room

Vanderbilt University researchers formed an interdisciplinary team to study the use of robots in hospital emergency rooms. The researchers are developing a robotic...

From ACM News

New Psychology Theory Enables Computers To Mimic Human Creativity

A mathematical model based on the Explicit-Implicit Interaction psychology theory allows computers to mimic human creative problem-solving, and provides a new roadmap...

Computer-Generated Robots
From ACM TechNews

Computer-Generated Robots

Germany's Fraunhofer Institute for Manufacturing Engineering and Automation has developed a moving robot that is created automatically using a genetic software...

Crossing the ­ncanny Valley
From ACM TechNews

Crossing the ­ncanny Valley

Developers of robots and computer-generated films face the difficult task of making their creations as human as possible without looking too human, a perceptual...

Topic Models vs. Unstructured Data
From Communications of the ACM

Topic Models vs. Unstructured Data

With topic modeling, scientists can explore and understand huge collections of unlabeled information.

The Ethical Robot
From ACM TechNews

The Ethical Robot

University of Connecticut professor Susan Anderson and University of Hartford computer scientist Michael Anderson have programmed a robot to behave ethically....

From ACM TechNews

Part Moth, Part Machine: Cyborgs Are on the Move

Researchers are developing methods to produce complex behavior from robots by tapping into the nervous system of living organisms and using algorithms that already...

Why Is a Universal Translator So Elusive?
From ACM News

Why Is a Universal Translator So Elusive?

With a global economy and flights that can take you all over the world in hours, why is it that we still struggle with a language barrier that technology is finding...

Robot Troops Will Follow Orders, Beat You at Rock, Paper, Scissors
From ACM News

Robot Troops Will Follow Orders, Beat You at Rock, Paper, Scissors

The military has a ton of ground robots scurrying around Afghanistan. Too bad they’re dumb as puppets, unable to make the slightest move without a human pulling...

Long-Range Undersea Robot Does Its Own Research
From ACM News

Long-Range Undersea Robot Does Its Own Research

A new breed of undersea robot promises to give oceanographers a deeper understanding of ocean life by going faster, farther, and longer than its predecessors—and...

From ACM TechNews

Um Researchers Are Studying Child-Mother Interactions to Design Robots With Social Skills

University of Miami developmental psychologists and computer scientists from the University of California, San Diego are studying the interaction between infants...

Robot's Space Debut 'giant Leap For Tinmankind'
From ACM TechNews

Robot's Space Debut 'giant Leap For Tinmankind'

NASA is sending a humanoid robot, called Robonaut 2, to the International Space Station for the first time. R2 has more than 350 electrical sensors throughout...
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