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Communications of the ACM



An edited collection of advanced computing news from Communications of the ACM, ACM TechNews, other ACM resources, and news sites around the Web.

Web Tool 'as Important as Google'
From ACM TechNews

Web Tool 'as Important as Google'

Physicist Stephen Wolfram says the goal of his free Wolfram Alpha program, which will be available to the public starting in the middle of May, is to "make expert...

Quantum Cryptography: Hackers' R.i.p.?
From ACM TechNews

Quantum Cryptography: Hackers' R.i.p.?

Researchers from Toshiba and Cambridge University's Cavendish Laboratory say secure quantum communication is possible with practical components for high-speed photon...

From ACM TechNews

Sending Cell Phones Into the Cloud

Intel Research Berkeley scientists Byung-Gon Chun and Petros Maniatis have developed CloneCloud, a cloud computing-based clone of smartphones that can handle large...

Consortium Lights the Way for Photonics Research Community
From ICT Results

Consortium Lights the Way for Photonics Research Community

An umbrella group set up to give direction to Europe's emerging photonics community has proposed a program of strategic research and is calling for action to address...

Rfid Wristband Becomes a Theme Park Essential
From ACM News

Rfid Wristband Becomes a Theme Park Essential

In a nondescript manufacturing plant on a quiet cul-de-sac in San Fernando, Calif., a khaki-green machine the size of a buffet table sucks in bright pink ribbon...

Here Comes the Smart Grid
From ACM News

Here Comes the Smart Grid

A new data model developed by researchers at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, at other universities, and in the private sector will help facilities and buildings...

Software: The Eternal Battlefield in the Unending Cyberwars
From ACM TechNews

Software: The Eternal Battlefield in the Unending Cyberwars

Cybercriminals still have the upper hand on the Internet despite nearly two decades of technological advancement, and Carnegie Mellon University professor William...

Iranians and Others Outwit Net Censors
From ACM TechNews

Iranians and Others Outwit Net Censors

People around the world are circumventing their governments' censorship of Web content using tools developed and provided by a diverse coalition of political and...

From ACM TechNews

Panel Advises Clarifying U.S. Plans on Cyberwar

A report based on a three-year study by a panel assembled by the National Academy of Sciences says the United States does not have a clear military policy on how...

From ACM TechNews

­niversities Angle For Billions to Build Obama's New Broadband Network

Several higher-education information technology groups are working to influence the U.S. broadband strategy and help steer the distribution of $4.7 billion in Internet...

Congressman Langevin Determined to Prevent a 'cyber 9/11'
From ACM TechNews

Congressman Langevin Determined to Prevent a 'cyber 9/11'

In an interview, Rep. James R. Langevin (D-R.I.), the co-founder and co-chair of the House Cybersecurity Caucus, said he promises to do everything he can to prevent...

From ACM TechNews

Traffic Demands to Disrupt the Internet By 2010

The World Wide Web has reached a critical point, warns Nemertes Research in a new report, which claims that increased online traffic will likely result in slower...

Smart Electric Vehicle Charger Won't Strain the Power Grid
From ACM News

Smart Electric Vehicle Charger Won't Strain the Power Grid

Using a new technology developed at the U.S. Department of Energy's Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, electric vehicle owners can plug in their cars and forget...

Computers Bring Efficiency to the Infrastructure
From ACM News

Computers Bring Efficiency to the Infrastructure

Low-cost sensors, clever software, and computing firepower are key ingredients of an emerging computing trend called smart infrastructure — efficient and environmentally...

From ACM TechNews

­U.S. Steps ­Up Effort on Digital Defenses

The United States is engaged in an international race to develop both cyberweapons and cyberdefenses. Thousands of daily attacks on federal and private computer...

Google Tries Jump-Starting 3D Web Graphics
From ACM TechNews

Google Tries Jump-Starting 3D Web Graphics

Google has released O3D, software designed to bring accelerated three-dimensional (3D) graphics to Web browsers. The program is a browser plug-in for Internet...

­.n. Launches Library of World's Knowledge
From ACM TechNews

­.n. Launches Library of World's Knowledge

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) has officially launched the World Digital Library, an Internet-based library that...

Network Pioneer Cited For Revolutionary Advances in Web Search Techniques
From ACM News

Network Pioneer Cited For Revolutionary Advances in Web Search Techniques

ACM announced Tuesday (April 28) that Jon Kleinberg, a professor at Cornell University, is the recipient of the 2008 ACM-Infosys Foundation Award in the Computing...

Wireless Networks Can Now Be Truly Wireless
From ACM TechNews

Wireless Networks Can Now Be Truly Wireless

Researchers at Karlstad University in Sweden are collaborating with researchers at Deutsche Telekom Laboratories to test technology that promises to maintain the...

Researchers Work on Web Site Credibility Tests
From ACM TechNews

Researchers Work on Web Site Credibility Tests

Scientists at the Know-Center, a technology research center in Austria, are developing software capable of quickly determining if a Web site is a credible source...
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