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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

For This Author, 10,000 Wikipedia Articles Is a Good Day's Work
From ACM News

For This Author, 10,000 Wikipedia Articles Is a Good Day's Work

Sverker Johansson could be the most prolific author you've never heard of.

The World's First Photonic Router
From ACM TechNews

The World's First Photonic Router

A team of scientists have demonstrated the world's first photonic router, a step toward overcoming the difficulties of building quantum computers. 

Meet Jibo, the Cute Social Robot that Knows the Family
From ACM News

Meet Jibo, the Cute Social Robot that Knows the Family

In suite 712 of the Eventi Hotel, high above the sticky June bustle of Midtown Manhattan, New York, one of the world's most advanced consumer robots awaits command...

New Qubit Design Provides Parity Bit for Schrödinger Cat States
From ACM News

New Qubit Design Provides Parity Bit for Schrödinger Cat States

The RAM in our computers is constantly refreshed to ensure that it maintains the intended information.

New Horizons Only One Year from Pluto
From ACM News

New Horizons Only One Year from Pluto

In July 2015, NASA will discover a new world.

­ncertainty Gives Scientists New Confidence in Search for Novel Materials
From ACM TechNews

­ncertainty Gives Scientists New Confidence in Search for Novel Materials

Researchers have developed a method to estimate uncertainties in computer calculations that are used to facilitate the search for new materials. 

A Speech Synthesizer Direct to the Brain
From ACM TechNews

A Speech Synthesizer Direct to the Brain

A San Francisco neurosurgeon says he is working toward building a wireless brain-machine interface that could translate brain signals directly into audible speech...

Self-Assembly Shows Promise for Extending Moore's Law
From ACM News

Self-Assembly Shows Promise for Extending Moore's Law

These are challenging times for computer chip engineers.

Why Apple's Swift Language Will Instantly Remake Computer Programming
From ACM News

Why Apple's Swift Language Will Instantly Remake Computer Programming

Chris Lattner spent a year and a half creating a new programming language—a new way of designing, building, and running computer software—and he didn't mention...

Your Next Opponent in Angry Birds Could Be a Robot
From ACM TechNews

Your Next Opponent in Angry Birds Could Be a Robot

A combination robot/smart-tablet system could become a future rehabilitation tool for children with cognitive and motor-skill disabilities. 

Drone Lighting: Autonomous Vehicles Could Automatically Assume the Right Positions for Photographic Lighting
From ACM TechNews

Drone Lighting: Autonomous Vehicles Could Automatically Assume the Right Positions for Photographic Lighting

A team of researchers is developing algorithms to let photographers use camera-mounted controls to guide drone-mounted lights into just the right position. 

Forget Turing, the Lovelace Test Has a Better Shot at Spotting AI
From ACM Opinion

Forget Turing, the Lovelace Test Has a Better Shot at Spotting AI

When a chatbot called Eugene Goostman passed Alan Turing's famous measure of machine intelligence in June by posing as a Ukrainian teenager with questionable language...

Traffic Lights: There's a Better Way
From ACM TechNews

Traffic Lights: There's a Better Way

A new means of computing the optimal timings for city stoplights can significantly reduce drivers' average travel times. 

Intel, Qualcomm and Others Compete For 'internet of Things' Standard
From ACM News

Intel, Qualcomm and Others Compete For 'internet of Things' Standard

If the stakes are big enough, companies will compete even for something that is supposed to be free to all comers.

When a Computer Ages You
From ACM TechNews

When a Computer Ages You

Researchers are hoping to harness facial-recognition and age-progression technology to estimate people's life spans and future health based on a photograph. 

Can Software Make Health Data More Private?
From ACM TechNews

Can Software Make Health Data More Private?

New software could give people more control over how their personal health information is shared between doctors and medical institutions. 

Row Hits Flagship Brain Plan
From ACM News

Row Hits Flagship Brain Plan

The European Union's high-profile, €1-billion Human Brain Project, launched last October, has come under fire from neuroscientists, who claim that poor management...

Robots' Best Teachers Are Other Robots (in Cloud Networks)
From ACM News

Robots' Best Teachers Are Other Robots (in Cloud Networks)

Earlier this year, a vaguely humanoid robot served juice to a researcher lying on a hospital bed.

The ­ltra-Simple App That Lets Anyone Encrypt Anything
From ACM News

The ­ltra-Simple App That Lets Anyone Encrypt Anything

Encryption is hard.

Sun Sends More 'tsunami Waves' to Voyager 1
From ACM News

Sun Sends More 'tsunami Waves' to Voyager 1

NASA's Voyager 1 spacecraft has experienced a new "tsunami wave" from the sun as it sails through interstellar space.
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