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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Personal Fabrication
From Communications of the ACM

Personal Fabrication

Open source 3D printers could herald the start of a new industrial revolution.

Growing Nanowires Horizontally Yields New Benefit: 'nano-Leds'
From ACM News

Growing Nanowires Horizontally Yields New Benefit: 'nano-Leds'

While refining their novel method for making nanoscale wires, chemists at NIST discovered an unexpected bonus—a new way to create nanowires that produce light similar...

Apple Patent Shows Future of Biometrics Isn
From ACM News

Apple Patent Shows Future of Biometrics Isn

A recent Apple patent and a strongly worded report from the National Research Council suggest that the future of biometrics lies with personalization, not security...

Vigilant Camera Eye
From ACM TechNews

Vigilant Camera Eye

Researchers from the Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Information Technology have developed an automated camera system that replicates some functions of the human...

From ACM News

Semiconductor Could Turn Heat Into Computing Power

Computers might one day recycle part of their own waste heat, using a material being studied by researchers at Ohio State University.

From ACM News

Fujitsu Begins Shipping 'k' Computer, Japan's Next-Generation Supercomputer

Fujitsu has begun shipping the computing units for Japan's Next-Generation Supercomputer, nicknamed the "K"  computer. The "K" computer is a central part of the...

PRoViScout: ESA and NASA Develop an Independent Mars Exploration System
From ACM News

PRoViScout: ESA and NASA Develop an Independent Mars Exploration System

Researchers from across Europe—with a little help from experts at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory—are working on a new, robotic exploration system that could...

From ACM News

Mobile Chips Battle For Processing Power

Inside your smartphone, a battle is raging. As tiny chips with big ambitions fight for processing power, is there anything the phones of the future will not be...

From ACM News

Hydrogen-Powered, Solar-Inspired Nano-Battery

University of Illinois at Chicago materials engineer Eduard Karpov received a three-year, $217,000 grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation to develop a...

From ACM TechNews

Lightweight True Random Number Generators a Step Closer

Researchers at Queen's University Belfast's Institute of Electronics, Communications and Information Technology say they have developed the most lightweight true...

How Safe Is Your Swipe?
From ACM TechNews

How Safe Is Your Swipe?

Tel Aviv University researchers have developed a method of extracting information from chip technology by combining modern cryptology methods with constraint programming...

What's the Right Path for Indoor Satnav?
From ACM News

What's the Right Path for Indoor Satnav?

Tracking down one of the last few parking spots in the cramped confines of a dimly lit multi-storey car park is not among life's pleasures. German car maker BMW...

Pentagon Bomb Squad Backs Super Snipers, Mini-Bots, Secret Spy Tech
From ACM News

Pentagon Bomb Squad Backs Super Snipers, Mini-Bots, Secret Spy Tech

"Devil Pup" robots. Super sniper scopes. Secret signals intelligence sensors. Flying spies to find buried threats. Campaigns to influence the media behind the...

British Chip Designer Prepares For Wider Demand
From ACM News

British Chip Designer Prepares For Wider Demand

Near the southeastern edge of Cambridge, where this idyllic university town gives way to fields of green, sits the headquarters of ARM Holdings. Neither the modest...

IBM Ceo: Smart Grid Is Internet of Things
From ACM News

IBM Ceo: Smart Grid Is Internet of Things

In a rare public speaking occasion, IBM CEO Sam Palmisano said that today's energy infrastructure needs to be further digitized and focused on the end consumer...

From ACM News

Certain Doped-Oxide Ceramics Resist Ohm's Law

A group of researchers in England and Spain has discovered that certain barium titanate ceramics do not follow Ohm's Law. Applying a voltage to them gradually changes...

Sensors Use Building's Electrical Wiring as Antenna
From ACM News

Sensors Use Building's Electrical Wiring as Antenna

The trick lets sensors last five times as long between charges.

Magical Beans: New Nano-Sized Particles Could Provide Mega-Sized Data Storage
From ACM TechNews

Magical Beans: New Nano-Sized Particles Could Provide Mega-Sized Data Storage

Berkeley Lab researchers have discovered a new class of phase-change materials that could be applied to phase-change random access memory technologies and possibly...

From ACM TechNews

Technology in the Extreme

Researchers at Newcastle University's Centre for Extreme Environment Technology have developed radio transmitters that can withstand temperatures of up to 900 degrees...

Device Helps ­.s. Troops in Afghanistan Disable Ieds
From ACM News

Device Helps ­.s. Troops in Afghanistan Disable Ieds

A device developed by Sandia National Laboratories researchers that shoots a blade of water capable of penetrating steel is headed to U.S. troops in Afghanistan...
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