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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Wireless Sensors and Flying Robots: A Way to Monitor Deteriorating Bridges
From ACM TechNews

Wireless Sensors and Flying Robots: A Way to Monitor Deteriorating Bridges

Researchers are developing wireless sensors and flying robots that could help authorities monitor the conditions of bridges in real time. 

Computer Eyesight Gets a Lot More Accurate
From ACM TechNews

Computer Eyesight Gets a Lot More Accurate

For the second time in its four-year history, the Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge saw dramatic improvements in the quality of machine-vision technology...

New Algorithm Gives Credit Where Credit Is Due
From ACM TechNews

New Algorithm Gives Credit Where Credit Is Due

A new algorithm could help determine how to properly allocate credit for science papers that have multiple authors.

Computer Science Professor Awarded Grant to Study Cooperative Behavior
From ACM TechNews

Computer Science Professor Awarded Grant to Study Cooperative Behavior

A University of New Mexico computer science professor has received a six-year, $450,000-grant to study how cooperative behavior emerges in complex systems. 

Technology Simplifies Big Data For the Human Brain
From ACM TechNews

Technology Simplifies Big Data For the Human Brain

A project involving 16 partners in nine European countries hopes to present large datasets in a way that is easier for the brain to understand. 

Rutgers Researchers Show That How Fast You Drive Might Reveal Exactly Where You Are Going
From ACM TechNews

Rutgers Researchers Show That How Fast You Drive Might Reveal Exactly Where You Are Going

Researchers say monitoring motorists' driving habits may disclose where motorists are driving, even in the absence of GPS or other location-sensing technology. 

Visual Control of Big Data
From ACM TechNews

Visual Control of Big Data

DBWipes is a new data visualization tool that enables users to highlight abnormalities and possible patterns in a graphical display. 

Do quantum computers threaten global encryption systems?
From ACM News

Do quantum computers threaten global encryption systems?

The modern world is a house of cards built upon encryption.

Only 10 Midges Needed to Make a Swarm
From ACM News

Only 10 Midges Needed to Make a Swarm

To most people, a cloud of midges is an annoyance.

Vast Majority of Hackers Believe They're Above the Law—survey
From ACM News

Vast Majority of Hackers Believe They're Above the Law—survey

When most hackers are infiltrating computer systems, the last thing on their mind is getting caught, according to new data.

Data Center Innovation: New Ways to Save Energy
From ACM TechNews

Data Center Innovation: New Ways to Save Energy

The High Tech and Industrial Systems Group at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, recently designated the DoE Center of Expertise for energy efficiency in data...

The Best 'low-Tech' Spycraft Tricks
From ACM News

The Best 'low-Tech' Spycraft Tricks

In the wake of Edward Snowden's revelations about the US National Security Agency’s activities around the globe, authorities in Russia and Germany declared they...

The Most Wanted Man in the World
From ACM News

The Most Wanted Man in the World

The message arrives on my "clean machine," a MacBook Air loaded only with a sophisticated encryption package.

Do Quantum Computers Threaten Global Encryption Systems?
From ACM News

Do Quantum Computers Threaten Global Encryption Systems?

Make a mobile phone call and encryption is there to stop eavesdroppers listening in.

As Data Overflows Online, Researchers Grapple With Ethics
From ACM News

As Data Overflows Online, Researchers Grapple With Ethics

Scholars are exhilarated by the prospect of tapping into the vast troves of personal data collected by Facebook, Google, Amazon, and a host of start-ups, which...

Okcupid's Co-Founder on Experiments, Data Science and the Myth of the 'unicorn'
From ACM Opinion

Okcupid's Co-Founder on Experiments, Data Science and the Myth of the 'unicorn'

Christian Rudder, co-founder and president of the IAC/InterActiveCorp.'s OkCupid, caused a stir recently when he responded to Facebook's news feed controversy with...

Siri's Inventors Are Building a Radical New AI That Does Anything You Ask
From ACM News

Siri's Inventors Are Building a Radical New AI That Does Anything You Ask

When Apple announced the iPhone 4S on October 4, 2011, the headlines were not about its speedy A5 chip or improved camera.

Can an Armadillo Paper Airplane Fly? Autodesk Says Yes
From ACM News

Can an Armadillo Paper Airplane Fly? Autodesk Says Yes

We've all made the standard paper airplane, that elongated triangle made up of six simple folds.

Why One of Cybersecurity's Thought Leaders ­ses a Pager Instead of a Smart Phone
From ACM Opinion

Why One of Cybersecurity's Thought Leaders ­ses a Pager Instead of a Smart Phone

In the computer and network security industry, few people are as well known as Dan Geer.

Traffic Light Hackers Could Cause Jams Across the US
From ACM News

Traffic Light Hackers Could Cause Jams Across the US

Branden Ghena pulls his car up under a traffic light in a city in Michigan.
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