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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Risky Business
From Communications of the ACM

Risky Business

Governments, companies, and individuals have suffered an unusual number of highly publicized data breaches this year. Is there a solution?

Hacking Cars
From Communications of the ACM

Hacking Cars

Researchers have discovered important security flaws in modern automobile systems. Will car thieves learn to pick locks with their laptops?

Jobs Tried Exotic Treatments to Combat Cancer, Book Says
From ACM News

Jobs Tried Exotic Treatments to Combat Cancer, Book Says

In his last years, Steven P. Jobs veered from exotic diets to cutting-edge treatments as he fought the cancer that ultimately took his life, according to a new...

Two Top Suitors Are Emerging for New Graduate School of Engineering
From ACM News

Two Top Suitors Are Emerging for New Graduate School of Engineering

With less than two weeks left to apply in the competition for $400 million in land and subsidies to build a science and engineering graduate school in New York...

Preventing a Pearl Harbor of Cyberspace
From ACM News

Preventing a Pearl Harbor of Cyberspace

At a time when the Internet has been inextricably linked to our national infrastructure, there are understandably serious concerns about the ability of the U.S...

Microsoft Embraces Elephant of Open Source
From ACM News

Microsoft Embraces Elephant of Open Source

It took more than three years, but Microsoft has finally learned to stop worrying and love Hadoop.

Instant Health Checks For Buildings and Bridges
From ACM News

Instant Health Checks For Buildings and Bridges

During 2011's deadly onslaught of earthquakes, floods and tornadoes, countless buildings had to be evacuated while workers checked to make sure they were stable...

Clamping Down on High-Speed Stock Trades
From ACM News

Clamping Down on High-Speed Stock Trades

Regulators in the United States and overseas are cracking down on computerized high-speed trading that crowds today’s stock exchanges, worried that as it spreads...

From ACM News

Steve Jobs's Patents

The 317 Apple patents that list Steven P. Jobs among the group of inventors offer a glimpse at his legendary say over the minute details of the company's products—from...

From ACM News

Light Is Not Fast Enough For High-Speed Stock Trading

Every microsecond counts in stock trading. The New York Stock Exchange handles a third of the world's stock trading—around 22 billion messages a day. But NYSE Euronext...

Scott Forstall, the Sorcerer's Apprentice at Apple
From ACM News

Scott Forstall, the Sorcerer's Apprentice at Apple

The deteriorating health of Steve Jobs loomed over Apple’s Oct. 4 press event at the company’s headquarters in Cupertino, Calif. Apple wanted the day to be all...

High-Skill Visa Reform Needs Action By Congress, Obama Says
From ACM TechNews

High-Skill Visa Reform Needs Action By Congress, Obama Says

Congressional action is needed to overhaul high-skill immigration policy, President Obama said during a meeting of the President's Council on Jobs and Competitiveness...

Bridging the It Skills Gap
From ACM TechNews

Bridging the It Skills Gap

More than 550,000 new entrants over the next five years are required to fill information technology (IT) and telecoms professional job openings in Britain, according...

Air Force Insists: Drone Cockpit Virus Just a 'nuisance'
From ACM News

Air Force Insists: Drone Cockpit Virus Just a 'nuisance'

The U.S. Air Force revealed new details Wednesday about the virus that’s been infecting the remote cockpits of its drone fleet—and insisted, despite reports from...

Design Spotlight Is Thrown on Ive
From ACM News

Design Spotlight Is Thrown on Ive

Without Steve Jobs, Apple Inc. investors and customers are asking a big question: Can it continue to turn out innovative products without its co-founder and design...

From ACM News

Will Robots Steal Your Job as a Scientist?

Can robots work as scientists? At first, this seems like a silly question. Computers are pervasive in science, and if you walk into a large university lab today...

Ibm Projects It Will Have World
From ACM News

Ibm Projects It Will Have World

IBM isn't resting on its laurels as the newly crowned second-most valuable technology company in the world.

IBM Bets on Data-Centric Computing
From ACM News

IBM Bets on Data-Centric Computing

Jai Menon, chief technology officer and vice-president for technical strategy for IBM's Systems and Technology Group, holds 52 patents and is arguably most famous...

From ACM News

Patent Lawyer Demand Rises Following ­.s. Legislative Overhaul

 Patent attorneys, who typically have degrees in fields such as engineering as well as law, are in such demand that their specialty may account for more than 15...

Computer Virus Hits U.s. Drone Fleet
From ACM News

Computer Virus Hits U.s. Drone Fleet

A computer virus has infected the cockpits of America’s Predator and Reaper drones, logging pilots' every keystroke as they remotely fly missions over Afghanistan...
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