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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Researchers: Poor Password Practices Hurt Security for All
From ACM TechNews

Researchers: Poor Password Practices Hurt Security for All

University of Cambridge researchers recently completed a large study of password-protected Web sites and found that a lack of industry standards harms end-user...

China Issues White Paper on Internet Policy
From ACM News

China Issues White Paper on Internet Policy

The Chinese government Tuesday published a white paper on its Internet policy, stressing the guarantee of citizens' freedom of speech on the Internet and more intensive...

From ACM News

Isaca Identifies Top Five Social Media Risks For Business

An ISACA white paper names the top five social media risks for businesses and recommends solutions to help address the security, customer service and corporate...

Military Taps Social Networking Skills
From ACM News

Military Taps Social Networking Skills

As a teenager, Jamie Christopher would tap instant messages to make plans with friends, and later she became a Facebook regular. Now a freckle-faced 25, a first...

Open-Source Could Mean an Open Door For Hackers
From ACM News

Open-Source Could Mean an Open Door For Hackers

The ability to access the code of open-source applications may give attackers an edge in developing exploits for the software, according to a paper analyzing two...

From ACM News

Privacy Worries Inspire a New Wave of Startups

Amid the recent public backlash to the way some of the titans of the Internet handle users' personal data, a slate of ambitious online startups are aiming to squeeze...

From ACM TechNews

The Cybersecurity Changes We Need

The Obama administration's progress toward the goal of making the U.S. digital infrastructure "secure, trustworthy, and resilient" has been sluggish due to the...

From ACM News

Bill Would Give Feds 'Emergency' Powers to Secure Civilian Nets

A U.S. Senate draft bill would give the federal government the power to take over civilian networks' security, if there's an "imminent cyber threat" and provides...

From ACM News

What Sites Such as Facebook and Google Know and Whom They Tell

When Disa Powell's husband and brother were badly burned in an electrical explosion while conducting maintenance at a Wal-Mart store and the family sued, the defense...

From ACM News

Google Ditches Windows on Security Concerns

Google is phasing out the internal use of Microsoft’s ubiquitous Windows operating system because of security concerns, according to several Google employees.

Cyber Command: We Don
From ACM News

Cyber Command: We Don

Members of the military’s new Cyber Command insist that they’ve got no interest in taking over civilian Internet security--or even in becoming the Pentagon’s primary...

Mobile Data: A Gold Mine For Telcos
From ACM News

Mobile Data: A Gold Mine For Telcos

Cell phone companies are finding that they're sitting on a gold mine--in the form of the call records of their subscribers.

Robin Milner: The Elegant Pragmatist
From Communications of the ACM

Robin Milner: The Elegant Pragmatist

Remembering a rich legacy in verification, languages, and concurrency.

Mine Your Business
From Communications of the ACM

Mine Your Business

Researchers are developing new techniques to gauge employee productivity from information flow.

Beyond the Smart Grid
From Communications of the ACM

Beyond the Smart Grid

The electrical grid isn't the only utility acquiring intelligence, as water and gas meters throughout the U...

Scientist Infects Himself With Computer Virus
From ACM TechNews

Scientist Infects Himself With Computer Virus

University of Reading scientist Mark Gasson has deliberately infected himself with a computer virus in order to study the potential risks of implanting electronic...

From ACM News

Major Step Ahead For Cryptography

Researchers at the University of Bristol and Katholieke University have developed a new system for encrypted data computing that they say could have a broad impact...

From ACM News

DARPA Builds Cyber Range to Test Security Measures

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is working with industry to develop the National Cyber Range, a cybersecurity testbed for researching network...

From ACM TechNews

Danger in the Internet Cafe?

University of Calgary computer science professors have identified a type of security threat that gains access to computers through wireless networks found in Internet...

From ACM News

Google Rolls Out Encrypted Web Search Option

Google began offering an encrypted option for Web searchers on Friday and said it planned to roll it out for all of its services eventually.
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