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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Checking for Counterfeit Medication Using a Smartphone
From ACM TechNews

Checking for Counterfeit Medication Using a Smartphone

The SmartID barcode system developed by researchers at a group of Germany's Fraunhofer research institutes allows users to verify a medical product is genuine using...

Gallaudet's Latest Technological Innovation Is a Helmet
From ACM TechNews

Gallaudet's Latest Technological Innovation Is a Helmet

Hearing-impaired football players could benefit from a prototype helmet that provides visual displays of plays.

Making Genetic Prediction Models More Inclusive
From ACM TechNews

Making Genetic Prediction Models More Inclusive

Computer scientists created a more inclusive, more accurate genetic prediction model by using computational and statistical techniques to study individuals' unique...

Scientists Manipulate Quantum Fluids of Light, Bringing us Closer to Next-Generation Unconventional Computing
From ACM News

Scientists Manipulate Quantum Fluids of Light, Bringing us Closer to Next-Generation Unconventional Computing

What sets this development apart is the ability to manipulate polariton condensates without relying on the commonly utilized excitation profiles of polaritons. ...

Cybercrime Enablers
From ACM News

Cybercrime Enablers

Initial Access Brokers sell unauthorized access.

Underwater Robot Helps Scientists Clarify Antarctic Ice Melting
From ACM TechNews

Underwater Robot Helps Scientists Clarify Antarctic Ice Melting

A team of scientists in the U.S. and New Zealand used the Icefin underwater robot to explore Antarctic ice crevasses to better understand their role in rising global...

AI Muddies Israel-Hamas War in Unexpected Way
From ACM TechNews

AI Muddies Israel-Hamas War in Unexpected Way

Disinformation researchers have found the use of artificial intelligence to spread falsehoods in the Israel-Hamas war is sowing doubt about the veracity of online...

AI Tool Discovers Supernova
From ACM TechNews

AI Tool Discovers Supernova

An international team of researchers created an artificial intelligence-based system able to discover and verify supernovas.

How AI Is Helping Historians Better Understand Our Past
From ACM News

How AI Is Helping Historians Better Understand Our Past

The historians of tomorrow are using computer science to analyze how people lived centuries ago.

Smartphone Attachment Could Increase Racial Fairness in Neurological Screening
From ACM TechNews

Smartphone Attachment Could Increase Racial Fairness in Neurological Screening

A new smartphone attachment could be used for low-cost neurological screenings, to ensure accurate results regardless of the user's skin tone.

Students, Professors Decry Sensors in Buildings
From ACM TechNews

Students, Professors Decry Sensors in Buildings

Officials at the U.K.'s Queen Mary University of London announced earlier this year that sensors would be installed in campus buildings. Staff and students are...

Your Face May Soon Be Your Ticket. Not Everyone Is Smiling
From ACM News

Your Face May Soon Be Your Ticket. Not Everyone Is Smiling

Facial recognition software is speeding up check-in at airports, cruise ships and theme parks, but experts worry about risks to security and privacy.

The GitHub Black Market That Helps Coders Cheat the Popularity Contest
From ACM News

The GitHub Black Market That Helps Coders Cheat the Popularity Contest

Popularity on GitHub can open valuable doors for developers and startups. Underground stores sell "stars" on the platform, offering coders a way to literally fake...

Brain-Wave Cap Saves Lives by Identifying Strokes
From ACM TechNews

Brain-Wave Cap Saves Lives by Identifying Strokes

The StrokePointer brain-wave cap designed by researchers in the Netherlands can diagnose large vessel occlusion (LVO) stroke while patients are in an ambulance....

Your Face May Soon Be Your Ticket. Not Everyone Is Smiling
From ACM TechNews

Your Face May Soon Be Your Ticket. Not Everyone Is Smiling

The use of facial recognition software to expedite admission to venues like airports and theme parks is raising privacy and security concerns among experts.

AlphaFold, Similar Tools Could Help Preparations for Next Pandemic
From ACM TechNews

AlphaFold, Similar Tools Could Help Preparations for Next Pandemic

Researchers increasingly are using artificial intelligence to help prepare for future pandemics.

Scientists Use Drones to Land Sensors on Threatened Glaciers
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Use Drones to Land Sensors on Threatened Glaciers

Scientists at the U.K.'s University of Southampton built a climate change-monitoring sensor that can be airlifted by drone onto glaciers to measure the effects...

A.I. Tool Diagnoses Brain Tumors on the Operating Table
From ACM News

A.I. Tool Diagnoses Brain Tumors on the Operating Table

A new study describes a method for faster and more precise diagnoses, which can help surgeons decide how aggressively to operate.

Can AI Crave a Favorite Food?
From ACM TechNews

Can AI Crave a Favorite Food?

Pennsylvania State University' researchers emulated taste's influence on food cravings with an electronic "tongue" and "gustatory cortex" made from two-dimensional...

Wearables Track Parkinson's Better Than Human Observation, Study Finds
From ACM News

Wearables Track Parkinson's Better Than Human Observation, Study Finds

The study's authors concluded the sensors proved more effective at tracking the disease progression "than the conventionally used clinical rating scales."   ...
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