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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

The Class That Built Apps, and Fortunes
From ACM News

The Class That Built Apps, and Fortunes

All right, class, here’s your homework assignment: Devise an app. Get people to use it. Repeat.

Intel Increases Transistor Speed by Building ­pward
From ACM News

Intel Increases Transistor Speed by Building ­pward

Intel announced that by building a key portion of a microprocessor's transistor above the chip's surface, it has found a way to make smaller, faster, lower-power...

From ACM News

China Sets Up Office For Internet Information Management

The Chinese government announced Wednesday the setting up of an office to manage Internet information in a statement of the State Council General Office. The...

How Credit Card Data Is Stolen and Sold
From ACM News

How Credit Card Data Is Stolen and Sold

Last week, after the Sony PlayStation Network was attacked by a group of unknown hackers, Sony's 77 million customers, along with security specialists and government...

From ACM News

Data Analysis Is Creating New Business Opportunities

Sitting in the left-field upper deck to watch the San Francisco Giants play baseball on May 11 would cost you eight bucks if you'd bought the ticket in late April...

Sony Brings In High-Tech Sleuths
From ACM News

Sony Brings In High-Tech Sleuths

New details emerged about Sony Corp.'s investigation into one of the biggest data breaches in history, as the company attempts to piece together who stole personal...

Failure Cascading Through the Cloud
From ACM News

Failure Cascading Through the Cloud

Two major cloud computing services, Amazon's Elastic Compute Cloud and Sony's PlayStation Network, recently suffered extended outages. Though the circumstances...

From ACM News

The Ph.d. Problem: Are We Giving Out Too Many Degrees?

In developed nations, the number of Ph.D.s given in the sciences each year has grown by almost 40% since 1998, reaching about 34,000 doctorates in 2008. This...

From ACM News

A Glimpse Inside Google's Beijing Headquarters

Google may appear to be under siege in China, but a sense of normalcy—Google style—pervades the company's headquarters here.

Jobs and Apple Execs on Tracking Down the Facts About Iphones and Location
From ACM Opinion

Jobs and Apple Execs on Tracking Down the Facts About Iphones and Location

Although Apple was silent for several days after researchers raised issues about location information being stored on the iPhone, that wasn’t because it was ignoring...

China: 900 Million Mobile ­sers Asking Themselves "iphone or Android"?
From ACM News

China: 900 Million Mobile ­sers Asking Themselves "iphone or Android"?

In Apple's second quarter, iPhone sales in China surged nearly 250% year over year, making the country the iPhone's fastest growing market—a title it will retain...

Joichi Ito Named Director of MIT Media Lab
From ACM News

Joichi Ito Named Director of MIT Media Lab

MIT announced that Joichi (“Joi” — pronounced “Joey”) Ito has been selected as the next director of the MIT Media Lab.

From ACM News

Apple, Google Leagues Ahead in Developer Survey

Google lost some ground in its effort to catch Apple's lead in the effort to attract mobile developer interest, but other rivals aren't even close, survey data...

Web Science Meets Network Science
From Communications of the ACM

Web Science Meets Network Science

A pair of divergent scientific communities discusses their similarities and differences, and search for common ground.

Deus Ex Machina
From Communications of the ACM

Deus Ex Machina

Computational metaphysics is helping philosophers answer age-old questions, such as whether God exists.

Data Optimization in Developing Nations
From Communications of the ACM

Data Optimization in Developing Nations

Artificial intelligence and machine learning could expand access to health care, improve the quality of education, and respond effectively to natural disasters...

I, Domestic Robot
From Communications of the ACM

I, Domestic Robot

With recent advances in laser rangefinders, faster algorithms, and open source robotic operating systems, researchers are increasing domestic robots' semantic and...

This Tech Bubble Is Different
From ACM News

This Tech Bubble Is Different

Tech bubbles happen, but we usually gain from the innovation left behind. This one—driven by social networking—could leave us empty-handed.

From ACM News

Justices Question Microsoft's Vision of Patent Law

U.S. Supreme Court justices questioned Monday whether they should side with Microsoft and weaken the legal standard needed to invalidate a patent, with some justices...

From ACM News

Busy Job of Judging Video-Game Content to Be Ceded to Machines

The little E's, T's, and M's that appear on the covers of video games get there the old-fashioned way: People working for the Entertainment Software Rating Board...
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