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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

From ACM TechNews

Hamburg Internet Technologists Propose Roadmap For Future Internet Design

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences computer scientists led by professor Thomas Schmidt have received a three-year grant for the Hybrid Adaptive Mobile Multicast...

White House ­nveils Cloud Computing Initiative
From ACM TechNews

White House ­nveils Cloud Computing Initiative

The Obama administration has introduced a cloud computing policy that aims to lower infrastructure costs and reduce the environmental impact of government computing...

Software and the Smartphone Will Map Research Across the World
From ACM TechNews

Software and the Smartphone Will Map Research Across the World

Research from Imperial College London scientists indicates that new smartphone software will help epidemiologists and ecologists in the field analyze data remotely...

Collaborators Operate Multiple Biomedical Robots from Numerous Sites
From ACM News

Collaborators Operate Multiple Biomedical Robots from Numerous Sites

Using a new software protocol called the Interoperable Telesurgical Protocol, nine research teams from universities and research institutes around the world recently...

Internet Pioneer Cerf ­rges IPv6 Migrations
From ACM TechNews

Internet Pioneer Cerf ­rges IPv6 Migrations

Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) needs to be implemented now to enable the Internet to continue to grow, Internet pioneer Vinton Cerf said during an event at...

From ACM TechNews

Google Delivers New Java-Like Language: Noop

Google has developed Noop, a new programming language that runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). Google describes Noop as "a new language that attempts to blend...

Google Acquires Recaptcha
From ACM News

Google Acquires Recaptcha

ReCAPTCHA Inc., a spin-off of Carnegie Mellon University's Computer Science Department, has been acquired by Google Inc. The Pittsburgh company developed online...

From ACM TechNews

Harris Corp. Funds Tech Internet Pop-­p Security Research

Harris Corp. will fund a Florida Institute of Technology (FIT) study on the decisions people make when they see pop-up messages while Internet browsing. Researchers...

Advanced Fibre-to-the-Home Network Demonstrated in Irish Research Lab
From ACM TechNews

Advanced Fibre-to-the-Home Network Demonstrated in Irish Research Lab

The European Union-funded Photonic Integrated Extended Metro and Access Network (PIEMAN) research project aims to provide fast Internet access across Europe. The...

Nsf Supported 'cake' Takes It to the Next Level
From ACM News

Nsf Supported 'cake' Takes It to the Next Level

Florida Atlantic University's College of Engineering and Computer Science has received a five-year grant from the U.S. National Science Foundation to create a...

Can You Trust Crowd Wisdom?
From ACM TechNews

Can You Trust Crowd Wisdom?

A researcher who studied the voting patterns on, the Internet Movie Database (IMDb), and the book review site BookCrossings says a small group of users...

­.s. Air Force Funds Super-Fast, Secure Computing
From ACM TechNews

­.s. Air Force Funds Super-Fast, Secure Computing

The U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) is supporting University of Michigan (UM) physicists' development of components for quantum computers that...

Internet Map Questions
From ACM TechNews

Internet Map Questions

The U.S. stimulus package allocated up to $350 million to map out broadband Internet access in the United States for the purpose of guiding broadband expansion...

From ACM TechNews

How Emerging Wireless Techs Are Transforming Healthcare

Heath care technology researchers are taking advantage of faster wireless networks and developing new "telehealth" sensors and devices as part of a booming new...

Rome Is Built in a Day, with Hundreds of Thousands of Digital Photos
From ACM News

Rome Is Built in a Day, with Hundreds of Thousands of Digital Photos

The ancient city of Rome was not built in a day. It took nearly a decade to build the Colosseum, and almost a century to construct St. Peter's Basilica. But now...

Gestures Set to Shake ­p Mobile ­ser Interfaces
From ACM TechNews

Gestures Set to Shake ­p Mobile ­ser Interfaces

Mobile interface expert Christian Lindholm believes that mobile phones will be transformed in the next few years due to advances in fold-out screens, gesture controls...

Fly-By-Wireless Set For Take-Off
From ACM TechNews

Fly-By-Wireless Set For Take-Off

Aircraft manufacturers eager to reduce the weight of planes are looking into the replacement of copper wiring with wireless networks. Imbuing fly-by-wireless networks...

From ACM TechNews

Domain-Name Abuse Proliferates; Rogue Registrars Turn a Blind Eye

Domain name abuse continues to be a serious problem, which is too often proliferated by some registrars who are willing to overlook phony registration information...

Chinese Schools Quietly Discard Controversial Web Filter
From ACM News

Chinese Schools Quietly Discard Controversial Web Filter

Schools in Beijing are quietly removing the Green Dam filter, which was required for all school computers in July, due to complaints over problems with the software...

Digital Contacts Will Keep an Eye on Your Vital Signs
From ACM TechNews

Digital Contacts Will Keep an Eye on Your Vital Signs

University of Washington (UW) researchers are developing a contact lens with a wirelessly powered light-emitting diode (LED) in the hope that the device can be...
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