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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Preparing For Cyber War, Without a Map
From ACM TechNews

Preparing For Cyber War, Without a Map

The U.S. government's retaliatory capability in response to cyberattacks on critical infrastructure is limited by a dearth of technology.  

Researchers Develop Fast Image Processing For Industry
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Develop Fast Image Processing For Industry

Researchers at Sweden's Lulea University of Technology have developed LTU-CUDA, software for fast image-processing tasks.  

First Micro-Structure Atlas of the Human Brain Completed
From ACM TechNews

First Micro-Structure Atlas of the Human Brain Completed

European researchers working on the CONNECT project recently created the first atlas of white-matter microstructures in the human brain.  

In Des Moines, Turning Off Beacon Unleashes a Storm
From ACM Careers

In Des Moines, Turning Off Beacon Unleashes a Storm

A Des Moines television station has turned off the lights on the city's Weather Beacon, igniting a tempest among residents who were raised to look downtown for...

At Technology High School, Goal Isn't to Finish in 4 Years
From ACM Careers

At Technology High School, Goal Isn't to Finish in 4 Years

Flakes of green paint are peeling from the third-floor windowsills.

Devices Go Nose to Nose With Bomb-Sniffer Dogs
From ACM News

Devices Go Nose to Nose With Bomb-Sniffer Dogs

Denis Spitzer wants to beat dogs at their own game.

Ftc Offers $50,000 to Robocall Killers
From ACM Careers

Ftc Offers $50,000 to Robocall Killers

The Federal Trade Commission is offering a cash reward of $50,000 to whoever develops a solution to block robotic calling on both landlines and mobiles.

Computer Viruses Are 'rampant' on Medical Devices in Hospitals
From ACM News

Computer Viruses Are 'rampant' on Medical Devices in Hospitals

Computerized hospital equipment is increasingly vulnerable to malware infections, according to participants in a recent government panel. These infections can clog...

Genome Hunters Go After Martian Dna
From ACM Careers

Genome Hunters Go After Martian Dna

Two high-profile entrepreneurs say they want to put a DNA sequencing machine on the surface of Mars in a bid to prove the existence of extraterrestrial life.

Report Sees Decline in Voting Glitches ... but Vote-By-Mail Sparks Concern
From ACM News

Report Sees Decline in Voting Glitches ... but Vote-By-Mail Sparks Concern

The good news about voting technologyis that the upgrades put into place since the controversial 2000 presidential election have made ballot tallies twice as accurate...

Craig Venter Imagines a World with Printable Life Forms
From ACM Opinion

Craig Venter Imagines a World with Printable Life Forms

Craig Venter imagines a future where you can download software, print a vaccine, inject it, and presto! Contagion averted.

Inside Google's Sci-Fi Search Experiments
From ACM News

Inside Google's Sci-Fi Search Experiments

The familiar whistle of a smartphone notification told me that Paco was hungry.

At Stanford, Scholars Debate the Promises, Pitfalls of Online Learning
From ACM TechNews

At Stanford, Scholars Debate the Promises, Pitfalls of Online Learning

Although online learning has great potential to enhance the education process, Princeton University president emeritus William Bowen cites three obstructions to...

Paging Dr. Watson: Artificial Intelligence As a Prescription For Health Care
From ACM News

Paging Dr. Watson: Artificial Intelligence As a Prescription For Health Care

Everyone agrees health care in the United States is a colossal mess, and IBM is betting that artificially intelligent supercomputers are just what the doctor ordered...

The Future, as Imagined by Google
From ACM News

The Future, as Imagined by Google

In Eric E. Schmidt's future, his life will be a lot easier.

Making Crowdsourcing More Reliable
From ACM TechNews

Making Crowdsourcing More Reliable

One of the major obstacles in crowdsourcing information gathering is the reliability of collected reports, but researchers at the University of Southampton and...

Campaigns Mine Personal Lives to Get Out Vote
From ACM News

Campaigns Mine Personal Lives to Get Out Vote

Strategists affiliated with the Obama and Romney campaigns say they have access to information about the personal lives of voters at a scale never before imagined...

How I Accidentally Helped Compromise the Secret Keys of High-Security Handcuffs
From ACM Opinion

How I Accidentally Helped Compromise the Secret Keys of High-Security Handcuffs

In the age of freely available modeling software, laser cutters and 3D printers, shapes that must stay secret for security's sake don't stay secret for long. Especially...

Pentagon Scientists: We Can't Predict Violent Outbursts. Yet.
From ACM News

Pentagon Scientists: We Can't Predict Violent Outbursts. Yet.

In the years to come, a top group of military scientists believe, the Pentagon may be able to use genomics and bio-markers to spot when a soldier is about to snap...

Leon Panetta on Cybersecurity: D.C. Action Needed
From ACM News

Leon Panetta on Cybersecurity: D.C. Action Needed

While Joe Biden and Paul Ryan were duking it out last Thursday night over U.S. troops in Iraq, Afghanistan and beyond, Defense Secretary Leon Panetta was warning...
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