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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

Giving New Meaning to 'smart Car'

McMaster University computer and software engineers are studying how one IBM multicore processor can be used to connect a vehicle's automotive systems. 

Computers Could Make Better Drugs
From ACM News

Computers Could Make Better Drugs

Using the NSF-funded Ranger supercomputer at the Texas Advanced Computing Center, University of Texas at Austin professor Pengyu Ren is working to develop faster...

Can Cameras and Software Replace Referees?
From ACM News

Can Cameras and Software Replace Referees?

Tennis has adopted Hawk-Eye's line-calling technology with (mostly) open arms. Why are other sports resisting the more accurate, high-tech refs?

From ACM News

Student Researchers Advance Emergency Alert Technology

A group of Northeastern University student researchers have developed a wireless wrist device that monitors a user's vital signs and may serves as an automated...

Computers Can Effectively Detect Disease-Related Eye Problems
From ACM News

Computers Can Effectively Detect Disease-Related Eye Problems

Cost-effective computerized systems can successfully screen diabetic patients to detect early eye problems related to the disease, University of Iowa analysis shows...

Bat Studies to Aid Roving Robots
From ACM TechNews

Bat Studies to Aid Roving Robots

Researchers at the University of Southampton, Leeds University, and the University of Strathclyde are studying the use of ultrasonic transducers that can be used...

Twitter a Decent Stand-In For Public Opinion Polls
From ACM News

Twitter a Decent Stand-In For Public Opinion Polls

The next time you're low on cash and need to get a quick read on the public's feeling on politics or current events, consider sampling Twitter.

From ACM News

Microsoft Attempts to Predict the Future

Don’t worry about Microsoft trying to follow your every move. The company probably already knows what you will do next.

Patient's Social Network Predicts Drug Outcomes
From ACM News

Patient's Social Network Predicts Drug Outcomes

Earlier this month, the journal Lancet Neurology published a study showing that the generic drug lithium did nothing to slow the course of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis...

New Probe Promises to Reveal Brain's Mysteries
From ICT Results

New Probe Promises to Reveal Brain's Mysteries

New cures for neurological disease and a better understanding of how the brain works are among the dozens of potential applications awaiting a new neurological...

Why Labs Love Gaming Hardware
From ACM News

Why Labs Love Gaming Hardware

Blasting zombies may seem to have little to do with serious research, but video game hardware is helping scientists in a variety of ways including helping them...

Data Analysis System Could Do Double Duty
From ACM TechNews

Data Analysis System Could Do Double Duty

A new system that analyzes behavioral data to identify potential Internet threats, which may also have application in areas such as health-care monitoring, is under...

From ACM TechNews

Students Develop Software to Detect Hearing Problem

Computer science students from Dubai's University of Wollongong took fourth place at the Microsoft Gulf Imagine Cup for developing Ear It, software that turns a...

Video Games and Virtual Reality Proven Helpful as Pain Relievers
From ACM News

Video Games and Virtual Reality Proven Helpful as Pain Relievers

Children and adults with acute and chronic pain receive some analgesic benefit when they become immersed in video game action, and virtual reality is proving to...

From ACM News

New Way to Operate Mobile Electronics

A new technology based on the sensor found in many computer mice makes interacting with a MP3 player or mobile phone as easy as flicking, twisting or tapping the...

How Personal Genomics Could Change Health Care
From ACM News

How Personal Genomics Could Change Health Care

Several months after deciphering his genetic code last year, Stanford bioengineer Stephen Quake approached a cardiologist colleague. Early analysis of his DNA had...

Augmented-Reality Floor Tiling
From ACM News

Augmented-Reality Floor Tiling

Researchers at McGill University in Montreal, Canada have developed floor tiles that can simulate the look, sound and feel of snow, grass or pebbles underfoot....

Cash, Check or Charge? How About Cellphone?
From ACM News

Cash, Check or Charge? How About Cellphone?

You win a bet, but the loser does not have enough cash on him to settle it. If he has a credit card, and most people usually do, there is finally a solution. AeBay...

From ACM News

India It Spending to Rise 14 Percent in 2010, Gartner Says

Information technology spending in India will grow by 14 percent in 2010 to $67 billion on higher investments by retail and utility firms and government departments...

We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Powerpoint
From ACM News

We Have Met the Enemy and He Is Powerpoint

 Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal, the leader of American and NATO forces in Afghanistan, was shown a PowerPoint slide in Kabul last summer that was meant to portray...
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