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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Microsoft's Kinect: A Robot's Low-Cost, Secret Weapon
From ACM News

Microsoft's Kinect: A Robot's Low-Cost, Secret Weapon

As robots seek to mimic humans' ability to see and hear, they have a secret weapon in Microsoft's Kinect game motion-sensing controller.

Scientists Striving to Put a Human Face on the Robot Generation
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Striving to Put a Human Face on the Robot Generation

Plymouth University researchers are studying the social interaction between humans and LightFace, a robot that is capable of producing a range of naturalistic expressions...

Supercomputers Take a Cue From Microwave Ovens
From ACM TechNews

Supercomputers Take a Cue From Microwave Ovens

To develop more efficient supercomputers, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory researchers are studying consumer electronics such as microwave ovens, cameras,...

A High-Stakes Search Continues for Silicon's Successor
From ACM News

A High-Stakes Search Continues for Silicon's Successor

In a cluttered chip-making laboratory on Stanford's campus, Max Shulaker is producing the world's smallest computer circuits by hand.

New Efforts to Extend Moore's Law
From ACM News

New Efforts to Extend Moore's Law

Continually needing to add computing power to its microprocessors, Santa Clara behemoth Intel this year announced it was venturing beyond its traditional method...

Researchers Find Some Smartphone Models More Vulnerable to Attack
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Find Some Smartphone Models More Vulnerable to Attack

The preloaded applications of some smartphones specifically designed to support the Android mobile platform could make the devices more vulnerable to hackers, according...

Will Microsoft's 'minority Report' ­i Leap-Frog Apple?
From ACM TechNews

Will Microsoft's 'minority Report' ­i Leap-Frog Apple?

Although Apple has pioneered the mainstream multitouch user interface (UI), Microsoft could provide the next major UI breakthrough by combining voice, touch, and...

Dawn Soars Over Asteroid Vesta in 3D
From ACM News

Dawn Soars Over Asteroid Vesta in 3D

Glide over the giant asteroid Vesta with NASA's Dawn spacecraft in a new 3D video. Dawn has been orbiting Vesta since July 15, obtaining high-resolution images...

From ACM News

Human Brain Is Limiting Global Data Growth, Say Computer Scientists

Evidence has emerged that the brain's capacity to absorb information is limiting the amount of data humanity can produce.

The Search For Analysts to Make Sense of 'big Data'
From ACM News

The Search For Analysts to Make Sense of 'big Data'

Businesses keep vast troves of data about things like online shopping behavior, or millions of changes in weather patterns, or trillions of financial transactions—information...

From ACM News

Following Digital Breadcrumbs to 'big Data' Gold

What do Facebook, Groupon, and biotech firm Human Genome Sciences have in common? They all rely on massive amounts of data to design their products. Terabytes...

Dna Sequencing Caught in Deluge of Data
From ACM News

Dna Sequencing Caught in Deluge of Data

BGI, based in China, is the world’s largest genomics research institute, with 167 DNA sequencers producing the equivalent of 2,000 human genomes a day.

Researchers Reduce Smart Phones Power Consumption By More Than 70 Percent
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Reduce Smart Phones Power Consumption By More Than 70 Percent

Aalto University researchers have developed new ways to significantly reduce power consumption for smartphones, particularly in locations that do not have reliable...

Drone Pilots: The Future of Aerial Warfare
From ACM News

Drone Pilots: The Future of Aerial Warfare

To understand how important remotely piloted aircraft are to the U.S. military, consider this: The U.S. Air Force says this year it will train more drone pilots...

Robots in Reality
From ACM News

Robots in Reality

Consider the following scenario: A scout surveys a high-rise building that's been crippled by an earthquake, trapping workers inside. After looking for a point...

Five Reasons the ­.s. Tech Lead Is in Danger
From ACM TechNews

Five Reasons the ­.s. Tech Lead Is in Danger

The United States is falling behind other countries in the race to build the next generation of supercomputers. 

Linking Supercomputers to Simulate the Sun, the Climate and the Human Body
From ACM TechNews

Linking Supercomputers to Simulate the Sun, the Climate and the Human Body

The European Union funded research that developed a European infrastructure for supercomputing, enabling researchers to simulate the fusion of the sun, create new...

A Computer That Thinks Like the ­niverse
From ACM TechNews

A Computer That Thinks Like the ­niverse

The development of a quantum computer would be another leap forward for the computing industry, writes the Harvard Kennedy School of Government's Joshua Rothman...

Important Step Toward Computing with Light
From ACM News

Important Step Toward Computing with Light

There has been enormous progress in recent years toward the development of photonic chips—devices that use light beams instead of electrons to carry out their...

Cloud Centers Bring High-Tech Flash but Not Many Jobs to Beaten-Down Towns
From ACM Careers

Cloud Centers Bring High-Tech Flash but Not Many Jobs to Beaten-Down Towns

Here in this once-thriving town of furniture makers and textile mills, where Main Street businesses have vanished, nearby fast-food joints have closed and unemployment...
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