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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Nasa's Dawn Spacecraft Begins Science Orbits of Vesta
From ACM News

Nasa's Dawn Spacecraft Begins Science Orbits of Vesta

NASA's Dawn spacecraft, the first ever to orbit an object in the main asteroid belt, is spiraling toward its first of four intensive science orbits. That initial...

Game Design Engages Students in STEM
From ACM TechNews

Game Design Engages Students in STEM

The University of Massachusetts' Design Camps is aimed at middle and high school students and teaches them to create and program robots, build circuits, and complete...

DARPA Seeks to Learn From Social For Warfare
From ACM TechNews

DARPA Seeks to Learn From Social For Warfare

The U.S. Department of Defense's Defense Advanced Projects Research Agency has launched the Social Media in Strategic Communication program, which aims to develop...

Robots Use Kinect to Understand Our World
From ACM TechNews

Robots Use Kinect to Understand Our World

Cornell University researchers are teaching robots to understand the context of their surroundings so that they can pick out individual objects in a room. 

Discovery May Overcome Obstacle For Quantum Computing: Ubc, California Researchers
From ACM TechNews

Discovery May Overcome Obstacle For Quantum Computing: Ubc, California Researchers

Researchers at the University of British Columbia (UBC) and the University of California, Santa Barbara say they have made a major advance in predicting and eliminating...

Nasa's Next Mars Rover to Land at Gale Crater
From ACM News

Nasa's Next Mars Rover to Land at Gale Crater

NASA's next Mars rover will land at the foot of a layered mountain inside the planet's Gale crater. The car-sized Mars Science Laboratory, or Curiosity, is scheduled...

Smartphones Get Smarter About Payments
From ACM News

Smartphones Get Smarter About Payments

Paying for the morning commute will soon be accomplished by the wave of a smartphone. State and local governments are joining Internet, credit card, and wireless...

From ACM TechNews

Machines to Compare Notes Online?

Autonomous machines, networks, and robots should publish their own suggestions for upgrading the technology on the Internet, says the University of Southampton's...

Nasa Dawn Spacecraft Returns Close-Up Image of Asteroid Vesta
From ACM News

Nasa Dawn Spacecraft Returns Close-Up Image of Asteroid Vesta

NASA's Dawn spacecraft has returned the first close-up image after beginning its orbit around the giant asteroid Vesta. On Friday, July 15, Dawn became the first...

Microsoft Opens Garage to Spark Innovation
From ACM News

Microsoft Opens Garage to Spark Innovation

It's typical for Microsoft to show off its latest wares at its annual Worldwide Partner Conference, if only to amp up partners' enthusiasm for hawking the software...

Supercomputing's Exaflop Target
From Communications of the ACM

Supercomputing's Exaflop Target

The twin challenges of parallelism and energy consumption are enlivening supercomputers' progress.

Old Dominion U. Professor Is Trying to Save Internet History
From ACM TechNews

Old Dominion U. Professor Is Trying to Save Internet History

Researchers at Old Dominion University and Los Alamos National Laboratory have developed Memento, browser-based software that can find a Web site as it appeared...

­sing Light to Send Data Across the Room
From ACM News

­sing Light to Send Data Across the Room

After Wi-Fi, will there be… Li-Fi?

Who Needs Humans?
From ACM News

Who Needs Humans?

Amid all the job losses of the Great Recession, there is one category of worker that the economic disruption has been good for: nonhumans.

From ACM News

How to Be in Two Places at the Same Time

An ambitious experiment to make a glass sphere exist in two places at once could provide the most sensitive test of quantum theory yet.

Physicists Take Steps Toward Delivering Quantum Information to the Home
From ACM News

Physicists Take Steps Toward Delivering Quantum Information to the Home

Today, fiber optics technology transports information in the form of classical data to homes and businesses. But researchers are currently working on ways to...

The Truth About Nasa's Space Tech Spinoffs
From ACM News

The Truth About Nasa's Space Tech Spinoffs

Tang. Velcro. Teflon. Each is popularly known as a product of the space age, and yet none of them represent actual NASA tech spinoffs. The real truth behind the...

The Ghost Space Shuttle: Nasa Ship in Houston For Every Mission
From ACM News

The Ghost Space Shuttle: Nasa Ship in Houston For Every Mission

For 30 years, every time a space shuttle has flown, so has OV-095, the ghost orbiter.

Nasa Spacecraft to Enter Large Asteroid's Orbit on July 15
From ACM News

Nasa Spacecraft to Enter Large Asteroid's Orbit on July 15

On July 15, NASA's Dawn spacecraft will begin a prolonged encounter with the asteroid Vesta, making the mission the first to enter orbit around a main-belt asteroid...

Ict and Automotive: New App Reduces Motorway Pile-­ps By 40 Percent
From ACM TechNews

Ict and Automotive: New App Reduces Motorway Pile-­ps By 40 Percent

University of Bologna researchers have developed an automatic car accident detection system that could reduce the number of vehicles involved in a crash by up to...
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