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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Predictive Powers: A Robot That Reads Your Intention?
From ICT Results

Predictive Powers: A Robot That Reads Your Intention?

European researchers in robotics, psychology and cognitive sciences have developed a robot that can predict the intentions of its human partner. This ability to...

Simulated Black Holes Collide
From ACM News

Simulated Black Holes Collide

Louisiana State University students and researchers have created an award-winning computer simulation of two black holes colliding and the gravitational waves the...

From ACM TechNews

Grid Enables Vector Supercomputing Environment

Tohoku University's Cyberscience Center, Osaka University's Cybermedia Center, Japan's National Institute of Informatics, and NEC Corp. recently announced the successful...

Graphene Shows Promise For Future Ic Interconnects
From ACM News

Graphene Shows Promise For Future Ic Interconnects

The unique properties of thin layers of graphite — known as graphene — make the material attractive for a wide range of potential electronic devices. Researchers...

Atom Pinhole Camera Acts as a Shrinking Copy Machine
From ACM TechNews

Atom Pinhole Camera Acts as a Shrinking Copy Machine

Scientists from the Institute of Spectroscopy at the Russian Academy of Sciences have developed a method of nanofabrication that uses an atom pinhole camera to...

Memory with a Twist: Nist Develops a Flexible Memristor
From ACM News

Memory with a Twist: Nist Develops a Flexible Memristor

Electronic memory chips may soon gain the ability to bend and twist as a result of work by engineers at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)...

Simulated Data Center Tests Heat Control Techniques
From ACM News

Simulated Data Center Tests Heat Control Techniques

Researchers at the Georgia Institute of Technology are using a 1,100-square-foot simulated data center to optimize cooling strategies and develop new heat transfer...

From ACM TechNews

NIST Delivers ­pdated Draft Standards for Electronic Voting Machines

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recently provided the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) with a draft revision to the 2005 U.S. federal...

From ACM News

Towards the Ultimate Transistor

In 1974 Ari Aviram and Mark Ratner from the IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center in New York suggested using molecules themselves as electronic components. In the...

Microsoft's Project Natal: What Does It Mean For Game Industry?
From ACM News

Microsoft's Project Natal: What Does It Mean For Game Industry?

Microsoft stunned the video game world on Monday with the announcement of its forthcoming "Project Natal" technology, full-body motion-sensitive technology that...

Pc Touch Screens Moving Beyond Mere Curiosity
From ACM News

Pc Touch Screens Moving Beyond Mere Curiosity

The computer industry has a lot riding on your fingers. Companies have dabbled with the touch-screen technology for years. Apple elevated such technology from a...

Toward Cheap ­nderwater Sensor Nets
From ACM TechNews

Toward Cheap ­nderwater Sensor Nets

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego's (UCSD's) Jacobs School of Engineering recently presented a paper highlighting the energy conservation benefits...

Robots Rolling Toward Farm Revolution
From ACM TechNews

Robots Rolling Toward Farm Revolution

Carnegie Mellon University roboticist Tony Stentz says that in the near future the farming industry may undergo a significant change as robotic farmhands become...

Downsizing Is Real ­pper For Daylight Solutions
From ACM News

Downsizing Is Real ­pper For Daylight Solutions

Startup company Daylight Solutions is betting that its cutting-edge sensor technology will change the landscape in fields ranging from medical diagnostics to environmental...

In Search of a Do-It-Yourself Wall-E
From ACM TechNews

In Search of a Do-It-Yourself Wall-E

There has been an explosion in hobbyist or do-it-yourself (DIY) robotics, with one recent example being a 16,000-member community attempting to individually create...

From ACM News

Computex to Present Design Awards

Computex Taipei will present awards in five different categories on Monday (June 1) to top international innovators and designers in the field of information technology...

From ACM TechNews

New Memory Material May Hold Data For One Billion Years

Alex Zettl and colleagues say enclosing an iron nanoparticle in a hollow carbon nanotube could serve as the foundation for a memory material for the next generation...

Siggraph 2009 Papers Focus on Technology, Advanced Techniques
From ACM News

Siggraph 2009 Papers Focus on Technology, Advanced Techniques

The SIGGRAPH 2009 Technical Papers program is the premier global forum presenting groundbreaking research from today's leading international organizations. Topics...

How IBM Plans to Win Jeopardy!
From ACM TechNews

How IBM Plans to Win Jeopardy!

IBM researchers are developing Watson, a natural-language processing system that will compete against human players in a game of Jeopardy! Demonstrations of the...

Europe's Fastest Computer ­nveiled in Julich
From ACM TechNews

Europe's Fastest Computer ­nveiled in Julich

The German supercomputing center in Julich has added three supercomputers, including the fastest machine in Europe. The new supercomputer at Forschungszentrum Julich...
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