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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Bike Crash Wiped Details; Gps Data Filled Them In
From ACM News

Bike Crash Wiped Details; Gps Data Filled Them In

After racing and biking back roads on the San Francisco Peninsula for almost half a century without serious incident, on July 3 I crashed while riding downhill...

The AlloSphere Offers an Interactive Experience of Nano-Sized Worlds
From ACM TechNews

The AlloSphere Offers an Interactive Experience of Nano-Sized Worlds

The University of California, Santa Barbara's AlloSphere Research Laboratory takes scientific data that is too small to see and hear and magnifies it to a human...

Engineers Find Leaky Pipes With Artificial Intelligence
From ACM TechNews

Engineers Find Leaky Pipes With Artificial Intelligence

University of Exeter researchers are using artificial intelligence software to monitor water systems to identify leaky pipes and flood risks. 

World's First University With Indoor Navigation App
From ACM TechNews

World's First University With Indoor Navigation App

Students at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology are using a new application that serves as a guide for users both outside and inside buildings. 

How Microsoft Researchers Might Invent a Holodeck
From ACM TechNews

How Microsoft Researchers Might Invent a Holodeck

Microsoft researcher Scott Saponas is developing Skinput, a bracelet of wearable electrodes that can sense how the user is moving their hand and fingers, transmitting...

Computer Helps Msu Researchers ­nravel Plants' Secrets to Survival
From ACM TechNews

Computer Helps Msu Researchers ­nravel Plants' Secrets to Survival

Michigan State University scientists are using artificial intelligence to gain a better understanding of how plants cope with extreme environments. 

Science After 9/11: How Research Was Changed By the September 11 Terrorist Attacks
From ACM News

Science After 9/11: How Research Was Changed By the September 11 Terrorist Attacks

New work in forensics, biodefense and cyber security blossomed after the attacks on New York City, Washington, D.C., and in the skies over Pennsylvania, but increased...

Chatty Robots Go Viral on Youtube
From ACM TechNews

Chatty Robots Go Viral on Youtube

Cornell University students have used a Web-based chatbot called Cleverbot to set up an online chat between two robots, one male and one female.

Nih Research Model Predicts Weight With Varying Diet, Exercise Changes
From ACM TechNews

Nih Research Model Predicts Weight With Varying Diet, Exercise Changes

Researchers at the U.S. National Institutes of Health have developed a computer simulation of metabolism that enables scientists to better understand how diet and...

For Software Developers, A Bounty Of Opportunity
From ACM Careers

For Software Developers, A Bounty Of Opportunity

As people across the country suffer from long-term unemployment, the tech industry is experiencing a shortage of qualified workers. Particularly in software development...

How Microsoft Researchers Might Invent a Holodeck
From ACM News

How Microsoft Researchers Might Invent a Holodeck

Deep inside Microsoft is the brain of a mad scientist.

Animated or Real, Both Are Believable
From ACM News

Animated or Real, Both Are Believable

It is still possible to distinguish between a living, breathing character in a movie and an animated one—but it is getting harder.

New Sensors Streamline Detection of Estrogenic Compounds
From ACM TechNews

New Sensors Streamline Detection of Estrogenic Compounds

University of Illinois researchers have developed sensors that fluoresce in the presence of compounds that interact with estrogen receptors in human cells. 

Showcasing Award-Winning Scientific Visualizations
From ACM TechNews

Showcasing Award-Winning Scientific Visualizations

Argonne National Laboratory's computer visualizations of arterial blood flow and the dynamics of early galaxy formation both recently won Office of Advanced Scientific...

From ACM TechNews

Astrophysicists Report First Simulation to Create a Milky Way-Like Galaxy

University of California, Santa Cruz researchers recently solved a long-standing physics problem by using Eris, a supercomputer simulation that created a spiral...

Taking Mobile Applications Into the Cloud
From ACM TechNews

Taking Mobile Applications Into the Cloud

Microsoft's Mobile Computer Research Center director Victor Bahl, speaking at the recent Microsoft Research Faculty Summit 2011, discussed Project Hawaii, an initiative...

From ACM News

Jupiter-Bound Space Probe Captures Earth And Moon

On its way to the biggest planet in the solar system—Jupiter, NASA's Juno spacecraft took time to capture its home planet and its natural satellite—the moon.

From ACM News

Milky Way Galaxy Re-Created

How long does it take to simulate the Milky Way? The answer is about nine months, if you're using a powerful supercomputer.

Turning Data Into Democratic Action: Social Apps Lab at Citris
From ACM TechNews

Turning Data Into Democratic Action: Social Apps Lab at Citris

Current projects at the University of California Center for Information Technology Research in the Interest of Society's Social Apps Lab include eradicating dengue...

Robot Teaches English as Second Language
From ACM TechNews

Robot Teaches English as Second Language

Pasadena City College professor Ron Chang Lee has developed interactive robots that help students learn English as a second language.
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