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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Milestone Reached on Road to Graphene-Based Electronic Devices
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Milestone Reached on Road to Graphene-Based Electronic Devices

Researchers in the Electro-Optics Center Materials Division at Penn State have produced 100-mm diameter graphene wafers, a key milestone in the development of graphene...

Supercomputer Breakthrough Allows Astronomers to Share ­niverse Simulations
From ACM News

Supercomputer Breakthrough Allows Astronomers to Share ­niverse Simulations

Supercomputing has helped astrophysicists create massive models of the universe, but such simulations remain out of reach for many in the United States and around...

From ACM TechNews

Major Step Towards Low-Power All-Optical Switching For Optical Communications

A key breakthrough involving optical random access memory has been achieved by Interuniversity Microelectronics Center (IMEC) and Ghent University. Researchers...

From ACM News

Innovative Technique Can Spot Errors in Key Technological Systems

An innovative computational technique that draws on statistics, imaging, and other disciplines has the capability to detect errors in sensitive technological systems...

Quantum Computer Simulates Hydrogen Molecule Just Right
From ACM News

Quantum Computer Simulates Hydrogen Molecule Just Right

Almost three decades ago, Richard Feynman — known popularly as much for his bongo drumming and pranks as for his brilliant insights into physics — told an electrified...

From ACM News

Apple Wins Patent For "proximity Sensing" Multi-Touch Display

Apple has been granted a patent for a multi-touch display that can sense when and where a finger is near the screen. The patent was one of 13 granted to Apple,U...

Computing Simulation Tool Nets Best Paper Award
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Computing Simulation Tool Nets Best Paper Award

Novel research has improved the simulation performance of hardware models created in SystemC. Preliminary experiments showed the researchers were able to speed...

New Life For Magnetic Tape
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New Life For Magnetic Tape

Music lovers may have long forsaken them, but magnetic tapes still reign supreme when it comes to storing vast amounts of digital data. And new research from IBM...

Computer Mouse Still Rules, Says Expert
From ACM TechNews

Computer Mouse Still Rules, Says Expert

Next-generation interactive devices, such as gestural interaction and brain-computer interfaces, are unlikely to replace the keyboard and mouse anytime soon, says...

From ACM News

Touchscreen Merges the Real and Digital Worlds

For all the advances in table-top and tablet computing, some design professionals will always prefer the feel of pen on paper to stylus on glass. A new device could...

Data at the End of the Tunnel
From ACM TechNews

Data at the End of the Tunnel

Scientists at Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin and French research facility CNRS have made advances in the development of tunnel magnetoresistance-based memory. 

Supercomputer Flexibility Increased By Virtualized Operating System
From ACM News

Supercomputer Flexibility Increased By Virtualized Operating System

New work on Sandia National Laboratories’ Red Storm supercomputer — the 17th fastest in the world — is helping to make supercomputers more accessible, in effect...

Watching Crystals Grow May Lead to Faster Electronic Devices
From ACM News

Watching Crystals Grow May Lead to Faster Electronic Devices

The quest for faster electronic devices recently got something more than a little bump up in technological knowhow. Scientists at Cornell University (Ithaca, NY)...

From ACM TechNews

Cmu, Intel Collaborate to Improve Energy Costs and Efficiency in Chip Making

Researchers at Intel and Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) have developed a new class of materials called solder magnetic nanocomposites, which could help streamline...

China Details Homemade Supercomputer Plan
From ACM TechNews

China Details Homemade Supercomputer Plan

Researchers at the Chinese Institute of Computing Technology (ICT) have built a supercomputer using only home-grown microprocessors. The supercomputer, known as...

Going Beyond Moore's Law By ­sing the Third Dimension
From ACM TechNews

Going Beyond Moore's Law By ­sing the Third Dimension

Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Materials of Strasbourg researchers have manufactured microwires that self-assemble themselves into a three-dimensional template...

From ACM News

Nanostructures Hold Promise as Fast Switches for Resistive RAM

Building microscopic materials known as superlattices on the surface of gold may lead to a treasure for researchers interested in faster, smaller, and more energy...

Now, Electronics That Obey Hand Gestures
From ACM News

Now, Electronics That Obey Hand Gestures

The technology industry is going retro — moving away from remote controls, mice and joysticks to something that arrives without batteries, wires or a user manual...

From ACM News

Canada Picks ­p Pace in Computer, Tech Spending

Canadian companies have been picking up their spending on computers, software and other technology, but they still lag the U.S., according to an annual study. Businesses...

From ACM News

Bringing Color to E-Readers

One of the hot topics at the Consumer Electronics Show this week in Las Vegas is color e-readers, with several companies showcasing new products. While E-Ink has...
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