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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Chinese Schools Quietly Discard Controversial Web Filter
From ACM News

Chinese Schools Quietly Discard Controversial Web Filter

Schools in Beijing are quietly removing the Green Dam filter, which was required for all school computers in July, due to complaints over problems with the software...

Digital Contacts Will Keep an Eye on Your Vital Signs
From ACM TechNews

Digital Contacts Will Keep an Eye on Your Vital Signs

University of Washington (UW) researchers are developing a contact lens with a wirelessly powered light-emitting diode (LED) in the hope that the device can be...

SC09 Draws Many New Faces to World's Premier Supercomputing Event
From ACM TechNews

SC09 Draws Many New Faces to World's Premier Supercomputing Event

Approximately 11,000 researchers, scientists, engineers, and computing experts from around the world are expected to attend SCO9 high-performance computing (HPC)...

Communications Web Site Wins Best New Site Award
From ACM News

Communications Web Site Wins Best New Site Award

ACM's Web platform for its flagship publication Communications of the ACM ( garnered the top award for best new Web site by Media Business magazine...

On the Road to Secure Car-to-Car Communications
From ICT Results

On the Road to Secure Car-to-Car Communications

A European research project works out how to keep car-to-car data transmissions private and secure from malicious hackers.

Nsf Grant Supports Distributed Mobile Apps Management
From ACM TechNews

Nsf Grant Supports Distributed Mobile Apps Management

Williams College will conduct research into managing distributed applications on mobile computing platforms that make use of cell phones, vehicles, and embedded...

Role For Robots: Helping Elderly at Home
From ACM TechNews

Role For Robots: Helping Elderly at Home

Three University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) engineers and a Rush University nursing specialist have been awarded a three-year, $989,000 National Science Foundation...

From ACM TechNews

Computer Scientists Win Morpho Challenge 2009

University of Bristol computer scientists have won the Morpho Challenge, an international science competition financed by the European Union through its PASCAL...

From ACM TechNews

Smart Sensors Power Interaction

More than 70 demonstrations of interactive technologies that use sensors for a wide range of applications were showcased at the Human Computer Interaction conference's...

Nationwide Research Network Will Expand Supercomputer Capabilities
From ACM TechNews

Nationwide Research Network Will Expand Supercomputer Capabilities

Indiana University (IU) researchers will lead a four-year, $15 million National Science Foundation project to develop software to connect future supercomputers...

Purdue Receives $105 Million to Lead National Earthquake Engineering Network
From ACM News

Purdue Receives $105 Million to Lead National Earthquake Engineering Network

The U.S. National Science Foundation awarded $105 million to a Purdue-led team to spearhead a center that will serve as headquarters for the operations of the George...

How Do You Say Grid Computing in Spanish?
From ICT Results

How Do You Say Grid Computing in Spanish?

Encouraged by the success of grid computing in Europe, scientists there set out to help their Latin American colleagues develop grid capability. The result today...

From ACM TechNews

Internet Address Run-Out: Is It Time to Panic?

Most Internet-based estimates show that IPv4 addresses are scheduled to run out by July 22, 2011. However, researcher Stephan Lagerholm has come up with an earlier...

Open-Source Camera Could Revolutionize Digital Photography
From ACM TechNews

Open-Source Camera Could Revolutionize Digital Photography

The Frankencamera is an open source device developed by Stanford University researchers that will enable programmers to change the camera's features and support...

Arkansas Receives $3.3 Million Grant From National Science Foundation
From ACM TechNews

Arkansas Receives $3.3 Million Grant From National Science Foundation

The University of Arkansas has received a $3.3 million National Science Foundation grant to build and support a cyberinfrastructure and to train students and workers...

Mobile Phones Are Key to Learning of the Future
From ACM TechNews

Mobile Phones Are Key to Learning of the Future

In a speech entitled "Learning in a Technology Enhanced World," Open University of the Netherlands professor Marcus Specht will argue that mobile phones are one...

Bio-Computing Day Planned For Sc09
From ACM TechNews

Bio-Computing Day Planned For Sc09

Biologist Leroy Hood will be the plenary speaker for the 22nd annual SCO9 conference, which takes place Nov. 14-20, in Portland, Ore. Hood, president and co-founder...

Electrical Circuit Runs Entirely Off Power in Trees
From ACM News

Electrical Circuit Runs Entirely Off Power in Trees

You've heard about flower power. What about tree power? It turns out that it's there, in small but measurable quantities. There's enough power in trees for University...

Empathy in the Virtual World
From ACM TechNews

Empathy in the Virtual World

Professor G. Anthony Gorry of Rice University's Center for Technology in Teaching and Learning is concerned that our empathy toward other people — and our ability...

How Belief Makes European E-Infrastructure Real
From ICT Results

How Belief Makes European E-Infrastructure Real

Europe has turned its early belief and investment in the potential of e-Infrastructures and virtual research into a position of strength, especially in e-Science...
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