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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

Multicore Requires Os Rework, Windows Architect Advises

The basic architecture of modern operating systems may need to be rethought in order to accommodate multicore processors, according to a recent presentation at...

From ACM TechNews

Rising Demand For Sql, Linux Skills

ITWorldCanada.comA recent Technology Demand and Supply Q4 2009 report, produced for the Recruitment and Employment Confederation, found that SQL, C#, .NET and Linux...

From ACM TechNews

Initiative Grants Access to STEM Curriculum

A program to help enhance American Indian students' achievement in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields has been developed by the...

Spies Among Us?
From Communications of the ACM

Spies Among Us?

Governments' practice of electronic surveillance—and the growing use of warrantless wiretapping—has observers deeply concerned.

Robots Gear Up For Disaster Response
From Communications of the ACM

Robots Gear Up For Disaster Response

After 15 years of research, robots for search and rescue may be nearing prime time.

Data Streaming 2.0
From Communications of the ACM

Data Streaming 2.0

In today's real-time Web, data streaming applications no longer have the luxury of making multiple passes over a recorded data set.

Spain Positioned in Europe as a Sponsor of Open Source Software
From ACM TechNews

Spain Positioned in Europe as a Sponsor of Open Source Software

The Vulcano Project is a collaborative effort between Spanish higher education institutions, technology transfer centers, and industrial partners to develop open...

From ACM TechNews

Researchers Give ­pdate on Road to Parallelism

University of Illinois researchers have taken several small steps toward developing new parallel programming models to tap the many-core processors of the future...

New Statistical Method Could Cut Computation Time for Genetic Studies
From ACM TechNews

New Statistical Method Could Cut Computation Time for Genetic Studies

UCLA researchers have developed a new computational strategy for genome-wide association studies, which enables the scanning of up to a million genetic markers...

From ACM TechNews

Pushing For Software Quality Assurance

In a recent Journal of Computer Science research article, "Resistance Factors in the Implementation of Software Process Improvement Project in Malaysia," the authors...

Intel Powers Its Way Inside the Smart Grid
From ACM News

Intel Powers Its Way Inside the Smart Grid

Intel wants you to take more interest in your energy use but isn't fussy about how you do it. The chip giant has developed a broad strategy to make money on smart...

Nist, Partners Develop Testing Infrastructure For Health It Systems
From ACM News

Nist, Partners Develop Testing Infrastructure For Health It Systems

NIST has released the first of four installments of a new health IT test method and related software, developed in collaboration with a broad array of public and...

Group Seeks to Open Source Data-Center Design
From ACM TechNews

Group Seeks to Open Source Data-Center Design

The recently announced Open Source Data Center Initiative is looking to apply open source principles to the design and construction of data centers. 

IT Spending Will Rise - But Not Rebound - in 2010
From ACM News

IT Spending Will Rise - But Not Rebound - in 2010

Global IT expenditure is expected to rise slightly this year for the first time since the onset of the global economic downturn, according to industry analyst Ovum...

Body Acoustics Can Turn Your Arm Into a Touchscreen
From ACM TechNews

Body Acoustics Can Turn Your Arm Into a Touchscreen

Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University and Microsoft have developed Skinput, a skin-based interface that turns the human body into a touchscreen. 

One Sensor to Do the Work of Many
From ACM TechNews

One Sensor to Do the Work of Many

U.S. Pentagon scientists have developed the Autonomous Real-Time Ground Ubiquitous Surveillance Imaging System (ARGUS-IS), a sensor system that can spot and track...

From ACM News

Nsf-Supported Researchers Gain Access to Microsoft's Azure Services Platform

The National Science Foundation has announced a memorandum of understanding with Microsoft Corp. whereby Microsoft will provide NSF supported-researchers access...

From ACM News

Guide For Applying Risk Management Framework to Information Systems Released

The final publication of the 93-page Guide for Applying the Risk Management Framework to Federal Information Systems: A Security Life Cycle Approach (NIST Special...

Student-Run Business Wins Epa Energy-Optimization Contract
From ACM News

Student-Run Business Wins Epa Energy-Optimization Contract

A company founded and run by Missouri University of Science and Technology students recently received its first federal contract, and hopes to parlay that funding...

Prace Evaluated Additional Prototypes For Next Generation Architectures
From ACM TechNews

Prace Evaluated Additional Prototypes For Next Generation Architectures

The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe's work package for future petaflop computer technologies beyond 2010 recently assessed 12 prototypes for next-generation...
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