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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Deep Learning Method Worth Its Salt
From ACM TechNews

Deep Learning Method Worth Its Salt

A multi-institutional team of researchers led by the University of Cincinnati's Yu Shi has developed a technique for modeling the thermodynamic properties of molten...

Scientists Expand Entomological Research Using Genome Editing Algorithm
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Expand Entomological Research Using Genome Editing Algorithm

A team of scientists from Japan's Hiroshima University, the Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, and the RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences...

Formalizing Fairness
From Communications of the ACM

Formalizing Fairness

Algorithmic fairness aims to remedy issues stemming from algorithmic bias.

Computer Science Proof Unveils Unexpected Form of Entanglement
From ACM News

Computer Science Proof Unveils Unexpected Form of Entanglement

Three computer scientists have solved the NLTS conjecture, proving that systems of entangled particles can remain difficult to analyze even away from extremes. ...

Scientists Use Robots to Reveal How Predatory Fish Cope with Unpredictable Prey
From ACM TechNews

Scientists Use Robots to Reveal How Predatory Fish Cope with Unpredictable Prey

Researchers at the U.K.'s University of Bristol used robots to demonstrate how predators adapt to overcome unpredictable behavior by their prey.

Improved Approach to the 'Traveling Salesperson Problem' Could Boost Logistics, Transport Sectors
From ACM TechNews

Improved Approach to the 'Traveling Salesperson Problem' Could Boost Logistics, Transport Sectors

Researchers have developed an enhanced approach to the Traveling Salesperson Problem that yields high-quality solutions at a faster rate than other cutting-edge...

Fake Faces Created by AI Look More Trustworthy than Real People
From ACM TechNews

Fake Faces Created by AI Look More Trustworthy than Real People

Researchers found that people have a hard time distinguishing images of human faces created by artificial intelligence from images of real faces.

Exploring the Strategies of Categorization
From ACM TechNews

Exploring the Strategies of Categorization

A novel methodology using pigeons has uncovered universal principles in categorization learning.

Solving for Why
From Communications of the ACM

Solving for Why

A focus on causality is promising to help researchers overcome shortcomings that have bedeviled more traditional approaches to artificial intelligence.

How Game Theory Changed Poker
From ACM TechNews

How Game Theory Changed Poker

Researchers at the University of Alberta's Computer Poker Research Group pioneered game theory mathematics that transformed how professional poker players approach...

Reaching Across the Aisle to Find the Algorithms of Vision
From ACM News

Reaching Across the Aisle to Find the Algorithms of Vision

Two styles of understanding visual processing—discriminative and generative approaches—have guided researchers on separate paths for decades, but now are being...

'Pop-Up' Electronic Sensors Could Detect When Heart Cells Misbehave
From ACM News

'Pop-Up' Electronic Sensors Could Detect When Heart Cells Misbehave

Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed a tool that monitors the electrical activity inside heart cells using tiny "pop-up" sensors that...

Converting Laws to Programs
From Communications of the ACM

Converting Laws to Programs

In highly regulated industries, it is critical that laws are translated precisely into code that reflects their intent.

Monetizing Your Personal Data
From Communications of the ACM

Monetizing Your Personal Data

What is your private data worth, to you and to the companies willing to pay you for it?

Trouble at the Source
From Communications of the ACM

Trouble at the Source

Errors and biases in artificial intelligence systems often reflect the data used to train them.

The Road Ahead for Augmented Reality
From Communications of the ACM

The Road Ahead for Augmented Reality

A heads-up look at augmented reality head-up displays.

Chinese Computer Scientist Awarded Kyoto Prize for Work Playing 'Vital Role in Modern Society'
From ACM TechNews

Chinese Computer Scientist Awarded Kyoto Prize for Work Playing 'Vital Role in Modern Society'

Japan's Inamori Foundation has named Chinese computer scientist Andrew Yao Chi-chih recipient of the international Kyoto Prize in advanced technology.

Algorithmic Poverty
From Communications of the ACM

Algorithmic Poverty

Algorithms can have a devastating impact on people's lives, especially if they already are struggling economically.

Amazon Brings Its Cashierless Tech to Two Whole Foods Stores
From ACM TechNews

Amazon Brings Its Cashierless Tech to Two Whole Foods Stores

Just Walk Out tech lets shoppers skip the checkout line

Professor Helps Achieve Quantum Computing Breakthrough
From ACM TechNews

Professor Helps Achieve Quantum Computing Breakthrough

Develops theory behind record-setting experiment for most accurate entangling gate ever demonstrated without lasers
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