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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Michael L. Norman Named Director of the San Diego Supercomputer Center
From ACM News

Michael L. Norman Named Director of the San Diego Supercomputer Center

Michael L. Norman has been named to the position of director of the San Diego Supercomputer Center at the University of California, San Diego.

Android Phones Can Substitute For Supercomputers
From ACM TechNews

Android Phones Can Substitute For Supercomputers

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the Texas Advanced Computing Center have developed an Android application that can take simulations...

From ACM News

Flawed Proof ­shers In Era of Wikimath

His prospects of answering one of the biggest questions in mathematics may be fading, but Vinay Deolalikar of Hewlett-Packard Labs in Palo Alto, California, may...

Intel-McAfee Deal Bets on Building Security Into Hardware
From ACM News

Intel-McAfee Deal Bets on Building Security Into Hardware

Intel Corp. agreed to buy security-software specialist McAfee Inc. Thursday for $7.68 billion, a surprise transaction that underscores the company's determination...

Atom Images Raise Quantum Computer Hopes
From ACM News

Atom Images Raise Quantum Computer Hopes

Fast quantum computers made of atoms trapped by beams of light could be a step closer, thanks to the first images of the individual atoms in such a grid.

What Does 'p vs. Np' Mean For the Rest of Us?
From ACM News

What Does 'p vs. Np' Mean For the Rest of Us?

A proposed "proof" is probably a bust—but even failed attempts can advance computer science.

Building a Cloud Out of Smart Phones
From ACM TechNews

Building a Cloud Out of Smart Phones

An international group of researchers has developed Misco, a version of Google's MapReduce algorithm powered by cell phones in a self-contained cloud computing...

Riders on a Swarm
From ACM News

Riders on a Swarm

Mimicking the behaviour of ants, bees and birds started as a poor man’s version of artificial intelligence. It may, though, be the key to the real thing.

From ACM News

P ? Np? It's Bad News For the Power of Computing

Has the biggest question in computer science been solved? On 6 August, Vinay Deolalikar, a mathematician at Hewlett-Packard Labs in Palo Alto, California, sentdraft...

Elite U.s. Cyber Team Courts Hackers to Fight Terror
From ACM TechNews

Elite U.s. Cyber Team Courts Hackers to Fight Terror

A U.S. cybersecurity team that has clandestinely tracks cybercriminals wants to swell its ranks with an additional 1,750 "vetted volunteers" by 2012, and to this...

$7.5 Million U.S. Grant to Support Development of Quantum Supercomputers
From ACM TechNews

$7.5 Million U.S. Grant to Support Development of Quantum Supercomputers

A University of Pittsburgh research team recently received a five-year, $7.5 million grant from the U.S. Department of Defense to solve some of the problems preventing...

Computing at the Speed of Light
From ACM News

Computing at the Speed of Light

Replacing metal wiring with fiber optics could change everything from supercomputers to laptops.

From ACM News

Ornl, Allinea Prep Debugging Tool For Petascale Supercomputers

A collaboration between ORNL and software toolmaker Allinea Software has produced a formidable weapon in the fight against software application bugs.

Research Project to Investigate Cloud Computing Technologies
From ACM TechNews

Research Project to Investigate Cloud Computing Technologies

Aston University researchers are investigating the possibilities of next-generation cloud computing technologies for large scale and complex information technology...

High-Speed Laser Chips Move Data at 50 Gbps
From ACM News

High-Speed Laser Chips Move Data at 50 Gbps

A new research breakthrough from Intel combines silicon chips and lasers to transmit data at 50 gigabits per second—and someday, maybe as fast as a terabit per...

Celebrating the Legacy of Plato
From Communications of the ACM

Celebrating the Legacy of Plato

The PLATO@50 Conference marked the semicentennial of the computer system that was the forerunner of today's social media and interactive education.

Building Skills That Count
From ACM TechNews

Building Skills That Count

The Texas Advanced Computing Center has created a supercomputing curriculum designed to teach advanced computing skills to undergraduate and graduate students at...

Predicting Success With Niwa Supercomputer
From ACM TechNews

Predicting Success With Niwa Supercomputer

New Zealand's National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research has launched the most powerful computer in the southern hemisphere. The new supercomputer can...

Neurons to Power Future Computers
From ACM News

Neurons to Power Future Computers

Researchers are developing novel computers by mimicking the way that neurons are built and how they talk to each other.

From ACM News

IBM ­nveils a New Generation of Mainframes

The mainframe business is to IBM what manufacturing is to the American economy, a shrinking but strategically vital part of the franchise. With the introduction...
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