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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Software ­nlocks the Power of Grids
From ICT Results

Software ­nlocks the Power of Grids

A huge amount of computing power sits idle most of the time, and new technologies enabling the sharing of resources aim to capitalize on that. Now European researchers...

From ACM TechNews

Ndssl Receives $1.45 Million to Develop Petascale Computer Modeling Capabilities

The Network Dynamics and Simulation Science Laboratory (NDSSL) at Virginia Tech's Virginia Bioinformatics Institute has been awarded a four-year, $1.45 million...

Tying ­p Loose Ends For a Quantum Leap
From ICT Results

Tying ­p Loose Ends For a Quantum Leap

Quantum technologies have become the Holy Grail of the IT industry with research projects springing up throughout  Europe and all over the world. Now a major European...

Laser Light Switch Could Leave Transistors in the Shade
From ACM TechNews

Laser Light Switch Could Leave Transistors in the Shade

Researchers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology have developed an optical transistor that uses one laser beam to control another, potentially forming...

'Toy ­niverse' Could Solve Life's Origins
From ACM TechNews

'Toy ­niverse' Could Solve Life's Origins

The EvoGrid envisioned by Bruce Damer and a group of international advisers is a simulation of the primordial soup that they intend to use to gain insights about...

Physicists Find Way to Control Individual Bits in Quantum Computers
From ACM News

Physicists Find Way to Control Individual Bits in Quantum Computers

Physicists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have overcome a hurdle in quantum computer development, having devised a viable way to manipulate...

From ACM TechNews

Researchers to Develop Reliable Low-Power Computing Systems

The U.K. government has awarded researchers from the University of Southampton's School of Electronics and Computer Science (ECS) a grant to develop better methods...

From ACM TechNews

DARPA Investigates Extreme Supercomputing

Future network-tethered sensor systems will be capable of unleashing an enormous amount of data, so a new breed of supercomputers will be needed to make sense of...

Computer Failures Are Probed in Jet Crash
From ACM TechNews

Computer Failures Are Probed in Jet Crash

Aviation investigators looking for a cause of the crash of Air France Flight 447 believe that a rapid chain of computer and equipment failures may have stripped...

From ACM TechNews

Metrorail Crash May Exemplify Automation Paradox

The fatal collision of two trains on Washington, D.C., Metro's Red Line may come to symbolize the core problem of automation, which is the relationship between...

Liskov's Creative Joy
From Communications of the ACM

Liskov's Creative Joy

Barbara Liskov muses about the creative process of problem solving, finding the perfect design point, and pursuing a research path.

Contemporary Approaches to Fault Tolerance
From Communications of the ACM

Contemporary Approaches to Fault Tolerance

Thanks to computer scientists like Barbara Liskov, researchers are making major progress with cost-efficient fault tolerance for Web-based systems.

From ACM News

Intel's Mukherjee Wins ACM Computer Architecture Award

The ACM Special Interest Group on Computer Architecture (SIGARCH) presented its 2009 Maurice Wilkes Award to Shubu Mukherjee of Intel Corp. for his contributions...

One-Stop Shop For Grid Computing
From ICT Results

One-Stop Shop For Grid Computing

From searching for cures for disease to monitoring the Earth's atmosphere, grid computing has become essential to data-intensive research. But accessing limited...

From ACM TechNews

Managing the Data Deluge

The Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at the University of Texas recently unveiled the Corral, a central repository for data collections designed to handle...

U.s. Creates Military Command For Cyber Battlefield
From ACM News

U.s. Creates Military Command For Cyber Battlefield

The U.S. military announced a new "cyber command" designed to wage digital warfare and to bolster defenses against mounting threats to its computer networks. Defense...

Water-Cooled Supercomputer Doubles as Dorm Space Heater
From ACM TechNews

Water-Cooled Supercomputer Doubles as Dorm Space Heater

IBM and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology are building the Aquasar, a new supercomputer that will use water to keep the system cool and will recycle some...

Roadrunner Continues to Outpace Supercomputing Field
From ACM News

Roadrunner Continues to Outpace Supercomputing Field

Despite the Jaguar nipping at its heels, Roadrunner continues to speed past the supercomputing pack. That's according to the twice yearly Top500 list of the fastest...

From ACM TechNews

Ties That Bind: Organizing Large-Scale HPC in the European Union

The European Union (EU) is making a substantial investment in pan-European resources in an effort to place its members on the cutting edge of the computational...

From ACM TechNews

Neural Networks That Replicate Biological Brains

Imperial College London professor of cognitive robotics Murray Shanahan is using graphics processing technology originally developed for the gaming industry to...
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