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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

AI Might Enable Us to Talk to Animals Soon. Here's How
From ACM News

AI Might Enable Us to Talk to Animals Soon. Here's How

As large language models become experts at human speech, they're now shifting their focus to animal communication.

Deere Seeks Satellite Network to Connect Far-Flung Farms
From ACM TechNews

Deere Seeks Satellite Network to Connect Far-Flung Farms

Farm-equipment company Deere aims to network farms in remote regions of Brazil and the U.S. via satellites.

How does Quantum Computing Impact the Finance Industry?
From ACM News

How does Quantum Computing Impact the Finance Industry?

Quantum computers are only in the developmental stage; experiments are already showing their great potential in the finance industry.

 Researchers 3D-Print Miniature Vacuum Pump
From ACM TechNews

Researchers 3D-Print Miniature Vacuum Pump

Massachusetts Institute of Technology researchers three-dimensionally (3D)-printed a miniature peristaltic pump, in a step toward producing inexpensive mobile mass...

GPT-4 Can't Replace Striking TV Writers, But Studios Are Going to Try
From ACM News

GPT-4 Can't Replace Striking TV Writers, But Studios Are Going to Try

The desire to replace writers with AI is a symptom of the larger problem that the guild is fighting for—which is that companies do not value writers and their work...

FTC Proposes Blanket Prohibition Preventing Facebook from Monetizing Youth Data
From ACM News

FTC Proposes Blanket Prohibition Preventing Facebook from Monetizing Youth Data

FTC says the company violated 2020 privacy order; proposes new protections for children and teens.

My Weekend With an Emotional Support A.I. Companion
From ACM News

My Weekend With an Emotional Support A.I. Companion

Pi, an A.I. tool that debuted this week, is a twist on the new wave of chatbots: It assists people with their wellness and emotions.

'AI is Taking Your Favorite Radio by Storm': Swiss Station Replaces DJs, Musicians with AI for a Day
From ACM News

'AI is Taking Your Favorite Radio by Storm': Swiss Station Replaces DJs, Musicians with AI for a Day

A Swiss radio station, which falls under the umbrella of public broadcaster Radio Television Switzerland, notes the concerns about AI — and embraces and seeks to...

Creating More Opportunities for Women in Technology Sector and STEM Education in India
From ACM News

Creating More Opportunities for Women in Technology Sector and STEM Education in India

According to an AISHE survey, only 11% of engineering graduates in India are women. The percentage of women studying computer science in Indian universities has...

Apple, Google Partner to Combat Creepy Tracking Tactics
From ACM TechNews

Apple, Google Partner to Combat Creepy Tracking Tactics

Apple and Google jointly proposed new standards for combatting clandestine surveillance through Bluetooth object-tracking devices like Apple's AirTag.

Smart Glasses Dim Bright Objects
From ACM TechNews

Smart Glasses Dim Bright Objects

Camera- and liquid-crystal display-equipped smart glasses can "balance" a scene by dimming bright objects without affecting dim ones.

ASML, Eindhoven Tech University to Build Research Facility
From ACM TechNews

ASML, Eindhoven Tech University to Build Research Facility

European technology company ASML Holding announced it will partner with Eindhoven Technical University (TU Eindhoven) in the Netherlands to establish a new research...

Researchers Flesh Out Biocomputing
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Researchers Flesh Out Biocomputing

Drawing Intelligence from actual brain cells could deliver human-like cognition in diverse fields.

A.I. Is Getting Better at Mind-Reading
From ACM News

A.I. Is Getting Better at Mind-Reading

In a recent experiment, researchers used large language models to translate brain activity into words.

Can Artistry Be Built Into a Machine?
From ACM News

Can Artistry Be Built Into a Machine?

Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University developed a robot that can paint an abstract acrylic. Is it art?

G7 Digital Ministers Agree to Pursue Responsible AI as ChatGPT Booms
From ACM News

G7 Digital Ministers Agree to Pursue Responsible AI as ChatGPT Booms

How to apply rules to the use of generative AI tools is becoming a pressing issue for governments around the world in the wake of the public debut of OpenAI's ChatGPT...

What Happens When Teens Privately Ask for Help on Instagram?
From ACM TechNews

What Happens When Teens Privately Ask for Help on Instagram?

Researchers at Drexel and Vanderbilt universities investigated adolescent Instagram users' experiences on the social media platform to ensure they receive requested...

'Smart Mines' Drive China's Coal Build-Out
From ACM TechNews

'Smart Mines' Drive China's Coal Build-Out

China's mining operators are deploying robots and other technologies to expand its coal industry.

Thirty Years Ago, One Decision Changed Our Connected World
From ACM TechNews

Thirty Years Ago, One Decision Changed Our Connected World

The World Wide Web's launch three decades ago marked the beginning of the Internet's evolution into the revolutionary communications tool it has become.

'The Godfather of A.I.' Leaves Google, Warns of Danger Ahead
From ACM News

'The Godfather of A.I.' Leaves Google, Warns of Danger Ahead

For half a century, Geoffrey Hinton nurtured the technology at the heart of chatbots like ChatGPT. Now he worries it will cause serious harm.
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