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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Leap Year Blamed For Hicaps Stumble
From ACM News

Leap Year Blamed For Hicaps Stumble

Today's extra day in February has caused the payment system used by the health industry to crash, preventing 150,000 customers from using private health care cards...

Nasa Pinning Down Where 'here' Is Better Than Ever
From ACM News

Nasa Pinning Down Where 'here' Is Better Than Ever

Before our Global Positioning System navigation devices can tell us where we are, the satellites that make up the GPS need to know exactly where they are.

Tech Giants Agree to Deal on Privacy Policies For Apps
From ACM TechNews

Tech Giants Agree to Deal on Privacy Policies For Apps

California attorney general Kamala D. Harris reached an agreement with major mobile-device companies, including Apple, Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Hewlett-Packard...

Mathematician Sees Artistic Side to Father of Computer
From ACM TechNews

Mathematician Sees Artistic Side to Father of Computer

In a book to be published later this year, University of Chicago mathematician Robert Soare proposes that Alan Turing's design for the modern computer was an artistic...

From ACM News

More Design Hobbyists, Entrepreneurs Use 3D Printing

Matt Sullivan, a retired soldier, still has trouble explaining his right leg to strangers.

The DIY Copyright Revolution
From ACM News

The DIY Copyright Revolution

It is something of a fluke that copyright law has become so intertwined with our online lives. For most people, the first things that were easy to create and distribute...

Smithsonian Turns to 3d to Bring Collection to the World
From ACM News

Smithsonian Turns to 3d to Bring Collection to the World

With just 2% of the Smithsonian's archive of 137 million items available to the public at any one time, an effort is under way at the world's largest museum and...

Algorithm Uses Photo Networks to Reveal Your Hometown
From ACM TechNews

Algorithm Uses Photo Networks to Reveal Your Hometown

There is growing evidence that information gleaned from online social networks can be processed and used in ways to gain an accurate profile of an individual.

Gaining Wisdom from Crowds
From Communications of the ACM

Gaining Wisdom from Crowds

Online games are harnessing humans' skills to solve scientific problems that are currently beyond the ability of computers.

Policing the Future
From Communications of the ACM

Policing the Future

Computer programs and new mathematical algorithms are helping law enforcement agencies better predict when and where crimes will occur.

Stanford Schooling - Gratis!
From Communications of the ACM

Stanford Schooling - Gratis!

Stanford University's experiment with online classes could help transform computer science education.

Computer Sleuthing Helps ­nravel Rna's Role in Cellular Function
From ACM TechNews

Computer Sleuthing Helps ­nravel Rna's Role in Cellular Function

University of Central Florida computer engineers used a computer program to analyze the subunits that make up ribonucleic acid.  

NASA Map Sees Earth's Trees in a New Light
From ACM News

NASA Map Sees Earth's Trees in a New Light

A NASA-led science team has created an accurate, high-resolution map of the height of Earth's forests.

Activist-Backed Collaboration Platform Set for March Release
From ACM TechNews

Activist-Backed Collaboration Platform Set for March Release

A functional prototype of the Global Square, a social network collaboration platform for activists, will be available by March.  

Best Time For a Coffee Break? There's an App For That
From ACM TechNews

Best Time For a Coffee Break? There's an App For That

Pennsylvania State University researchers have developed Caffeine Zone, an application that can help people determine when caffeine may give them a mental boost...

New System Allows Robots to Continuously Map Their Environment
From ACM TechNews

New System Allows Robots to Continuously Map Their Environment

MIT researchers have developed a system that enables robots to create and continuously update a three-dimensional map of their environment using a low-cost camera...

Computer Programs That Think Like Humans
From ACM TechNews

Computer Programs That Think Like Humans

University of Gothenburg researchers have developed software that can score 150 on a standard IQ test.  

Chemist Applies Google Software to Molecular World
From ACM TechNews

Chemist Applies Google Software to Molecular World

Washington State University researchers have adapted Google's PageRank software to create moleculaRnetworks, a program that enables scientists to virtually study...

­pgrading the Hurricane Forecast
From ACM TechNews

­pgrading the Hurricane Forecast

Researchers at Pennsylvania State University and the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration have developed a hurricane forecasting system that improves...

Log Onto Facebook, Contribute to Scientific Research
From ACM TechNews

Log Onto Facebook, Contribute to Scientific Research

Researchers at Victoria University of Wellington, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, and Cardiff University are developing a cloud computing-based Facebook...
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