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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

PRoViScout: ESA and NASA Develop an Independent Mars Exploration System
From ACM News

PRoViScout: ESA and NASA Develop an Independent Mars Exploration System

Researchers from across Europe—with a little help from experts at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory—are working on a new, robotic exploration system that could...

Everyday Robot Helpers Could Be Affordable in a Decade Or Less
From ACM News

Everyday Robot Helpers Could Be Affordable in a Decade Or Less

Cornell University Assistant Professor of Computer Science Ashutosh Saxena envisions that "in five to 10 years, people will buy an assistive robot that will be...

From ACM News

Robotic Arm's Big Flaw: Patients Say It's 'too Easy'

One touch directs a robotic arm to grab objects in a new computer program designed to give people in wheelchairs more independence. University of Central Florida...

Artificial Intelligence Goes Mobile
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Artificial Intelligence Goes Mobile

Some of technology's biggest companies are developing AI-related hardware, software, and components to run on smartphones and tablets. Might a wireless device...

Eu Project Aims to Build Computers That Can Learn From ­S
From ACM TechNews

Eu Project Aims to Build Computers That Can Learn From ­S

The EU-funded COGNITO project is building a computer system that can observe people, learn how they do things, and help them carry out tasks. The research team's...

From ACM TechNews

Dancing Robot Swan Triggers Emotions

Researchers at Sweden's Malardalen University have created a robot in the form of a swan that can dance to the music of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake.

Pentagon Bomb Squad Backs Super Snipers, Mini-Bots, Secret Spy Tech
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Pentagon Bomb Squad Backs Super Snipers, Mini-Bots, Secret Spy Tech

"Devil Pup" robots. Super sniper scopes. Secret signals intelligence sensors. Flying spies to find buried threats. Campaigns to influence the media behind the...

Tiny Mavs May Someday Explore and Detect Environmental Hazards
From ACM TechNews

Tiny Mavs May Someday Explore and Detect Environmental Hazards

The next phase of high-performance micro air vehicles (MAVs) for the Air Force could involve insect-sized robots for monitoring and exploring hazardous environments...

Hrp-4 Robot Can Strike a Pose, Pour Drinks
From ACM News

Hrp-4 Robot Can Strike a Pose, Pour Drinks

Japan has added another soldier to its humanoid robot army. The HRP-4 is the latest edition in the state-backed humanoid project.

European Partnership Funds Research Toward Robot Aides for the Elderly
From ACM TechNews

European Partnership Funds Research Toward Robot Aides for the Elderly

A team of researchers from 20 European states, the European Union, and several private enterprises recently launched a project aimed at developing robots capable...

NC State Receives Grant To Study Artificial Intelligence In The Classroom
From ACM News

NC State Receives Grant To Study Artificial Intelligence In The Classroom

North Carolina State University recently received a four-year, $3.5 million grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation to explore using artificial intelligence...

DARPA Wants to Create Brainiac Bot Tots
From ACM TechNews

DARPA Wants to Create Brainiac Bot Tots

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is funding scientist Shane Mueller's efforts to expand upon the Turing test as part of an attempt to...

How Football Playing Robots Have the Future of AI at Their Feet
From ACM TechNews

How Football Playing Robots Have the Future of AI at Their Feet

Research published in WIREs Cognitive Science details how robots designed to play football (called "soccer" in the U.S.) are propelling the development of robotic...

Wheelchair Makes the Most of Brain Control
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Wheelchair Makes the Most of Brain Control

Artificial intelligence improves a wheelchair system that could give paralyzed people greater mobility.

New Method Helps Computer Vision Systems Decipher Outdoor Scenes
From ACM TechNews

New Method Helps Computer Vision Systems Decipher Outdoor Scenes

Carnegie Mellon University researchers have developed a system that enables computers to extract more information from an image by analyzing the physical constraints...

Cracking Flight's Mysteries
From ACM TechNews

Cracking Flight's Mysteries

Harvard University engineers are developing minuscule aerial robots that could one day be used to investigate areas that are too hazardous for humans. The robot's...

Researchers Give Robots the Capability For Deceptive Behavior
From ACM News

Researchers Give Robots the Capability For Deceptive Behavior

Researchers have published what is believed to be the first detailed examination of robot deception. They developed algorithms that allow a robot to determine whether...

Shape-Shifting Robot Compensates For Damaged Limb
From ACM TechNews

Shape-Shifting Robot Compensates For Damaged Limb

European roboticists have developed software that enables a modular robot to adapt when one part stops working. 

Researchers Create Robot That Can Pair, Fold Socks
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Create Robot That Can Pair, Fold Socks

University of California, Berkeley researchers have developed a robot that can pair and fold socks. The robot can determine whether a sock is inside out based on...

From ACM News

Google Finding Its Voice

Google's Mike Cohen won't be satisfied until anyone who wants to talk to their computer can do so without laughing at the hideous translation or sighing in frustration...
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