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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Future Soldiers May Be Wearing 'iron Man' Suits
From ACM News

Future Soldiers May Be Wearing 'iron Man' Suits

A lunchtime crowd is gathering beside the parking lot at Raytheon Sarcos, the defense contractor, on a recent day in Salt Lake City. White-collar workers from...

From ACM TechNews

Supercomputing Fest Will Spotlight World's Fastest Computers, High-Performance Issues

The SC10 supercomputing conference to be held in New Orleans will highlight high-performance computing advances in computation, networking, storage, and analysis...

From ACM News

New Class of Malware Attacks Specific Chips

Computer scientists reveal malware that attacks specific processors rather than the operating system that runs on them.

From ACM TechNews

Imec Leads Development of Stretchable Electronic Fabrics

IMEC is leading a smart textiles project that is focusing on making electronic packages conform to the properties of textiles, rather than weaving rigid electrical...

Why Is a Universal Translator So Elusive?
From ACM News

Why Is a Universal Translator So Elusive?

With a global economy and flights that can take you all over the world in hours, why is it that we still struggle with a language barrier that technology is finding...

Research Team Takes Another Big Step in Creating Small Chips
From ACM TechNews

Research Team Takes Another Big Step in Creating Small Chips

Researchers at the University of Alberta and the National Institute for Nanotechnology have developed a method for heating plastic in a microwave oven that could...

Nanogenerators Power Conventional Electronic Devices
From ACM News

Nanogenerators Power Conventional Electronic Devices

Researchers have reached a significant milestone in their development of nanometer-scale generators that harvest mechanical energy from the environment using an...

Will the It Guy Learn to Love Apple?
From ACM News

Will the It Guy Learn to Love Apple?

It's likely you've got an Apple product plugged into your ears when you're listening to music. Making a phone call? One out of every five people buying a smartphone...

Researcher: Rollable Displays Unfold in 2015
From ACM TechNews

Researcher: Rollable Displays Unfold in 2015

Taiwan's Industrial Technology Research Institute has developed a flexible display that uses a plastic material that can withstand the high temperatures of the...

China's Supercomputers to Sharpen Competitive Edge
From ACM News

China's Supercomputers to Sharpen Competitive Edge

As a China-made supercomputer was recently ranked as the world's fastest, Chinese high performance computer manufacturers are inspired to sharpen their competitive...

The Emergence of Holographic Video
From ACM News

The Emergence of Holographic Video

Experimental networked display refreshes holograms every two seconds.

Intel's Andy Grove on Manufacturing in America
From ACM News

Intel's Andy Grove on Manufacturing in America

Among the scores of fabless chip companies and product design houses in Silicon Valley, Intel is a standout. It's an American high-tech company that not only...

Nasa Mission Successfully Flies By Comet Hartley 2
From ACM News

Nasa Mission Successfully Flies By Comet Hartley 2

NASA's EPOXI mission successfully flew by comet Hartley 2 at about 7 a.m. PDT (10 a.m. EDT) today, and the spacecraft has begun returning images. Hartley 2 is...

Long-Range Undersea Robot Does Its Own Research
From ACM News

Long-Range Undersea Robot Does Its Own Research

A new breed of undersea robot promises to give oceanographers a deeper understanding of ocean life by going faster, farther, and longer than its predecessors—and...

Robot's Space Debut 'giant Leap For Tinmankind'
From ACM TechNews

Robot's Space Debut 'giant Leap For Tinmankind'

NASA is sending a humanoid robot, called Robonaut 2, to the International Space Station for the first time. R2 has more than 350 electrical sensors throughout...

Catching ­p with Multitouch Pioneer Jeff Han
From ACM News

Catching ­p with Multitouch Pioneer Jeff Han

When it comes to the future of technology, Jeff Han literally has his finger on the pulse.

Implanted Chip 'allows Blind People to Detect Objects'
From ACM News

Implanted Chip 'allows Blind People to Detect Objects'

A man with an inherited form of blindness has been able to identify letters and a clock face using a pioneering implant, researchers say.

Ncsa Director: Gpu Is Future of Supercomputing
From ACM News

Ncsa Director: Gpu Is Future of Supercomputing

The director of the National Center for Supercomputing Applications has seen the future of supercomputing and it can be summed up in three letters: GPU.

At Nasa, a Quiet Quest to Send a Humanoid Robot to the Moon
From ACM News

At Nasa, a Quiet Quest to Send a Humanoid Robot to the Moon

For $150 billion, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration could have sent astronauts back to the Moon. The Obama administration judged that too expensive...

Japanese Printer Syncs Pictures With Smells
From ACM TechNews

Japanese Printer Syncs Pictures With Smells

Keio University researchers will present an ink-jet printer that can print out a photo with the appropriate scent for the image at the upcoming ACM Multimedia 2010...
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