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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Hong Kong Researchers Develop 3D Tool For Surveillance Footage
From ACM TechNews

Hong Kong Researchers Develop 3D Tool For Surveillance Footage

A new digital system is designed to reduce the amount of time it takes investigators to search through surveillance camera footage for suspects. 

High-Performance Data Replication Across Cloud Servers
From ACM TechNews

High-Performance Data Replication Across Cloud Servers

Computer scientists in China have developed a system that can provide high-performance data replication across cloud servers. 

What Your Cell Phone Can't Tell the Police
From ACM Opinion

What Your Cell Phone Can't Tell the Police

On May 28th, Lisa Marie Roberts, of Portland, Oregon, was released from prison after serving nine and a half years for a murder she didn't commit.

The Space-Based Quantum Cryptography Race
From ACM News

The Space-Based Quantum Cryptography Race

One of the great benefits of quantum communication is the ability to send messages from one point in space to another with perfect security.

New N.s.a. Chief Calls Damage From Snowden Leaks Manageable
From ACM Opinion

New N.s.a. Chief Calls Damage From Snowden Leaks Manageable

The newly installed director of the National Security Agency says that while he has seen some terrorist groups alter their communications to avoid surveillance...

Researchers Find and Decode the Spy Tools Governments ­se to Hijack Phones
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Find and Decode the Spy Tools Governments ­se to Hijack Phones

A study of tools used by law enforcment and intelligence agencies to conduct surveillance on computer and mobile phone users revealed a wide range of functions. ...

The Great Salmon Run Algorithm
From ACM TechNews

The Great Salmon Run Algorithm

Researchers say a new algorithm based on the survival trials faced by salmon swimming upstream to spawn can help them find the optimal solution to a given problem...

Ray Kurzweil Says He's Breathing Intelligence Into Google Search
From ACM Opinion

Ray Kurzweil Says He's Breathing Intelligence Into Google Search

The big announcements at Google's I/O event in San Francisco Wednesday didn't mention Web search, the technology that got the company started and made it so successful...

Make Robots ­seful By Teaching Them to Talk Like ­S
From ACM News

Make Robots ­seful By Teaching Them to Talk Like ­S

When Ashutosh Saxena wants some coffee or ice cream, he can ask a robot to make it for him.

Larry Page on Google's Many Arms
From ACM Opinion

Larry Page on Google's Many Arms

One way to think of Google is as an extremely helpful, all-knowing, hyper-intelligent executive assistant.

E-Voting Experiments End in Norway Amid Security Fears
From ACM News

E-Voting Experiments End in Norway Amid Security Fears

Norway is ending trials of e-voting systems used in national and local elections.

How to Make Smart Watches Not Worth Stealing
From ACM TechNews

How to Make Smart Watches Not Worth Stealing

A prototype device can identify someone by measuring the electrical resistance of tissues within the person's wrist. 

Computer Spots Rare Diseases in Family Photos
From ACM TechNews

Computer Spots Rare Diseases in Family Photos

New software can learn to identify rare medical conditions by analyzing a face in a digital photograph. 

Goosebump Sensor Developed By Korean Research Team
From ACM TechNews

Goosebump Sensor Developed By Korean Research Team

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology researchers have developed a sensor that can measure goosebumps on the human body in real time. 

Searching For Answers in Very Old Dna
From ACM Opinion

Searching For Answers in Very Old Dna

As he puts it in the subtitle of his memoir, "Neanderthal Man," Svante Paabo goes in search of lost genomes.

Big Data Meets Big Science
From Communications of the ACM

Big Data Meets Big Science

Next-generation scientific instruments are forcing researchers to question the limits of massively parallel computing.

Science Dmz: Faster, More Secure High-Performance Computing
From ACM TechNews

Science Dmz: Faster, More Secure High-Performance Computing

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service is planning to award a contract for the construction of a Science DMZ network. 

Google's Sundar Pichai Is the Most Powerful Man in Mobile
From ACM Opinion

Google's Sundar Pichai Is the Most Powerful Man in Mobile

At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in January, Samsung introduced new software for its tablets, called the Magazine UX.

Major Ruling Shields Privacy of Cellphones
From ACM News

Major Ruling Shields Privacy of Cellphones

In a sweeping victory for privacy rights in the digital age, the Supreme Court on Wednesdayunanimously ruled that the police need warrants to search the cellphones...

Computer Spots Rare Diseases in Family Photos
From ACM News

Computer Spots Rare Diseases in Family Photos

Doctors faced with the tricky task of spotting rare genetic diseases in children may soon be asking parents to email their family photos.
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