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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Sinister Take on Search Engine Optimization
From ACM TechNews

Sinister Take on Search Engine Optimization

Cybercriminals are increasingly using SEO to trick computer users into visiting malicious websites, according to security researchers. In one tactic, cybercriminals...

From ACM News

7887 Khz, Your Home For Classic Cuban Espionage Radio

The FBI documents that accompanied last week's arrest of 10 alleged Russian spies are alternately creepy—who knew the Tribeca Barnes & Noble was a hotbed of espionage...

From ACM News

Chinese Think Tank Accuses ­.S., Other Western Countries of ­sing Facebook to Sow ­nrest

A Chinese government-backed think tank has accused the U.S. and other Western governments of using social-networking sites such as Facebook to spur political unrest...

From ACM TechNews

Government Auditors Urge Clearer Cybersecurity R&D Strategy

The U.S. Government Accountability Office has released a report that criticizes the way in which the federal government funds and carries out cybersecurity research...

War in the Fifth Domain
From ACM TechNews

War in the Fifth Domain

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization's Estonia-based "center of excellence" for cyberdefense is the hub of brainstorming efforts covering the tactical and legal...

Why Face Recognition Isn't Scary
From ACM News

Why Face Recognition Isn't Scary

Most of the time, Stacey Schlittenhard finds facial recognition technology to be extremely useful. When she uploads her family photos to the Website Picasa, for...

Loophole May Have Aided Theft of Classified Data
From ACM News

Loophole May Have Aided Theft of Classified Data

The soldier accused of downloading a huge trove of secret data from military computers in Iraq appears to have exploited a loophole in Defense Department security...

From ACM News

­pdated Computer Security Publication Focuses on Security Assessment Plans

NIST has published an updated set of guidelines for developing security assessment plans and associated security control assessment procedures that are consistent...

From ACM News

Is Breaking Captcha a Crime?

Prosecutors in a New Jersey ticket scalping case are pushing the envelope on the federal computer hacking law, setting a precedent that could make it a felony to...

The Website That Reveals State Secrets
From ACM News

The Website That Reveals State Secrets

If Daniel Ellsberg wanted to leak secret documents today, he probably would send them to a powerful and controversial new venue for whistle-blowing: a Website called...

From ACM News

Repeat of S. Korea, ­.s. Cyberattacks Does No Damage

Hundreds of computers that helped cause a wave of outages on U.S. and South Korean government websites last July launched new attacks on the same sites, but no...

­U.S. Plans Cyber Shield For U­tilities, Companies
From ACM News

­U.S. Plans Cyber Shield For U­tilities, Companies

The U.S. government is launching a program dubbed "Perfect Citizen" to detect cyber assaults on private companies and government agencies running critical infrastructure...

Taking the Mystery Out of Web Anonymity
From ACM News

Taking the Mystery Out of Web Anonymity

The Obama Administration is trying to fix the Internet’s dog problem.

To Stop Cheats, Colleges Learn Their Trickery
From ACM News

To Stop Cheats, Colleges Learn Their Trickery

The frontier in the battle to defeat student cheating may be here at the testing center of the University of Central Florida.

Biometric Atm Gives Cash Via 'finger Vein' Scan
From ACM News

Biometric Atm Gives Cash Via 'finger Vein' Scan

Poland's cooperative BPS bank says it's the first in Europe to install a biometric ATM--allowing customers to withdraw cash simply with the touch of a fingertip...

'paperless Ticketing' Aims to Thwart Scalping at Concerts, Sports Events
From ACM News

'paperless Ticketing' Aims to Thwart Scalping at Concerts, Sports Events

Anyone who's ever chased a hot ticket for a concert or sports event knows the agony of the drill. Wait--online or in line--until the box office opens and then compete...

From ACM News

The Tech Refresher Russia's Spies Needed

From James Bond to Johnny English, the movies give us the impression that spies are top of the tree when it comes to money-no-object espionage technology. But that...

Arrests of Alleged Spies Draws Attention to Steganography
From ACM News

Arrests of Alleged Spies Draws Attention to Steganography

A year ago in April, the government says, the accused operative known as Richard Murphy and his supposed wife, "Cynthia Murphy," booted up a computer in their comfy...

With World Watching, Wikileaks Falls Into Disrepair
From ACM News

With World Watching, Wikileaks Falls Into Disrepair

Would-be whistle-blowers hoping to leak documents to Wikileaks face a potentially frustrating surprise. Wikileaks’ submission process, which had been degraded for...

Nanoscale Random Number Circuit to Secure Future Chips
From ACM TechNews

Nanoscale Random Number Circuit to Secure Future Chips

Intel engineers have created computer processors with circuits capable of random behavior, a development that could lead to secure cryptography keys.
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