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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Benchmarking Robots with Dog-Inspired Barkour
From ACM TechNews

Benchmarking Robots with Dog-Inspired Barkour

Scientists from Google DeepMind evaluated the agility of quadripedal robots with a dog-agility-inspired course called Barkour.

Food Producers Band Together in Face of Cyber Threats
From ACM TechNews

Food Producers Band Together in Face of Cyber Threats

Executives of U.S. food and agriculture companies say they are collaboratively formalizing information-sharing to fortify themselves against escalating cybersecurity...

Georgia Won't Update Dominion Software Until After 2024 Election
From ACM TechNews

Georgia Won't Update Dominion Software Until After 2024 Election

Based on a two-year-old report, Georgia election officials will not update flawed voting software until after 2024, claiming it is safe despite federal recommendations...

Wrist-Worn Mobile Alcohol Sensor May Boost Alcohol-Use Research
From ACM TechNews

Wrist-Worn Mobile Alcohol Sensor May Boost Alcohol-Use Research

Scientists at Pennsylvania State University and the University of North Carolina created a wrist-worn sensor that collects data on alcohol consumption less obtrusively...

3D Computer Modeling Generates a Facial Approximation of Tutankhamun
From ACM TechNews

3D Computer Modeling Generates a Facial Approximation of Tutankhamun

An international team of researchers has reconstructed the skull and soft tissue of the Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun using three-dimensional computer modeling methods...

Algorithm Uses Phone Camera to Detect Blood Oxygen Levels
From ACM TechNews

Algorithm Uses Phone Camera to Detect Blood Oxygen Levels

Purdue University researchers have developed an algorithm to improve the speed and accuracy of medical diagnoses using smartphone sensors.

'Incompetent' Driverless Cars Wreak Havoc on San Francisco
From ACM TechNews

'Incompetent' Driverless Cars Wreak Havoc on San Francisco

In San Francisco, autonomous vehicles from Cruise and Waymo undergoing "rigorous" training on local roadways are raising safety concerns among residents.

Drone Taxis Take First Test Spin in Israel
From ACM TechNews

Drone Taxis Take First Test Spin in Israel

Israel has begun test flights of autonomous aircraft for heavy cargo, and eventually passenger transport, as part of a two-year, government-led project to manage...

An Algorithm for Sharper Protein Films
From ACM TechNews

An Algorithm for Sharper Protein Films

Researchers have created an algorithm to more precisely analyze ultra-fast protein motion collected by an X-ray free-electron laser facility.

Pen-Based Computing: Still Looking For The Write App
From ACM News

Pen-Based Computing: Still Looking For The Write App

The sector, once popular, is searching for applications and users. 

Black Men Were Likely Underdiagnosed with Lung Problems Due to Bias in Software
From ACM TechNews

Black Men Were Likely Underdiagnosed with Lung Problems Due to Bias in Software

A study published last week suggests built-in software bias may be responsible for the underdiagnosis of lung problems among Black men.

AI Is Writing Code Now. For Companies, That Is Good and Bad
From ACM News

AI Is Writing Code Now. For Companies, That Is Good and Bad

Chief information officers could see their job getting more complex even as generative AI makes software development easier.

Google's Photo App Still Can't Find Gorillas. And Neither Can Apple's
From ACM News

Google's Photo App Still Can't Find Gorillas. And Neither Can Apple's

Eight years after a controversy over Black people being mislabeled as gorillas by image analysis software, tech giants still fear repeating the mistake.

Making Connections
From Communications of the ACM

Making Connections

Bob Metcalfe, recipient of the 2022 ACM A.M. Turing Award for his role in the development of Ethernet, briefly considered a career in tennis.

Standards to Secure the Sensors That Power IoT
From Communications of the ACM

Standards to Secure the Sensors That Power IoT

Existing security standards do not always offer sufficient protection to secure the Internet of Things.

'Digital Twin' of the Titanic Shows Shipwreck in Stunning Detail
From ACM TechNews

'Digital Twin' of the Titanic Shows Shipwreck in Stunning Detail

Digital imaging by deepwater seabed mapping company Magellan for U.K. TV production company Atlantic Productions has yielded a "digital twin" of the RMS Titanic...

A Pioneer in Participatory Design Turns 80
From ACM News

A Pioneer in Participatory Design Turns 80

Christiane Floyd continues to consider the philosophical and ethical concerns of computer science.

Coding Instructors Are Adding AI to Their Lessons – Before AI Replaces Them
From ACM News

Coding Instructors Are Adding AI to Their Lessons – Before AI Replaces Them

Coding schools like General Assembly are preparing engineers and data analysts to use ChatGPT.

Rust Never Sleeps
From ACM News

Rust Never Sleeps

How Rust went from a side project to the world's most-loved programming language.

Self-Driving Cars Must Learn the Language of Cyclists to Keep Roads Safe
From ACM TechNews

Self-Driving Cars Must Learn the Language of Cyclists to Keep Roads Safe

A study of communications between drivers and cyclists suggests new autonomous vehicle systems must be able to replicate those social interactions to ensure safety...
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