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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

New Animation Depicts Next Mars Rover in Action
From ACM News

New Animation Depicts Next Mars Rover in Action

Although NASA's Mars Science Laboratory will not leave Earth until late this year nor land on Mars until August 2012, anyone can watch those dramatic events now...

From ACM Opinion

Doing the Math on News Corp.'s Disastrous Myspace Years

Once upon a time, MySpace was the king and pioneer of social networking. When Rupert Murdoch's News Corp. bought the company for $580 million, it looked like...

Graphene Technology Moves Closer
From ACM News

Graphene Technology Moves Closer

Graphene is a "wonder material" waiting to happen. Since this super-conductive form of carbon, made from single-atom-thick sheets, was first produced in 2004,...

Layer ­pon Layer
From ACM News

Layer ­pon Layer

Graphene, a form of pure carbon arranged in a lattice just one atom thick, has interested countless researchers with its unique strength and its electrical and...

From ACM TechNews

World's Data Will Grow By 50x in Next Decade, Idc Study Predicts

The number of servers managing the world's data will grow tenfold over the next 10 years, according to the IDC Digital Universe study. The study also predicts...

Lady of the Rings: Saturn Surveyor Carolyn Porco
From ACM Opinion

Lady of the Rings: Saturn Surveyor Carolyn Porco

When Carolyn Porco started exploring the outer solar system, it was all about the rings. Her 1983 doctoral thesis at Caltech focused on shifting spokes in Saturn’s...

From ACM News

Could This Brain Implant Revive Paralyzed Limbs?

In the annals of great oxymorons, "non-invasive brain implant" would surely rank up there. Misnomer or not, the University of Michigan is touting just such a...

From ACM News

Big Win For the Losers at D-Wave

Does D-Wave's first big sale disprove the quantum computing naysayers?

Intel Takes Wraps Off 50-Core Supercomputing Coprocessor Plans
From ACM News

Intel Takes Wraps Off 50-Core Supercomputing Coprocessor Plans

Intel's Larrabee GPU will finally go into commercial production next year, but not as a graphics processor. Instead, it will make its debut in a 50-core incarnation...

A Start-Up
From ACM News

A Start-Up

With an innovative camera due out later this year from a company called Lytro, photographers will have one less excuse for having missed that perfect shot.

Remembering Alan Turing on His 99th Birthday
From ACM News

Remembering Alan Turing on His 99th Birthday

Today marks the 99th anniversary of the birth of Alan Turing, a noted polymath and cryptanalyst who is regarded by many as being the grandfather of modern computing...

Kilobots Are Cheap Enough to Swarm in the Thousands
From ACM News

Kilobots Are Cheap Enough to Swarm in the Thousands

Kilobots are fairly simple little robots about the size of a quarter that can move around on vibrating legs, blink their lights, and communicate with each other...

Italian Hi-Tech Software Teaches Perfect Pasta Skills
From ACM TechNews

Italian Hi-Tech Software Teaches Perfect Pasta Skills

University of Bologna researchers have developed Tortellino X-perience, a multimedia teaching game that combines a traditional video with a three-dimensional representation...

Automotive Autonomy
From Communications of the ACM

Automotive Autonomy

Self-driving cars are inching closer to the assembly line, thanks to promising new projects from Google and the European Union.

Sgi, Intel Plan to Speed Supercomputers 500 Times By 2018
From ACM TechNews

Sgi, Intel Plan to Speed Supercomputers 500 Times By 2018

By 2018, Silicon Graphics International plans to build supercomputers that are 500 times faster than the most powerful systems today, using Intel's many integrated...

3D Printing Creating 'a Whole New World'
From ACM News

3D Printing Creating 'a Whole New World'

Not long ago, I asked Scott Summit, a pioneer in using 3D printing in the design of custom prosthetics and an industrial design expert, who he would recommend...

New Technology Revs Up Pixar's 'cars 2'
From ACM News

New Technology Revs Up Pixar's 'cars 2'

We all know what the reflections off cars or the roiling of the ocean are supposed to look like. So if you are tempted to believe that what you'll see in "Cars...

Japan's 8-Petaflop K Computer Is Fastest on Earth
From ACM News

Japan's 8-Petaflop K Computer Is Fastest on Earth

An eight-petaflop Japanese supercomputer grabbed the title of fastest computer on earth in the new Top 500 Supercomputing List officially unveiled at the International...

Nasa Spacecraft Confirms Theories, Sees Surprises at Mercury
From ACM News

Nasa Spacecraft Confirms Theories, Sees Surprises at Mercury

NASA scientists are making new discoveries about the planet Mercury. Data from MESSENGER, the first spacecraft to orbit Mercury, is giving scientists important...

From ACM News

Government in Cyber Fight but Can't Keep Up

The Pentagon is about to roll out an expanded effort to safeguard its contractors from hackers and is building a virtual firing range in cyberspace to test new...
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