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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Electronic Paper's Next Chapter
From Communications of the ACM

Electronic Paper's Next Chapter

The technological challenge for researchers working on the next generation of electronic paper is to render color as brightly as traditional paper, without increasing...

From ACM News

Georgia Tech Wins Nsf Award For Next-Gen Supercomputing

The Georgia Institute of Technology announced its receipt of a five-year, $12 million award from the U.S. National Science Foundation's Office of Cyberinfrastructure...

Jumping the Queue For Official Documents
From ICT Results

Jumping the Queue For Official Documents

Software developed by European researchers allows citizens and local governments to exchange official documents over mobile phones. The software could help usher...

Handheld Camera Brings 'invisible' Into View
From ACM News

Handheld Camera Brings 'invisible' Into View

A group of researchers at Missouri University of Science and Technology has developed a handheld camera that uses microwave signals to non-destructively peek inside...

From ACM News

New Software Could Smooth Supercomputing Speed Bumps

Supercomputers have long been an indispensable, albeit expensive, tool for researchers who need to make sense of vast amounts of data. One way that researchers...

Jeff Dozier of ­csb Wins Microsoft Research's Jim Gray Award
From ACM TechNews

Jeff Dozier of ­csb Wins Microsoft Research's Jim Gray Award

University of California, Santa Barbara professor Jeff Dozier has received Microsoft Research's second annual Jim Gray eScience Award. The award was created to...

Designing a Ride and Learning Math at Epcot
From ACM News

Designing a Ride and Learning Math at Epcot

Can children who do not know how many sides a triangle has get excited about learning math and engineering? Maybe a field trip to an amusement park will do the...

Why Desktop Multiprocessing Has Speed Limits
From ACM TechNews

Why Desktop Multiprocessing Has Speed Limits

Despite the mainstreaming of multicore processors for desktops, not every desktop application can be rewritten for multicore frameworks, which means some bottlenecks...

Computing Project Combats Card Counting
From ACM TechNews

Computing Project Combats Card Counting

A cost-effective computer system for identifying card counters and detecting dealer errors has been developed by a recent graduate of the University of Dundee....

$2 Million Grant to Fund Research on Wireless Patient Monitoring
From ACM News

$2 Million Grant to Fund Research on Wireless Patient Monitoring

A team of wireless researchers and doctors from Rice University and The Methodist Hospital Research Institute have won a $2 million federal grant to design and...

From ACM News

Industry Body Forming to Address IT Graduate Skills

A pilot group within the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is months away from creating a global IT education-focused body to address the needs of the industry. ...

Training to Climb an Everest of Digital Data
From ACM News

Training to Climb an Everest of Digital Data

It is a rare criticism of elite American university students that they do not think big enough. But that is exactly the complaint from some of the largest technology...

Video Camera That Records at the Speed of Thought
From ICT Results

Video Camera That Records at the Speed of Thought

European researchers who created an ultra-fast, extremely high-resolution video camera chip have enabled dozens of medical applications, including one scenario...

Obama Awards National Science, Technology Medals
From ACM News

Obama Awards National Science, Technology Medals

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama linked scientific discovery to helping the struggling economy Wednesday as he honored those who invented batteries for implanted...

­.s. Begins Antitrust Inquiry of I.b.m.
From ACM News

­.s. Begins Antitrust Inquiry of I.b.m.

The Justice Department has started a preliminary investigation into whether I.B.M. has abused its monopoly position in the market for mainframe computers, which...

Geoffrey Fox, Director of Futuregrid
From ACM TechNews

Geoffrey Fox, Director of Futuregrid

The FutureGrid Program is a U.S. National Science Foundation-funded project to determine the best ways to connect supercomputers together, headed by Indiana University...

From ACM News

Threat of next world war may be in cyberspace: ­N

"Cyber war!" flashes on the screen at an Internet security conference. The next world war could take place in cyberspace, the UN telecommunications agency chief...

Nobel Awarded For Advances in Harnessing Light
From ACM News

Nobel Awarded For Advances in Harnessing Light

The mastery of light through technology was the theme of this year’s Nobel Prize in Physics as the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences honored breakthroughs in fiber...

Protocols Will Test Effects of Rfid on Medical Devices
From ACM News

Protocols Will Test Effects of Rfid on Medical Devices

Radio frequency identification (RFID) systems have found their way into medical environments to track patients, equipment assets and staff members. However, there...

Aid Agencies Turn to Open-Source Software
From ACM TechNews

Aid Agencies Turn to Open-Source Software

Wesleyan University and Trinity College students have developed Collabbit, software that acts as a virtual emergency response center. Collabbit serves as a central...
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