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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Secrets of the Gecko Foot Help Robot Climb
From ACM TechNews

Secrets of the Gecko Foot Help Robot Climb

Stanford University engineer Mark Cutkosky has led the development of Stickybot, a robot that can climb up smooth surfaces with feet modeled on the design of gecko...

From ACM News

Telepresence Robot Replaces Editor at Ieee Spectrum

With several companies offering telepresence robots to act as people's proxies at the office, IEEE Spectrum magazine investigated their use earlier this year by...

Cycling Through Data
From Communications of the ACM

Cycling Through Data

Sensor-equipped bicycles are providing valuable data to cyclists, city planners, and computer scientists.

Brains and Bytes
From Communications of the ACM

Brains and Bytes

Computational neuroscientists are learning that the brain is like a computer, except when it isn't.

Online Games Are a Gold Mine for Design Ideas
From ACM News

Online Games Are a Gold Mine for Design Ideas

Gone are the days when video gaming was a private pursuit. Gaming services such as Microsoft's Xbox Live not only connect players in living rooms the world over...

Robots Learning From Experience
From ICT Results

Robots Learning From Experience

Software that enables robots to move objects about a room, building up ever-more knowledge about their environment, is an important step forward in artificial intelligence...

Alien Hunters 'should Look For Artificial Intelligence'
From ACM News

Alien Hunters 'should Look For Artificial Intelligence'

A senior astronomer has said that the hunt for alien life should take into account alien "sentient machines."

For Pianist, Software Is Replacing Sonatas
From ACM News

For Pianist, Software Is Replacing Sonatas

The pianist Robert Taub was puttering around the house one afternoon in 2004 while his teen-age daughter was practicing for a violin lesson—a Schubert sonatina...

Google Offers Cloud-Based Learning Engine
From ACM News

Google Offers Cloud-Based Learning Engine

Providing developers with machine learning on tap could unleash a flood of smarter apps.

Riders on a Swarm
From ACM News

Riders on a Swarm

Mimicking the behaviour of ants, bees and birds started as a poor man’s version of artificial intelligence. It may, though, be the key to the real thing.

Speech Recognition Systems Must Get Smarter, Professor Says
From ACM TechNews

Speech Recognition Systems Must Get Smarter, Professor Says

University of Rochester professor James Allen says the key to making speech-recognition systems less frustrating to use is giving them a deeper understanding of...

Star Wars Meets Ups as Robonaut Packed For Space
From ACM News

Star Wars Meets Ups as Robonaut Packed For Space

Getting into space isn't necessarily easy for astronauts, and it's not much easier for a robotic astronaut, either.

Roadmap For the Robotic Future
From ICT Results

Roadmap For the Robotic Future

The humble robot cleaning your floor heralds a growing wave of robot helpers, from miners to surgeons. With a quarter of the world market for industrial robots,...

From ACM News

A Sidewalk Disappearing Act

Automatically removing people from street-level imagery could help prevent privacy complaints.

Driverless Cars Just Around the Corner
From ACM TechNews

Driverless Cars Just Around the Corner

Researchers worldwide are developing technologies that enable cars to drive themselves. "You can buy a car today that I'd like to say is 90 percent driverless,"...

Shape-Shifting Robots
From ACM News

Shape-Shifting Robots

Self-folding sheets of a plastic-like material point the way to robots that can assume any conceivable 3D structure.

Artificial Life Forms Evolve Basic Intelligence
From ACM News

Artificial Life Forms Evolve Basic Intelligence

For generations, the Avidians have been cloning themselves quietly in a box. They're not perfect, but most of their mutations go unnoticed. Then something remarkable...

Robot Pills
From ACM TechNews

Robot Pills

Pill-sized robotic capsules are under development for screening, diagnostic, and therapeutic procedures. 

Italy to China in Driverless Vehicles
From ACM TechNews

Italy to China in Driverless Vehicles

University of Parma researchers recently embarked on an 8,000-mile, three-month road trip from Italy to China to test the limits of driverless vehicles. 

Acrobatic Robots
From ACM News

Acrobatic Robots

Dennis Hong is living his dream, in a lab filled with wacky robots. He is director of Virginia Tech's Robotics and Mechanisms Laboratory, which is filled with...
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