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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Computers Learn Better Reading Comprehension Through ­t Research
From ACM TechNews

Computers Learn Better Reading Comprehension Through ­t Research

A University of Twente researcher has developed a way to help computers improve their understanding of written texts. 

Google ­ses Artificial Brains to Teach Its Data Centers How to Behave
From ACM News

Google ­ses Artificial Brains to Teach Its Data Centers How to Behave

At Google, artificial intelligence isn't just a means of building cars that drive on their own, smartphone services that respond to the spoken word, and online...

Google's Next Phase in Driverless Cars: No Brakes or Steering Wheel
From ACM News

Google's Next Phase in Driverless Cars: No Brakes or Steering Wheel

Humans might be the one problem Google can't solve.

Skinny Wormholes Could Send Messages Through Time
From ACM News

Skinny Wormholes Could Send Messages Through Time

Like some bizarre form of optical fibre, a long, thin wormhole might let you send messages through time using pulses of light.

Screening For Autism: There's an App For That
From ACM TechNews

Screening For Autism: There's an App For That

New software tracks and records infants' activity during videotaped autism screening tests. 

Making Babies
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Making Babies

Forty years ago, there was exactly one way for humans to reproduce.

The 10 Algorithms That Dominate Our World
From ACM News

The 10 Algorithms That Dominate Our World

Some algorithms shape and control our world more than others — and these 10 are the most significant.

Swarm and Fuzzy
From ACM News

Swarm and Fuzzy

When the first human colonists land on Mars several decades from now, their habitat will already be waiting.

Microbes Defy Rules of Dna Code
From ACM News

Microbes Defy Rules of Dna Code

The instructions encoded into DNA are thought to follow a universal set of rules across all domains of life. But researchers report today in Science1 that organisms...

B-52 Bomber Gets Its First New Communications System Since the 1960s
From ACM News

B-52 Bomber Gets Its First New Communications System Since the 1960s

The B-52 bomber, one of the great stalwarts of America's military arsenal, is getting its first major communications system upgrade since the Kennedy administration...

The Trouble With IBM
From ACM News

The Trouble With IBM

In the summer of 2012, five American technology companies bid on a project for a demanding new client: the CIA.

Tracking Lost Luggage Part of At&t's Vision of the Future
From ACM TechNews

Tracking Lost Luggage Part of At&t's Vision of the Future

AT&T has demonstrated its User-Defined Network Cloud and other innovative technologies that could soon be available. 

Secrets, Lies and Snowden's Email: Why I Was Forced to Shut Down Lavabit
From ACM Opinion

Secrets, Lies and Snowden's Email: Why I Was Forced to Shut Down Lavabit

My legal saga started last summer with a knock at the door, behind which stood two federal agents ready to to serve me with a court order requiring the installation...

Visualizations Make Big Data Meaningful
From Communications of the ACM

Visualizations Make Big Data Meaningful

New techniques are designed to translate "invisible numbers" into visible images.

Time For a Change
From Communications of the ACM

Time For a Change

4D printing combines the dimension of time with the hope of building objects with new capabilities.

Engineering Graduate ­ses Big Data to Seek Insights to Bicycle Travel Flow
From ACM TechNews

Engineering Graduate ­ses Big Data to Seek Insights to Bicycle Travel Flow

A recent big data project was designed to get a better understanding of bicycle usage and its relationship to automobile and bus traffic. 

For U.s. Companies That Challenge China, the Risk of Digital Reprisal
From ACM News

For U.s. Companies That Challenge China, the Risk of Digital Reprisal

Two large American steel makers, U.S. Steel and Allegheny Technologies, each lost confidential files giving access to their computer networks.

Why the Death of Net Neutrality Would Be a Disaster For Libraries
From ACM Opinion

Why the Death of Net Neutrality Would Be a Disaster For Libraries

The Internet's eyes turned to the Federal Communications Commission on Thursday, as the panel approved a plan to consider allowing Internet service providers to...

Device Aims to Brings Text and Graphics to Visually Impaired
From ACM TechNews

Device Aims to Brings Text and Graphics to Visually Impaired

European researchers are working on a portable Braille device with a tactile display that enables visually impaired users to access digital words and graphics. 

"we're at Greater Risk": General Keith Alexander
From ACM Opinion

"we're at Greater Risk": General Keith Alexander

Since Edward Snowden's revelations about government surveillence, we know more about how the National Security Agency has been interpreting Section 215 of the Patriot...
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