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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Goosebump Sensor Developed By Korean Research Team
From ACM TechNews

Goosebump Sensor Developed By Korean Research Team

Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology researchers have developed a sensor that can measure goosebumps on the human body in real time. 

Searching For Answers in Very Old Dna
From ACM Opinion

Searching For Answers in Very Old Dna

As he puts it in the subtitle of his memoir, "Neanderthal Man," Svante Paabo goes in search of lost genomes.

Big Data Meets Big Science
From Communications of the ACM

Big Data Meets Big Science

Next-generation scientific instruments are forcing researchers to question the limits of massively parallel computing.

Science Dmz: Faster, More Secure High-Performance Computing
From ACM TechNews

Science Dmz: Faster, More Secure High-Performance Computing

The U.S. Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service is planning to award a contract for the construction of a Science DMZ network. 

Google's Sundar Pichai Is the Most Powerful Man in Mobile
From ACM Opinion

Google's Sundar Pichai Is the Most Powerful Man in Mobile

At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas in January, Samsung introduced new software for its tablets, called the Magazine UX.

Major Ruling Shields Privacy of Cellphones
From ACM News

Major Ruling Shields Privacy of Cellphones

In a sweeping victory for privacy rights in the digital age, the Supreme Court on Wednesdayunanimously ruled that the police need warrants to search the cellphones...

Computer Spots Rare Diseases in Family Photos
From ACM News

Computer Spots Rare Diseases in Family Photos

Doctors faced with the tricky task of spotting rare genetic diseases in children may soon be asking parents to email their family photos.

Who's Your Daddy? Ucf Students Program Computer to Find Out
From ACM TechNews

Who's Your Daddy? Ucf Students Program Computer to Find Out

Researchers are developing a facial recognition program designed to rapidly match pictures of children with their biological parents. 

The Secret Formula to Successful Online Dating
From ACM TechNews

The Secret Formula to Successful Online Dating

Researchers have studied the behavior of 200,000 people on Chinese dating site to gain insight into how successful online matches are made. 

Microsoft Makes Bet Quantum Computing Is Next Breakthrough
From ACM News

Microsoft Makes Bet Quantum Computing Is Next Breakthrough

Modern computers are not unlike the looms of the industrial revolution: They follow programmed instructions to weave intricate patterns.

Introducing the Vacuum Transistor: A Device Made of Nothing
From ACM News

Introducing the Vacuum Transistor: A Device Made of Nothing

In September 1976, in the midst of the Cold War, Victor Ivanovich Belenko, a disgruntled Soviet pilot, veered off course from a training flight over Siberia in...

Researchers Find and Decode the Spy Tools Governments ­se to Hijack Phones
From ACM News

Researchers Find and Decode the Spy Tools Governments ­se to Hijack Phones

Newly uncovered components of a digital surveillance tool used by more than 60 governments worldwide provide a rare glimpse at the extensive ways law enforcement...

Wearables For Animals
From ACM News

Wearables For Animals

Wearable technologies help pet and livestock owners know their animals better than ever before.

These Psychedelic Images Find Order Amid Chaos
From ACM News

These Psychedelic Images Find Order Amid Chaos

What do you see when you look at these images?

High-Performance Computer System Installed at Los Alamos National Laboratory
From ACM TechNews

High-Performance Computer System Installed at Los Alamos National Laboratory

Los Alamos National Laboratory has a new high-performance computer system called Wolf that will be used for unclassified research. 

Beyond Tianhe-2
From ACM News

Beyond Tianhe-2

The TOP500 semi-annual ranking of the world's most powerful supercomputers, announced yesterday, revealed that China's Tianhe-2 has kept its first-place position...

Former Nsa Chief Mike Mcconnell Says Culture, Not Tech, Is Key to Cyber Defense
From ACM Opinion

Former Nsa Chief Mike Mcconnell Says Culture, Not Tech, Is Key to Cyber Defense

John M. (Mike) McConnell says that technology alone isn't enough to secure corporate networks from pervasive and increasingly damaging cyberattacks.

­nblinking Eyes Track Employees
From ACM Careers

­nblinking Eyes Track Employees

A digital Big Brother is coming to work, for better or worse.

Indoor Gps Is the Final Frontier of Personalized Navigation
From ACM News

Indoor Gps Is the Final Frontier of Personalized Navigation

Labs in the U.S. and U.K. are working on next-generation GPS that's so cool, it won't even use satellites.

Scheduling Algorithms Based on Game Theory Makes Better ­se of Computational Resources
From ACM TechNews

Scheduling Algorithms Based on Game Theory Makes Better ­se of Computational Resources

A new method has been developed to address the scheduling problem in the ASTRO program in cosmology and the WIEK2k program in theoretical chemistry. 
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