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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

­Universities Pilot 'Tools as a Service' Cloud Computing Initiative

The Tools as a Service (TaaS) cloud computing pilot program involving the IBM Canada Software Lab and the Ontario Centres of Excellence is up and running at participating...

From Communications of the ACM

A Difficult, Unforgettable Idea

On the 40th anniversary of Douglas C. Engelbart's "The Mother of All Demos," computer scientists discuss the event's influence — and imagine what could have been...

The Evolution of Virtualization
From Communications of the ACM

The Evolution of Virtualization

Virtualization is moving out of the data center and making inroads with mobile computing, security, and software delivery.

Crowd Control
From Communications of the ACM

Crowd Control

Researchers are turning to computers to help us take advantage of our own cognitive abilities and of the wisdom of crowds.

From ACM News

Chinese It Firm Accused of Links to Cyberwarfare

Beijing-based Venus Info Tech, a provider of IT network security to the Chinese military, has been accused of providing hacker services that help the Chinese government...

From ACM TechNews

Development of Mobile Applications Is Easy With the Elephant Platform

The Fraunhofer Institute for Communications Systems ESK's Elephant research project is a software platform that makes it easier for programmers to develop applications...

From ACM TechNews

Download, Install and Drive - The Future of Automotive Software

European researchers working on the DySCAS project have developed an automotive software architecture that will enable cars to receive software updates just like...

From ACM TechNews

Setting the Stage For Agile Development

Corporate trainers are increasingly applying methods from acting, improvisation, and other art forms to agile development training so that software developers can...

SIGGRAPH Debuts in Asia
From Communications of the ACM

SIGGRAPH Debuts in Asia

ACM's premier computer graphics conference hosts its first-ever graphics event in Asia, with a more global focus.

The First Internet President
From Communications of the ACM

The First Internet President

Barack Obama's presidential campaign utilized the Internet and information technology unlike any previous political campaign. How politicians and the public interact...

The Long Road to 64 Bits
From Communications of the ACM

The Long Road to 64 Bits

The sometimes contentious development of 64-bit systems shows how technology decisions can have unexpected, enduring consequences.

ACM's Annual Report
From Communications of the ACM

ACM's Annual Report

I would be hard-pressed to recall in my four decades as an ACM member a time as eventful and exceptional as recorded by ACM in FY08.

A Pioneer Woman
From Communications of the ACM

A Pioneer Woman

Programmer Jean Bartik is inducted into the Computer History Museum's Hall of Fellows.

Context-Aware Smartphones
From Communications of the ACM

Context-Aware Smartphones

Future generations of smartphones will be context aware, tracking your behavior, providing information about the immediate environment, and anticipating your intentions...

The Universe in Your Computer
From Communications of the ACM

The Universe in Your Computer

Two virtual astronomical telescopes promise to transform the way people view and study the cosmos.

From ACM TechNews

Teaching Intangibles With Technology

European and Israeli researchers have developed an education system that focuses on teaching students critical thinking, social interaction, discourse, rhetoric...

From ACM TechNews

The 9 Hottest Skills For '09

Even with a struggling economy and record unemployment, certain IT skills will be in high demand in the coming year. Programming and application development will...

From ACM TechNews

Stimulus Could Boost It Job Prospects

The overall outlook for IT employment in 2009 is mixed, but some analysts say the U.S. federal economic stimulus package could add IT positions. Compared to jobs...

From ACM TechNews

Multicore Doesn't Mean Equal Core

Virginia Tech researchers recently found that the speed at which code is executed on multicore processors can vary by as much as 10 percent depending on how the...

From ACM TechNews

Mobile Phones to Be Primary Internet Device By 2020, Experts Predict

Mobile phones will become the primary Internet device for most people by 2020, largely due to their increasing computing power, predicts the "Future of the Internet...
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