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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Greener Computing in the Cloud
From ACM TechNews

Greener Computing in the Cloud

Researchers say that custom data centers being built for cloud computing systems are very energy efficient. "There are issues with property rights and confidentiality...

Ants Vs. Worms: Computer Security Software Mimics Nature
From ACM News

Ants Vs. Worms: Computer Security Software Mimics Nature

In the never-ending battle to protect computer networks from intruders, security experts are deploying a new defense modeled after one of nature's hardiest creatures...

Physicists Move Fast 'excitonic' Computers Closer to Reality
From ACM News

Physicists Move Fast 'excitonic' Computers Closer to Reality

Physicists at UC San Diego have successfully created speedy integrated circuits with particles called "excitons" that operate at commercially cold temperatures,...

From ACM TechNews

Supercomputers Often Run Outdated Software

Supercomputing experts discussed the issue of supercomputing software during a recent conference in Washington, D.C., celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Coalition...

From ACM TechNews

­k's Centre For Cyber-Security Opens at Queen's

The Centre for Secure Information Technologies (CSIT) recently opened at Queen's University Belfast. CSIT will create 80 new positions and serve as the United...

From ACM TechNews

New Russian Top50 Supercomputers List Released

The Research Computing Center of Lomonosov at Moscow State University (MSU) and the RAS Joint Supercomputer Center have released the latest Top50 list of the most...

Wolfram's Search Goal: Compute All
From ACM TechNews

Wolfram's Search Goal: Compute All

Stephen Wolfram has set the ambitious goal of converting the global corpus of knowledge into a computable format through, a computational knowledge...

From ACM News


The creation of a cyborg insect army has just taken a step closer to reality. A research team at the University of California Berkeley recently announced thatFrontiers...

From ACM TechNews

How the Netflix Prize Was Won

The secret to the success of BellKor's Pragmatic Chaos and The Ensemble, first- and second-place winners of the Netflix Prize, was teamwork. The Netflix Prize...

Shaping the Future
From Communications of the ACM

Shaping the Future

To create shape-shifting robotic ensembles, researchers need to teach micro-machines to work together.

From ACM News

Netflix Awards $1 Million Prize and Starts a New Contest

Netflix, the movie rental company, has decided its million-dollar-prize competition was such a good investment that it is planning another one.  The company’srecommendation...

From ACM News

Quantum Computers Are Coming

WHATEVER happened to quantum computers? A few years ago, it seemed, it was just a case of a tweak here, a fiddle there, and some kind of number-crunching Godzilla...

From ACM TechNews

City 2.0: It Will Make Cities More Engaging and Energy-Efficient

Cities will be transformed by WiMax, smart grids, social networks, and other emerging technologies, once they are cohesively integrated. WiMax is seen as a critical...

Turing Award Winner Barbara Liskov to Keynote at Oopsla 2009
From ACM TechNews

Turing Award Winner Barbara Liskov to Keynote at Oopsla 2009

This year's ACM conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Appliances (OOPSLA 2009) will be held in Orlando, Fla., from October 25-29. OOPSLA...

Taming the Vast
From ICT Results

Taming the Vast

European researchers are making an impressive effort to link up digital repositories to create a vast network of easy to search online data. The DRIVER project...

White House ­nveils Cloud Computing Initiative
From ACM TechNews

White House ­nveils Cloud Computing Initiative

The Obama administration has introduced a cloud computing policy that aims to lower infrastructure costs and reduce the environmental impact of government computing...

Researchers Could Save Thousands ­sing Xbox's Parallel Processing Capabilities
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Could Save Thousands ­sing Xbox's Parallel Processing Capabilities

University of Warwick researcher Simon Scarle has demonstrated that an Xbox 360 chip could replace parallel processing hardware for a fraction of the cost. Scarle's...

From ACM TechNews

Accurate Predictions in a Limited Calculation Time

Computers need to automatically focus on key changes in an area in order to accurately predict air, road traffic, and water flow with computer simulations, according...

­.s. Air Force Funds Super-Fast, Secure Computing
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Air Force Funds Super-Fast, Secure Computing

The U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) is supporting University of Michigan (UM) physicists' development of components for quantum computers that...

Rome Is Built in a Day, with Hundreds of Thousands of Digital Photos
From ACM News

Rome Is Built in a Day, with Hundreds of Thousands of Digital Photos

The ancient city of Rome was not built in a day. It took nearly a decade to build the Colosseum, and almost a century to construct St. Peter's Basilica. But now...
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