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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Burns App Could Save Lives at the Touch of a Button
From ACM TechNews

Burns App Could Save Lives at the Touch of a Button

Mersey Burns, an iPhone and iPad app created by University of Manchester student Chris Seaton, has the potential to save the lives of soldiers and prevent severe...

Sound, Digested
From ACM TechNews

Sound, Digested

Backed by funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation, Imagine Research has developed MediaMined, an artificial intelligence system for understanding and...

From ACM News

The Revolution in Photography

When a set of online teasers for a new camera called the Lytro appeared earlier this year, you could have been forgiven for seeing the invention as just another...

Nsf Renews Grant For Scientists Who Study How the Brain Acquires Visual Expertise
From ACM TechNews

Nsf Renews Grant For Scientists Who Study How the Brain Acquires Visual Expertise

Researchers studying how the brain acquires visual expertise will receive an additional $4 million in funding from the U.S. National Science Foundation. 

Gamers Create Scientific 'recipes'
From ACM News

Gamers Create Scientific 'recipes'

Researchers say that players of a protein-folding game called Foldit are coming up with molecular "recipes" that rival their own complex algorithms. One of the...

Nasa Captures New Images of Large Asteroid Passing Earth
From ACM News

Nasa Captures New Images of Large Asteroid Passing Earth

NASA's Deep Space Network antenna in Goldstone, Calif. has captured new radar images of Asteroid 2005 YU55 passing close to Earth.

From ACM News

Justices Weigh Privacy vs. Gps Bugs

In a case that questions the Constitution's meaning in light of modern surveillance technology, the Supreme Court will consider Tuesday whether police need a...

Poor Penmanship Spells Job Security For Post Office's Scribble Specialists
From ACM News

Poor Penmanship Spells Job Security For Post Office's Scribble Specialists

A man in Emden, Mo., recently mailed a letter that he had addressed, in a scribble, to somebody in "Shelhjreille, Mo." That's the way his handwriting made it...

Think About It: CS­ Research Could Turn Brain Waves Into Remote Control
From ACM TechNews

Think About It: CS­ Research Could Turn Brain Waves Into Remote Control

Colorado State University researchers are developing technology that will enable people with severe neurological impairments to complete tasks by changing what...

University Adopts Predictive Technology
From ACM TechNews

University Adopts Predictive Technology

Edith Cowan University is using an IBM-developed predictive model to identify students at risk of leaving a course before they complete it, says National ICT Australia...

High-Tech Spider For Hazardous Missions
From ACM News

High-Tech Spider For Hazardous Missions

Spiders are agile, and some can even jump. They owe this capability to their hydraulically operated limbs. Researchers have now designed a mobile robot modeled...

How to Predict the Future
From ACM Careers

How to Predict the Future

Imagining the future, we naturally think of it as a different place to the one we live in now. It is populated with new technologies, advanced science, and perhaps...

Relief From "parking Wars"
From ACM TechNews

Relief From "parking Wars"

Researchers have developed PARKAGENT, a computer simulator that models the real-life parking challenges of specific cities, identifying different strategies for...

Crowdsourcing Nutrition in a Snap
From ACM TechNews

Crowdsourcing Nutrition in a Snap

Harvard University researchers have developed PlateMate, software that enable users to utilize crowdsourcing to determine the calorie levels of their meals. Users...

From ACM News

Gartner: 10 Key It Trends For 2012

If you had to pick 10 technology-related trends that will affect your enterprise infrastructure in the coming year, Gartner says you'd do well to start with virtualization...

Ibm, Georgia Tech Launch Children's Health Data Modeling Project
From ACM TechNews

Ibm, Georgia Tech Launch Children's Health Data Modeling Project

The Georgia Institute of Technology will use IBM analytics technology to study data models as a way to systematically improve the pediatric health system. 

Filling Space With Polyhedra
From ACM News

Filling Space With Polyhedra

Salvatore Torquato’s unique space-packing method has implications in information theory and materials science.

To Diagnose Heart Disease, Visualization Experts Recommend a Simpler Approach
From ACM TechNews

To Diagnose Heart Disease, Visualization Experts Recommend a Simpler Approach

Harvard University researchers have developed HemoVis, a method for visualizing human arteries that, in clinical testing, increased diagnostic accuracy from 39...

Computer Scientist Seeks the Real Meaning of Language
From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientist Seeks the Real Meaning of Language

Researchers at Columbia University and the City University of New York are developing computational methods to detect deception in English, Mandarin Chinese, and...

From ACM TechNews

DARPA Offers $50,000 Prize If You Can Figure Out These Shredded Puzzles

The U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency announced the $50,000 Shredder Challenge, which asks participants to devise new methods or techniques for piecing...
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