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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

John McCarthy, 1927 - 2011
From Communications of the ACM

John McCarthy, 1927 - 2011

Winner of the 1971 A.M. Turing Award, John McCarthy was a founder of artificial intelligence and inventor of the Lisp programming language.

Analyzing Apple Products
From Communications of the ACM

Analyzing Apple Products

Researchers untangle the complex web of Apple's global supply chain — and offer lessons for managers and policymakers trying to chart the future course of U.S....

Celebration Time
From Communications of the ACM

Celebration Time

The centennial celebrations of Alan Turing's birth might help turn a quiet British genius into an iconic global hero.

Law and Disorder
From Communications of the ACM

Law and Disorder

International law has always been a murky and Byzantine area. However, the Internet and digital technology have raised the stakes, the risks, and the challenges...

Revamping Storage Performance
From Communications of the ACM

Revamping Storage Performance

Great strides are being made in finding fast alternatives to the slow disks that dominate storage systems, but fast media are not nearly enough.

Got Research? Nist Could Show You the Money
From ACM TechNews

Got Research? Nist Could Show You the Money

The U.S. NIST will make funding available for research subjects such as information technology, smart grid and control system security, and systems integration...

Mexico's Cartels Build Own National Radio System
From ACM News

Mexico's Cartels Build Own National Radio System

When convoys of soldiers or federal police move through the scrubland of northern Mexico, the Zetas drug cartel knows they are coming.

The Emergence of a Digital Money Ecosystem
From ACM Opinion

The Emergence of a Digital Money Ecosystem

At the beginning of this year I wrote that the transition to universal mobile digital money is likely to be among the most exciting, important and challenging...

Bitcoin's Comeback: Should Western ­nion Be Afraid?
From ACM News

Bitcoin's Comeback: Should Western ­nion Be Afraid?

The last time we wrote about Bitcoin, in October, the currency's future looked grim. A series of security incidents had created an avalanche of bad press, which...

Occupy Geeks Are Building a Facebook For the 99%
From ACM News

Occupy Geeks Are Building a Facebook For the 99%

As part of the Occupy Wall Street movement, a team of Web and mobile application developers is redesigning social networking for the era of global protests.

Traditional Social Networks Fueled Twitter's Spread
From ACM News

Traditional Social Networks Fueled Twitter's Spread

We've all heard it: The Internet has flattened the world, allowing social networks to spring up overnight, independent of geography or socioeconomic status.

Twitter of Terror
From ACM News

Twitter of Terror

Al-Shabaab, the Somali militant group heretofore best known for stoning teenage girls, blowing up soccer fans, and blocking food aid to their starving countrymen...

No More Access to Google's Hadoop Cloud For Researchers
From ACM News

No More Access to Google's Hadoop Cloud For Researchers

Google announced it is ending its Academic Cloud Computing Initiative, a joint program with IBM and the National Science Foundation that gave researchers access...

The Perfect Software Tester?
From ACM News

The Perfect Software Tester?

As Aspiritech and other companies are discovering, autistic individuals possess certain unique skills that make them ideal as software testers.

From ACM News

China Tops ­.s., Japan to Become Top Patent Filer

China became the world's top patent filer in 2011, surpassing the U.S. and Japan as it steps up innovation to improve its intellectual property rights track record...

From ACM News

Answers to Google Interview Questions

1. What's the next number in this sequence: 10, 9, 60, 90, 70, 66 … ?

From ACM News

How to Ace a Google Interview

Imagine a man named Jim. He's applying for a job at Google. Jim knows that the odds are stacked against him. Google receives a million job applications a year.

Amazon Builds World's Fastest Nonexistent Supercomputer
From ACM News

Amazon Builds World's Fastest Nonexistent Supercomputer

The 42nd fastest supercomputer on earth doesn’t exist.

Mystery Men Forge Servers For Giants of Internet
From ACM News

Mystery Men Forge Servers For Giants of Internet

If you drive down highway 880 from Oakland, Calif., take an exit about 30 miles south, and snake past a long line of car dealerships, you’ll find an ordinary...

Entry-Level It Jobs Will Be Plentiful in 2012, Experts Predict
From ACM TechNews

Entry-Level It Jobs Will Be Plentiful in 2012, Experts Predict

There is a shortage of information technology (IT) workers in 18 states and Washington, DC, according to The shortage will probably drive entry-level...
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