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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

A Report on the Discovery and Innovation in Health IT Workshop

The Discovery and Innovation in Health IT Workshop, cosponsored by the Computing Community Consortium (CCC), attempted to make further progress on productive collaboration...

From ACM News

Squeezing Web Sites Onto Cellphones

When a group of engineers at National Instruments Corp. modified a 1988 Oldsmobile so it could be controlled by an iPhone, the company was quick to share the project...

New Algorithms For Computerized, Large-Scale Surveillance
From ACM TechNews

New Algorithms For Computerized, Large-Scale Surveillance

The U.S. Air Force has adapted the advanced algebraic theories of mathematicians Myoung An and Richard Tolimieri to improve its object and target detection technology...

Researchers Create Shape-Shifting Antennas
From ACM News

Researchers Create Shape-Shifting Antennas

Research from North Carolina State University is revolutionizing the field of antenna design — creating shape-shifting antennas that open the door to a host of...

From ACM News

Open Source as a Model For Business Is Elusive

SAN FRANCISCO — In many ways, MySQL embodies the ideals of the populist software movement known as open source, in which a program’s creator releases it to the...

From ACM TechNews

New Standard Lets Browsers Get a Grip on Files

The World Wide Web Consortium has published File API, an interface draft that Web browsers can use to better manipulate files and is part of a larger effort to...

From ACM News

­nflattening Touch-Screen Buttons

Ever wish the flat touch screen buttons on your phone felt more like physical buttons? Chris Harrison and Prof. Scott Hudson at Carnegie Mellon have developed...

Medibots: The World's Smallest Surgeons
From ACM News

Medibots: The World's Smallest Surgeons

A man lies comatose on an operating table. The enormous spider that hangs above him has plunged four appendages into his belly. The spider, made of white steel,...

Blueprints For Self-Assembly
From Communications of the ACM

Blueprints For Self-Assembly

Researchers are using tools from information theory and computer science to facilitate the automatic creation of nanoscale structures.

From ACM News

Google Offers Peek at Operating System, a Potential Challenge to Windows

MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — Google began lifting the veil on its planned Chrome operating system on Thursday, but it said that computers powered by the software would...

From ACM TechNews

Invisibility Visualized: New Software For Rendering Cloaked Objects

Researchers at Germany's Karlsruhe Institute of Technology have developed a new visualization tool that will enable users to see what a cloaked object looks like...

From ACM TechNews

Tai Xue-Cheng Wins Feng Kang Prize in Scientific Computing

Tai Xue-Cheng, a specialist in numerical analysis and computational mathematics at Nanyang Technological University (NTU), has been named the winner of the 8th...

Prace Is Ready For Implementation: Applications Ported
From ACM TechNews

Prace Is Ready For Implementation: Applications Ported

The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe (PRACE) has been researching promising petascaling techniques, as well as related work on optimization techniques...

P2p Comes to the Aid of Audiovisual Search
From ICT Results

P2p Comes to the Aid of Audiovisual Search

Current methods of searching audiovisual content can be a hit-and-miss affair. Manually tagging online media content is time consuming, and costly. But new 'query...

Improving Security With Face Recognition Technology
From ACM TechNews

Improving Security With Face Recognition Technology

University of Miami professor Mohamed Abdel-Mottaleb has developed a new way to improve the efficiency and accuracy of facial recognition technology. Abdel-Mottaleb...

Petascale Tools Could Provide Deeper Insight Into Genomic Evolution
From ACM News

Petascale Tools Could Provide Deeper Insight Into Genomic Evolution

Research recently funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 aims to develop computational tools that will utilize next-generation petascale computers...

From ACM TechNews

Tough Choices For Supercomputing's Legacy Apps

The future of supercomputing holds several significant software challenges, writes Numerical Algorithms Group's Andrew Jones. The first challenge is the rapidly...

Working Together to Design Robust Silicon Chips
From ACM TechNews

Working Together to Design Robust Silicon Chips

Cooperation between researchers, chipmakers, and tool suppliers working on the EUREKA MEDEA+ microelectronics Cluster ROBIN project has led to improved design methods...

From ACM News

Face-Recognition Technology May Be ­sed at Hong Kong Border Checks

Face-recognition technology might be used to screen the residents at Hong Kong border checkpoints, Hong Kong's Security Secretary Ambrose Lee said Thursday (Nov...

From ACM News

Spdy: An Experimental Protocol For a Faster Web

As part of the "Let's make the web faster" initiative, we are experimenting with alternative protocols to help reduce the latency of web pages. One of these experiments...
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