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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

How Computers Got US Into Space
From ACM News

How Computers Got US Into Space

When you look back at the past 50 years of human spaceflight, don't forget the computer scientists who helped make it possible.

Mars Landing Sites Narrowed Down to Final 4
From ACM News

Mars Landing Sites Narrowed Down to Final 4

After years of poring through images from space and debating where on Mars the next NASA rover should land, it comes down to four choices.

From ACM News

New Ways to Exploit Raw Data May Bring Surge of Innovation, a Study Says

Math majors, rejoice. Businesses are going to need tens of thousands of you in the coming years as companies grapple with a growing mountain of data.

Galileo Data Reveal Magma Ocean Under Jupiter Moon
From ACM News

Galileo Data Reveal Magma Ocean Under Jupiter Moon

New data analysis from NASA's Galileo spacecraft reveals a subsurface ocean of molten or partially molten magma beneath the surface of Jupiter's volcanic moon...

Workplace Robots Need a Better View
From ACM News

Workplace Robots Need a Better View

Robotics pioneer Rodney Brooks says a new generation of industrial robots could be enabled by better machine vision.

Engineers Gather, Asking What Makes the City Tick
From ACM News

Engineers Gather, Asking What Makes the City Tick

It was the last Tuesday of the month, and, like clockwork, the geeks arrived in droves.

From ACM News

3-D Printers May Someday Allow Labs to Create Replacement Human Organs

The machine looks like the offspring of an Erector Set and an inkjet printer. The "ink" feels like applesauce and looks like icing. As nozzles expel the pearly...

NASA's Dawn Captures First Image of Nearing Asteroid
From ACM News

NASA's Dawn Captures First Image of Nearing Asteroid

NASA's Dawn spacecraft has obtained its first image of the giant asteroid Vesta, which will help fine-tune navigation during its approach. Dawn is expected to...

From ACM News

Chinese Entrepreneurs See Apple's App Store as Entryway to Global Market

Lu Miao speaks very little English. He's never traveled outside of Asia. He's not a software engineer. But in a few short months, he became the founder of a successful...

The Class That Built Apps, and Fortunes
From ACM News

The Class That Built Apps, and Fortunes

All right, class, here’s your homework assignment: Devise an app. Get people to use it. Repeat.

Wall Street's Cult Calculator Turns 30
From ACM News

Wall Street's Cult Calculator Turns 30

Matthew Rothman bought an HP 12c financial calculator for his first job out of college in 1989. Years later, he still has the same calculator. And he still uses...

Wall Street Traders Mine Tweets to Gain a Trading Edge
From ACM TechNews

Wall Street Traders Mine Tweets to Gain a Trading Edge

Wall Street traders are using social networking sites and computer algorithms to decipher the mood of the public to predict market fluctuations.

The Science of Science
From ACM TechNews

The Science of Science

Researchers at Princeton and Carnegie Mellon universities are working to harness the explosion of Web data by developing a model that enables computers to group...

Computer Algorithm May Speed Drug Discovery
From ACM TechNews

Computer Algorithm May Speed Drug Discovery

University of California, San Diego  researchers have developed a computer algorithm that has the potential to accelerate drug discovery.

App-Specific Processors to Fight Dark Silicon
From ACM TechNews

App-Specific Processors to Fight Dark Silicon

University of California, San Diego researchers working on the GreenDroid project have developed software that scans the Android operating system and its most popular...

Origami: Not Just For Paper Anymore
From ACM News

Origami: Not Just For Paper Anymore

While the primary job of DNA in cells is to carry genetic information from one generation to the next, some scientists also see the highly stable and programmable...

Tools For Better Web Design
From ACM TechNews

Tools For Better Web Design

Stanford University's Human Computer Interaction group creates tools to help Web designers take advantage of open source programs to improve and adapt designs more...

Designs With a Deeper Purpose
From ACM TechNews

Designs With a Deeper Purpose

Microsoft software design specialist Bill Buxton wants developers to focus on innovations that can improve humans' quality of life.

See Ancient Earth from Space
From ACM News

See Ancient Earth from Space

Over the past 750 million years, our blue marble has gone through remarkable changes; continents have shifted, ice ages have come and gone, sea levels have risen...

Web Science Meets Network Science
From Communications of the ACM

Web Science Meets Network Science

A pair of divergent scientific communities discusses their similarities and differences, and search for common ground.
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