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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

NASA's LRO Exposes Moon's Complex, Turbulent Youth
From ACM News

NASA's LRO Exposes Moon's Complex, Turbulent Youth

The moon was bombarded by two distinct populations of asteroids or comets in its youth, and its surface is more complex than previously thought, according to...

From ACM TechNews

Navigation App Gives You Freedom to Explore

Swansea University's Simon Robinson and colleagues have developed a smartphone navigation application that gives pedestrians the opportunity to explore unfamiliar...

From ACM News

Pew Study: We've Got Phone Apps, But Not All of ­S Are ­sing Them

Thirty-five percent of adults in the United States have "apps," or software programs on their cell phones now, but only 24 percent of them are actually using...

From ACM News


A trio of University of Wisconsin-Madison engineering professors has launched a new high-performance computing center that will expand access to the supercomputing...

From ACM News

Crowdsourcing Peer Review

It is the greatest question in computer science. A negative answer would likely give a fundamentally deeper understanding of the nature of computation. And a...

Electronic Nose Sniffs Out Bacteria
From ICT Results

Electronic Nose Sniffs Out Bacteria

Early treatment of infection in burn patients is critical. A European consortium has designed a point-of-care instrument that can identify types of bacteria from...

Iphone App May Replace Stethoscope
From ACM TechNews

Iphone App May Replace Stethoscope

iPhones can function as stethoscopes using a new application developed by a University College of London computer scientist and cardiologist researchers. The app...

How to Remake Life
From ACM News

How to Remake Life

Venter Institute researchers have made the first viable cell with a synthetic genome.

Season For High Science
From ACM News

Season For High Science

Hurricanes on both coasts are test beds for new forecasting tools.

From ACM News

Google Finding Its Voice

Google's Mike Cohen won't be satisfied until anyone who wants to talk to their computer can do so without laughing at the hideous translation or sighing in frustration...

The Mind's Eye: How the Brain Sorts Out What You See
From ACM News

The Mind's Eye: How the Brain Sorts Out What You See

Can you tell a snake from a pretzel? Some can't—and their experiences are revealing how the brain builds up a coherent picture of the world.

­.s. Escalates Air War Over Afghanistan
From ACM News

­.s. Escalates Air War Over Afghanistan

There may not be quite as many bombs falling from the sky. But don’t let that fool you. The United States has dramatically escalated its air war over Afghanistan...

From ACM TechNews

Shake to Adjust Your Smartphone's Privacy Settings

Open University's Lukasz Jedrzejczyk led the development of Privacy Shake, an application that enables users with global positioning system-enabled smartphones...

From ACM News

Google Gives Real-Time Search Its Own Page

Google is digging deeper into real-time search, with a new search page that displays only results from timely sources, like updates from Twitter and other social...

Software Helps Scientists Conduct Hurricane Research
From ACM News

Software Helps Scientists Conduct Hurricane Research

Scientists studying how and why Atlantic hurricanes form will have a better chance of getting the data they need thanks to flight planning software developed at...

From ACM TechNews

W3c Launches Web Performance Working Group

A new W3C working group will focus on improving the measurement of Web application performance times.The Web Performance Working Group will initially create a common...

Supercomputers Supermodel Supermassive Black Holes
From ACM News

Supercomputers Supermodel Supermassive Black Holes

What happens when two black holes smash into each another? They form an even larger black hole while driving jets of relativistic matter into the far reaches...

Degrees, Distance, and Dollars
From Communications of the ACM

Degrees, Distance, and Dollars

The Internet is making higher education accessible to a whole new class of students—but not necessarily at a lower cost.

Brains and Bytes
From Communications of the ACM

Brains and Bytes

Computational neuroscientists are learning that the brain is like a computer, except when it isn't.

From ACM News

Scientists Hack Into Cars' Computers

It sounds like a Hollywood movie: cybercriminals in a van use a laptop to hack wirelessly into the computer-controlled systems of the car on the road ahead. In...
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